Season 5 Episode Titles Revealed


Premium Member
and there are only 10 of them.... I was really hoping for more for the final season.
  • Episode 1: “Red Directive” (Michelle Paradise)
  • Episode 2: “Under the Twin Moons” (Alan McElroy)
  • Episode 3: “Jinaal” (Kyle Jarrow & Lauren Wilkinson)
  • Episode 4: “Face the Strange” (Sean Cochran)
  • Episode 5: “Mirrors” (Johanna Lee & Carlos Cisco)
  • Episode 6: “Whistlespeak” (Kenneth Lin & Brandon A. Schultz)
  • Episode 7 “Erigah” (M. Raven Metzner)
  • Episode 8: “Labyrinths” (Lauren Wilkinson & Eric J. Robbins)
  • Episode 9: “Lagrange Point” (Sean Cochran & Ari Friedman)
  • Episode 10: “Life, Itself” (Kyle Jarrow & Michelle Paradise)
This was also posted in the General thread here.
I think it deserves its own thread, so it doesn't get lost in the sea of the General thread.

Adding my take here:

"Under the Twin Moons" - I love this title!
"Labyrinths" - David Bowie guest-stars through archival footage!
"Life, Itself" - A good title for a final episode.

I think "Mirrors" is NOT a Mirror Universe episode. Too obvious. I'm picturing something like the scene with Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon where he's evading his opponent by using the reflection of mirrors to his advantage. Or it's an introspective episode where characters are taking a long, hard look at themselves and reflecting. The latter sounds more likely since it's the midpoint of the season. But who knows?
The season had already completed filming when the cancellation was announced. More episodes would not have been possible, and that's before you factor in the strikes that followed in the ensuing months.
I wonder if this will give us a more ambiguous TNG ending, rather than "half the crew moves on to other ships, etc" like DS9.
I assume "Jinaal" and "Erigah" are just titles named after characters in their stories but if not does anyone know what they might be in a real language (English or otherwise)? "Jinaal" reminds me of "Su'Kal", "Jetrel", and "Raijin". With Erigah I think of the MST3K movie Eegah!
I think "Mirrors" is NOT a Mirror Universe episode. Too obvious. I'm picturing something like the scene with Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon where he's evading his opponent by using the reflection of mirrors to his advantage. Or it's an introspective episode where characters are taking a long, hard look at themselves and reflecting. The latter sounds more likely since it's the midpoint of the season. But who knows?
Plus wasn't it said that travel to mirror universe was impossible in the 32nd Century?
Plus wasn't it said that travel to mirror universe was impossible in the 32nd Century?
Yup. The two universes are too far diverged. Same as the Kelvin Timeline. It's one of the reasons why when Carl sent Georgiou back to revisit the Mirror Universe, it was to the 23rd Century MU. Aside from the fact it was where her previous life was.
Here's a thought: What if Rayner's arc mirrors L'ak and Moll's, except on the opposite side?

That's my advanced prediction.
Plus wasn't it said that travel to mirror universe was impossible in the 32nd Century?

It was, but truly in the moment I was hearing that dialogue the first time, I was saying "why are you doing this, writers? You know you're not actually going to stay away from the MU..."
It was, but truly in the moment I was hearing that dialogue the first time, I was saying "why are you doing this, writers? You know you're not actually going to stay away from the MU..."
Because they don’t want to do mirror universe stuff?
It was, but truly in the moment I was hearing that dialogue the first time, I was saying "why are you doing this, writers? You know you're not actually going to stay away from the MU..."
They are.

Section 31 gets that part.
Because they don’t want to do mirror universe stuff?

They are.

Section 31 gets that part.

I suppose I meant longer term, why create limitations that future Trek will obviously not respect. Unless the 32nd Century is abandoned as a Trek setting, I just think it's inevitable that we'll eventually be listening to some technobabble about why travel to the MU isn't impossible after all.

It's the same reaction I was having when Voyager and Enterprise kept traveling further and further into the future, burning whole centuries of Trek narrative. "This will really be a mess down the line!" and then it eventually was for Disco. They had to go sooooo far into the future to jump past all that, which I found hilarious. :bolian:
I suppose I meant longer term, why create limitations that future Trek will obviously not respect. Unless the 32nd Century is abandoned as a Trek setting, I just think it's inevitable that we'll eventually be listening to some technobabble about why travel to the MU isn't impossible after all.

It's the same reaction I was having when Voyager and Enterprise kept traveling further and further into the future, burning whole centuries of Trek narrative. "This will really be a mess down the line!" and then it eventually was for Disco. They had to go sooooo far into the future to jump past all that, which I found hilarious. :bolian:
The humor of this evades me.

I'd rather the 32nd century leave time travel and alternate timelines behind.
I suppose I meant longer term, why create limitations that future Trek will obviously not respect. Unless the 32nd Century is abandoned as a Trek setting, I just think it's inevitable that we'll eventually be listening to some technobabble about why travel to the MU isn't impossible after all.
I don't think they'll abandon the 32nd Century as a setting but I do think most of Star Trek will continue to take place in the 23rd to 25th Century.

When they visited the Mirror Universe during the first season, I loved what we got, but I wished we'd have somehow been able to see Captain Killy and Mirror Burnham. Then came the third season, and we got to see them. Between the two, they managed to show everything I wanted to see.

And I feel like it's safe to assume we'll see the Mirror Universe via flashbacks in the Section 31 TV Movie.