From what I've read today on TBBS and other blogs and Facebook comments, the general consensus is that a post-Star Trek Beyond tv show executive produced by Kurtzman will most likely be set in JJ-Verse.
Allow me to let the hot air out of that theory for just a moment wont you?
This show will be produced by CBS. When Viacom and CBS divorced in 2005, the Star Trek franchise was unknowingly split up between the reformed companies. Viacom and it's subsidiary Paramount retained ownership of the movie franchise both past and future, whereas CBS held the rights to the television franchise, past, present and future.
This is one of the reasons for the existence of the JJ-verse, an alternate timeline wholly-owned by Paramount that wouldn't require licensing of the Prime-Universe television franchise timeline.
Which is to say that CBS will most likely set this show in the CBS-owned Prime timeline or perhaps (likely?) we will get another spin-off universe from the Prime universe, that CBS will own separate from the JJ-Verse.
But, regardless of anything, whatever Star Trek 2017 turns out to be, rest ye weary JJ haters, Nu-Trek this will not be.
What are your thoughts on the matter?
Allow me to let the hot air out of that theory for just a moment wont you?
This show will be produced by CBS. When Viacom and CBS divorced in 2005, the Star Trek franchise was unknowingly split up between the reformed companies. Viacom and it's subsidiary Paramount retained ownership of the movie franchise both past and future, whereas CBS held the rights to the television franchise, past, present and future.
This is one of the reasons for the existence of the JJ-verse, an alternate timeline wholly-owned by Paramount that wouldn't require licensing of the Prime-Universe television franchise timeline.
Which is to say that CBS will most likely set this show in the CBS-owned Prime timeline or perhaps (likely?) we will get another spin-off universe from the Prime universe, that CBS will own separate from the JJ-Verse.
But, regardless of anything, whatever Star Trek 2017 turns out to be, rest ye weary JJ haters, Nu-Trek this will not be.
What are your thoughts on the matter?