the Son'a producing white is mentioned in both Insurrection and DS9 IIRC. (Edit, Memory-Alpha says yes, Insurrection and the DS9 episode 'Penumbra')
The Deep Space Nine Transcripts - Penumbra
DAMAR: The Defiant is returning to Federation space. I'm ordering our ships to pursue.
WEYOUN: No. Divert them to the So'na outpost on Devos Two.
WEYOUN: We need their to help protect the new Ketracel white facility. The Federation has been made aware of its location.
DAMAR: Can't the So'na protect it?
[Enterprise library]
RIKER: Half a century ago they conquered two primitive races, the Tarlac and the Ellora, and then integrated them into their culture as a labour class. ...Look at this. The Son'a are known to have produced vast quantities of the narcotic ketracel-white.
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