Should there be a "Temporal Cold War"-angle to SNW?

Nope.. But them messing with Pikes time vision like mess in with the kids wouos be okay.

They'll do some kind of time travel eventually.. This is trek.
If there were 20-25 episodes per season, sure, a few time travel throwaway episodes are fine. If it's 10-20% of the season, no way.

How many times can we see the same story 'the future isn't set in stone?' Personally, I think it's more interesting to have to deal with your own personal choices from the past and make the best of them.
I actually don't want a full season arc or anything like that with the TWC.

But I think having a big episode or a two-parter dedicated to the idea of "the future isn't actually set in stone yet" would not only be a good idea, but is kind of a necessity at this point.

Connecting that to ENT is just me spitballing - hell, they can (and probably should) totally invent their own time travel paradoxon.

But as much as it's a certainty we will eventually have many time-travel episodes on SNW - I think it's important to connect that to Pike's vision. And rather sooner than later.

I think we are supposed to think that Pike knowing his future, and thus at no risk of dying in the next decade, will result in him making reckless decisions – decisions that will get some of his crew killed. Introducing the TCW to deal with Pike knowing he won't die will kill that tension. I’m not saying that they can’t change Pike’s future, just that they should see this tension through.

If SNW wants a TCW story, then a follow up on the Suliban & Tholians, or Suliban & Kliingons, or Suliban & Tandarans would do. Or bring Future Guy back and show he’s still around in Pike’s time. Even have a Romulan TCW story, since it was once thought that Future Guy was wearing a Romulan uniform.
I think we are supposed to think that Pike knowing his future, and thus at no risk of dying in the next decade, will result in him making reckless decisions – decisions that will get some of his crew killed. Introducing the TCW to deal with Pike knowing he won't die will kill that tension. I’m not saying that they can’t change Pike’s future, just that they should see this tension through.

If SNW wants a TCW story, then a follow up on the Suliban & Tholians, or Suliban & Kliingons, or Suliban & Tandarans would do. Or bring Future Guy back and show he’s still around in Pike’s time. Even have a Romulan TCW story, since it was once thought that Future Guy was wearing a Romulan uniform.

I think some of these things would work better separately from each other:

I'd like to see the Suliban again - they are cool looking (more interesting than the usual bumpy forehead) and the genetic engineering and fits right into SNW. No need to connect then to the TWC or Future Guy again - they work better on their own.

Future Guy could IMO work great as an antagonist to the Traveler, or something similar weird. Never really liked Daniels as a Time Cop.

The Tholians can fit great into a Time travel story. But I think they don't fit into the whole TWC - they're to much "normal" antagonists.
But again as my main point - in a future where time travel is possible - it only not makes sense, it's kind of inevitable that there would be conflicts around time travel. It doesn't exactly have to be the same TWC from ENT. Hell SNW definitely would need to put it's own spin on it. But I think a "cold war" with espionage definitely works better than an "active" time war, which would get very silly very fast.
Not even Berman and Braga liked it. It was forced on them by the network.
The TCW is ultimately what drove me away from ENT around the end of season 2. I have yet to watch or rewatch any episodes. That's how bad of a taste the TCW left in my mouth. :ack:
It seems that I'm going to have to go against the popular kids on this question, and that's okay. Today's my birthday and I'm at an age that I really don't care what anyone thinks of me anymore. Life is way too short for that. That said, the TCW was actually my favorite part of Enterprise, except for how they ended it, which clearly was something they felt they needed to do. Before that though, it was a fascinating subplot and had a potential for a lot of good stories if they had decided to put some effort into it, and has a lot of potential for reasonable and rational carry over into other parts of the Trek world. I do have to confess that time travel stories are one of my best guilty pleasures and I'm always a sucker for them, so when they started out Enterprise with that kind of premise they had me hooked...until the end at least, although I did enjoy the rest of season 4 after that but I attribute that to the contribution of the Reeves-Stevens on the writing staff, two of the best Trek novelists who've ever put pen to paper. And They certainly know how to do a good time travel story as they show in Federation.
The Temporal Cold War was an idea inserted into Enterprise only because the Studio Suits had no faith in a prequel concept and wanted some element of "the future" there. And even then, Enterprise could barely be bothered to do anything with it, as indeed of the 52 episodes in the first two seasons, only eight were connected to it, and the eighth basically shoved that storyline aside to get the Xindi story arc set up. Aside from Daniels showing up throughout the third season, the TCW was basically forgotten until the finale with its cliffhanger scene setting up the TCW's resolution in the season 4 premiere.

SNW has the faith and backing of the studio to flourish in the time period its set in. It has no requirement to bring "the future" into it, besides the already established stuff about Pike knowing his fate. And the writers are clearly capable of coming up with their own storylines for the show without needing to riff on Enterprise's unwanted and largely unloved burden. And anyway, Modern Trek is already acknowledging the TCW in Disco anyway. There is absolutely no reason for SNW to do anything with it. At all.
Today's my birthday
Happy Birthday.
I think some of these things would work better separately from each other:

I'd like to see the Suliban again - they are cool looking (more interesting than the usual bumpy forehead) and the genetic engineering and fits right into SNW. No need to connect then to the TWC or Future Guy again - they work better on their own.

Future Guy could IMO work great as an antagonist to the Traveler, or something similar weird. Never really liked Daniels as a Time Cop.

The Tholians can fit great into a Time travel story. But I think they don't fit into the whole TWC - they're to much "normal" antagonists.

