So, Laris or Beverly

Fair enough......

Sorry for replying to an older post in this thread but when did Beverly act in this fashion?

From my perspective, when didn't she act in that fashion? I felt like it got worse as the seasons went on, but for all I know they wrote her exactly that way.

Of course, YMMV and I didn't feel that way during first run. It could be I'm just more sensitive to certain character traits in my older age (ie: the "get off my lawn" mindset).
From my perspective, when didn't she act in that fashion? I felt like it got worse as the seasons went on, but for all I know they wrote her exactly that way.

Of course, YMMV and I didn't feel that way during first run. It could be I'm just more sensitive to certain character traits in my older age (ie: the "get off my lawn" mindset).

Oh I see. No I kind of get that, I thought Beverly had this "I me and I" thing going on sometimes myself while watching TNG
You can. I'm just going off of best apparent fit with Picard, not my own standard of physical beauty.

But, neither is prescriptive with fictional characters.

Why are we all so afraid of saying physical beauty exists? To conform? To some idiotic standard of politeness? Be polite. Be kind. Don't be stupid.
Why are we all so afraid of saying physical beauty exists? To conform? To some idiotic standard of politeness? Be polite. Be kind. Don't be stupid.
Because it's shallow, like year book style voting for "most attractive couple." or some other superficial standard. I don't want that. Give me goodness of fit with Picard as a character.
Because it's shallow, like year book style voting for "most attractive couple." or some other superficial standard. I don't want that. Give me goodness of fit with Picard as a character.

Au contraire, Mon Capitan!

If you say J-L P, you have to take what comes with him. Year book style voting, I get.

Still doesn't prove your point.
Au contraire, Mon Capitan!

If you say J-L P, you have to take what comes with him. Year book style voting, I get.

Still doesn't prove your point.
It's not a matter of proof. It's my opinion that way too much emphasis is put on physical appearance and limited regard for fit of the characters. If you want proof then you're asking the wrong person. It's all my opinion.
This is neither here nor there. Choose. That was the whole point of this post.

If I may help (totally screwing the polls):

Laris, always. (Thanks to underestimated PIC)
Then Diana Muldaur (Pulaski).
Then Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden).

As it is, so it shall be.

Come on, admit it, we can't choose!

We love all three.

I meant to imply that I preferred Laris
Well, new twist, but actually more cliche. When Picard meet with Beverly in season 3, he'll meet his son / daughter for the first time. Not only one, but three, just like in Star Trek Generation. Of course that event make Picard confused, as he never get a laid with dr. Crusher or anyone. At the end, Picard will realized that the children actually are the result of dr. Crusher experiment in her medical research that using Picard's genes / sperm.

she had a child with Shinzon.
Insemination... DNA cloning... if they can make a Shinzon from Picard's DNA, they can clone each other / inseminate as needed.