Star Trek 2017 will not be set in the JJ-Verse

It's really good news if a future Trek series in 2017 will not be set in the JJ-verse because that has screwed up established Trek history too much.

The bad news is that Bryan Fuller is involved. :mad:
You know, I'd love to see a series set just after TUC. It's the only era that hasn't really been explored yet but it's still familiar due to the movies. Probably won't happen though.
You know, I'd love to see a series set just after TUC. It's the only era that hasn't really been explored yet but it's still familiar due to the movies. Probably won't happen though.

The comment about TUC being a jumping off point got me thinking. The way TUC was a reflection of the fall of the Berlin wall, it would be interesting to see a series set 25 years after TUC with a resurgent Klingon empire. They're not the power they were in TOS, but what looked like peace has hit a stall. It could set up the battle that destroyed the Enterprise C and led to the final peace treaty. Conveniently, 25 years would put us right in the middle of the time span between TUC/Generations and Yesterday's Enterprise, so there aren't that many points of canon to worry about.
Here's the Meyer interview:

Here are the key two paragraphs:

I think it’s going to be a different Star Trek. It will go in a different direction. And I think that is probably good. Because the thing that mainly troubles me about Star Trek is the fear of it being maybe re-treads of itself. And to the degree that I had any influence on the thing [Star Trek] at all was that, at least while I was there, we were fooling around. And if you’re not fooling around, then things can become stale. And I think that Bryan [Fuller]—who is a very clever fellow—has ideas—some of which I’ve heard—that are innovative and different. Different is what got me interested.
The one thing I can relate to you is that The Undiscovered Country—according to Bryan [Fuller]—is a real sort of taking off point, or touchstone for how I guess he’s thinking about the direction of the new show. I don’t want to be misquoted and I don’t want to misquote him, but he’s fond of that film. Let’s put it that way.

My thinking is this will not be a TNG-or-later show, or if it is it will be radically different to the version we know. It will be about relationships, not technology. Back to basics. More likely the period will be just before or after the TOS period, to keep that frontier feeling, and the antagonistic relationship with the Klingons.

My guess is they will want to avoid the temptation of holodeck episodes, so if there is some holographic tech it will be different to what we've seen so far on the show; probably augmented reality. Actually, I wish they had asked Meyer about his opinion on the holodeck - his response might have told us a lot.

The importance of TUC is interesting, and could probably be interpreted in many ways. My guess is that the destruction of Vulcan will be like the Praxis explosion in its effect. It will heighten political tensions, increasing the danger of war. It may also cause the surviving Vulcans to become more antagonistic than their traditional neutral stance.

Oh my god, please no!

Not that I don't understand the reasoning behind it. But you just perfectly described Enterprise.

A new Star Trek show shouldn't be ashamed to do, you know, Star Trek. Holodecks and Beaming included.
It's really good news if a future Trek series in 2017 will not be set in the JJ-verse because that has screwed up established Trek history too much.

The bad news is that Bryan Fuller is involved. :mad:
Could Fuller mold JJTrek into something which is more in tone with the old Trek, before Berman started messing things up?
It's really good news if a future Trek series in 2017 will not be set in the JJ-verse because that has screwed up established Trek history too much.

No worse than it messed up it's own within a few episodes. And don't get me started on Voyager and that damn useless pixie character, that was the real low point.
Sorry but I'm going to get you started on Voyager and that amazing pixie character.

Which is the reason I really dislike the guy.

Plus the fact that he is a really lousy writer and Braga's lap dog.
Sorry but I'm going to get you started on Voyager and that amazing pixie character.

Which is the reason I really dislike the guy.

Plus the fact that he is a really lousy writer and Braga's lap dog.
Um... what?

Fuller is one of, if not, THE most creative writer in television. Hannibal is one of the best shows of the last 10-15 years, and Pushing Daisies, Wonderfalls and Dead Like Me are no pushovers either.
Yes, he was very created when he and that other lap dog Michael Taylor helped master Braga to ruin the character Kes and spit the fans of Kes in their faces by coming upm with the crap story "Fury".
Yes, he was very created when he and that other lap dog Michael Taylor helped master Braga to ruin the character Kes and spit the fans of Kes in their faces by coming upm with the crap story "Fury".
You have no clue what you're talking about.
I liked Kes, and I liked "Fury" :shrug:

When Fuller was on Trek, he was a first time writer. A creative guy, that worked under the regimen of other people. Under their rules and guidances. I'm pretty sure things will be considerably different when he's in charge. For better or worse.
When Kes was kicked out in season 4, there were a lot of fans who wanted her back.

There was a letter campaign going for having Kes re-instated as a main character. Obviously it made a certain impact on those in charge.

They were faced with two choices.

They could bring back Kes as a main character.

Or they could simply ignore the fans request.

They did choose the third option: To bring back the character, ruin the character, kill her off and thus showing the big finger to the fans. Which they did!

The only thing they didn't managed to do was to kill off the character because Jennifer Lien wanted another ending than that.

Those responsible for that horrible episode was Brannon Braga and his two lap dogs Bryan Fuller and Michael Taylor.

As a fan of the character Kes, I felt deeply insulted by that episode. So insulted that I quit Voyager there and then. I only watched "Endgane" after that and that was also a piece of s**t.

I haven't forgotten and I haven't forgiven.

Just the mention of Braga, Fuller and M.Taylor makes me wanna puke.
I liked Kes, and I liked "Fury" :shrug:

When Fuller was on Trek, he was a first time writer. A creative guy, that worked under the regimen of other people. Under their rules and guidances. I'm pretty sure things will be considerably different when he's in charge. For better or worse.
Precisely so. Regardless of Fuller's work on VOY, he is in a whole new level now. Treating his VOY work as proof of what this new series will be is jumping to a lot of conclusions.
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Precisely so. Regardless of Fuller's work on VOY, he is in a whole new level now. Treating his VOY work as proof of what this new series will be is jumping to a lot of conclusions.
I guess you're right about that.

I only stated the reason why I dislike Fuller.
I guess you're right about that.

I only stated the reason why I dislike Fuller.
Which is totally fair, in my opinion. I don't mind hearing it at all, and thank you for sharing :)

I was actually looking forward to more of the discussion.
There is other media out there besides Trek.

Judging by Fuller's extensive body of television work in the decade and a half since VOY ended, he will handle this new show just fine.

Oh my god, please no!

Not that I don't understand the reasoning behind it. But you just perfectly described Enterprise.

A new Star Trek show shouldn't be ashamed to do, you know, Star Trek. Holodecks and Beaming included.
I don't see how anything I said "perfectly described Enterprise". When I said "back to basics", I meant back to TOS.

And weighing all the pros and cons, on balance I'd say holodeck episodes are something Star Trek should be ashamed of. :p
Didn't care for Kes, didn't care for Voyager, have liked a lot of Fuller's work since Trek. So, I'm good.

I hope they never show another holodeck again.