So, Laris or Beverly

Both, plus Admiral Daren, retired. It's the 26th century ;)

Not to be a huge nerd but........25th.

Plus it's kind of scummy to go after your best friend's wife, even if he's been dead for decades. There are certain things you just don't do.

But your late valet's wife is fair game?

It's the 24th to 25th century. Polygamy should be legal.

We know the Andorians and Denoblians practice it...
But your late valet's wife is fair game?
A. I already I said I wasn't sold on Picard/Laris. Just not to the same extent I'm not sold on Picard/Crusher.

B. Picard may have been friendly to Laris and Zhaban, but that doesn't mean they were friends. There's a difference between friendly and actual friend.

C. Laris is a Romulan and manipulative. She wants to be filled and she sees Picard as available and around to do that if she can get him out of his shell. He's not the one instigating this, she is, and she's counting on Picard being easy prey.
C. Laris is a Romulan and manipulative. She wants to be filled and she sees Picard as available and around to do that if she can get him out of his shell. He's not the one instigating this, she is, and she's counting on Picard being easy prey.
What if, at the start of Season 3 of ST:Picard, we find out that Laris & JLP has a kid together?

Then whatever crisis emerges out of the new Transwarp Corridor that the Borg Co-operative are guarding starts to move about and StarFleet calls on JLP & his All Star crew of compatriots who are now Captains in their own right.

Captain Riker, Captain LaForge, Captain Worf, Captain Crusher, all lead by Admiral JLP.
It just seems like that if he was destined to end up with Beverly, it would have happened before now. But S3 is still to go...
I'm not a "shipper..." but this is still a fun question, so....

Laris by a few lightyears. It's not even close. Then Vash, Commander Darren, and Beverly is batting last.
Terry Matalas' interview with Inglorious Trek seems to imply that Beverly and Jean-Luc did indeed become romantically involved after Nemesis