I suppose that the Suliban and Future Guy could go their separate ways over having different goals. It is a hundred years later.

Daniels only bothered Archer. No one else mattered to him. Unless Admiral Archer time travels to the future and pays Pike a visit, I don’t think there is anything to worry about in regards to a future Daniels visit. And besides, Ducane would be more interesting.

Not much is known about the Tholians involvement in the TCW in general, or how invested they are in time travel? But that they fought with the Suliban over a ship from the 31st century must count for something.

But I think a "cold war" with espionage definitely works better than an "active" time war, which would get very silly very fast.

If they go the espionage route, and are also okay with the Suliban being used, then they have to keep the Tandarans around too, as their conflict was very much a cold war situation. Even if the Tandarans are a part of the Federation in Pike’s time, there might be some Tandarans still stuck in that "cold war" mentality. Could even include TOS/ENT S4 Klingons disguised as Tandarans to follow up on the Suliban trying to destabilize the Klingon Empire all the way back at the end of the series premiere of ENT.
I can't lie. I wouldn't hate it if, when Orville ends, KurtzCo reached out to Braga for some time travel shenanigans. But I also know the likelihood of that ever happening is about 0.0003%.
Sounds like there have already been to many temporal shifts. If temporal shifts continue to happen, eventually the shifts could snap back to time before the Federation, maybe a thousand years prior to when the tea cup that shattered in all directions, doesnt actually shatter and sets the theory of time travel back 2,500 years.
The Temporal Cold War was an idea inserted into Enterprise only because the Studio Suits had no faith in a prequel concept and wanted some element of "the future" there. And even then, Enterprise could barely be bothered to do anything with it, as indeed of the 52 episodes in the first two seasons, only eight were connected to it, and the eighth basically shoved that storyline aside to get the Xindi story arc set up. Aside from Daniels showing up throughout the third season, the TCW was basically forgotten until the finale with its cliffhanger scene setting up the TCW's resolution in the season 4 premiere.

SNW has the faith and backing of the studio to flourish in the time period its set in. It has no requirement to bring "the future" into it, besides the already established stuff about Pike knowing his fate. And the writers are clearly capable of coming up with their own storylines for the show without needing to riff on Enterprise's unwanted and largely unloved burden. And anyway, Modern Trek is already acknowledging the TCW in Disco anyway. There is absolutely no reason for SNW to do anything with it. At all.

Happy Birthday.

I too read about how the TWC was basically forced upon the writers by the studio.
But: As a viewer back then I didn't knew that!

And I have to be honest: After ENTs premiere, I was very intrigued by the concept. And Future Guy and the Suliban were at least much more interesting than starting another Trek series with just the Klingons as antagonists again. ENT still has one of the better pilots of all Trek series. And IMO the potential of the TWC is a part of that.

But then the whole thing just fizzled out. There was no development to this story, no real plot, and all mysteries remained unanswered. THAT is IMO the sin of the TWC - not the initial idea.

Of course this shouldn't be forced on the SNW writers. But if they're searching for ideas - I think this one is actually one worth picking up on. Not as a major factor for the series - but why not an episode or two factoring in with Pike's destiny?
I'm thinking a lot about this lately.
I don't think the Temporal Cold War was done very successfully on ENT. But it would actually solve a lot of SNW's problems - even more than on ENT.

Pike knows he won't die.
He saw his accident. He knows exactly WHEN and WHERE it's going to happen. No matter what crazy stunt he pulls - no matter how bad the odds - he will survive. Doing one-shot manoevers against the Gorn? Picking chances on blowing up one of two asteroids? He can do that. For him, it's not "a lucky throw". It's the logical choice. Basically, the only time he should be worried is when he leaves the Enterprise, then worry for his friends. But whenever he's in command? The big E won't blow up.

ENT introduced a time-conflict atually TWICE: Once in the series premiere - and then AGAIN in the Xindi-war, to make us believe Earth actually "could" be destroyed.

In fact, this is the whole reason Berman & Braga introduced the Temporal Cold War in the fist place - and it's a GOOD reason (only the execution was lacking) : If you make a prequel, people know how it will end. This is my problem with all the relationship drama on SNW: We know how these end. By having actual altercations to the timeline, there's at least a chance things will go differently. They probably won't - the same as Earth won't be destroyed on DIS - but at least the option is theoretically on the table.

So I say: SNW needs to introdue some timey-wimey conflict. Something that clearly clashes with Pike's vision. Maybe kill one of the kids he's supposed to save. Basically - Pike should be uncertain if his vision actually IS his future, right up until the very moment it happens. And we as viewers should be guessing - is this timeline different? Do Spock & T'Pring actually have a future here? They can even play with it why everything looks "a bit different". Also IMO it would be neat if that thread from ENT would be carried over - it's a time conflict, it should take place at multiple times.

So - bring it on! Do some time-travel stuff! Don't actually make it an alternate timeline. But play with the possibilities. And most importantly - make stuff LESS pre-determined.

What do you think?

The TCW was a stupid idea to begin with. It undermined Enterprise's premise right out of the gate and ruined what many fans were wanting to starfleet and the federation came about originally. This is a prequel series. I want to see how things played out with no interference from time traveling meddlers. That garbage is best left buried with Berman/Braga.

And I reject your premise with SNW having "problems". The whole thing with Pike has been explained enough already. There have been subtle hints to it dropped and we're only six episodes in. Let the season play it itself out.