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Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 5x10 - "Life, Itself"

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Source for that? Would be great to see more

Star Trek: Discovery - Shenzhou Bridge Design

This is the ArtStation page of the concept artist:

ArtStation - Ryan Dening

He designed the "Red Angel Suit", the Pods and 32nd century ships (Federation, Book's Ship), worked on "Strange New Worlds" and other SciFi IPs like "The Expanse" (Rocinante, Razorback, Scirocco, Dropships) and "Star Wars The Old Republic"

Star Trek: Discovery - Section 31 Ships

Star Trek: Discovery - Klingon D7

Star Trek: Discovery - Angel Suit


Star Trek: Discovery - Pod Design

Star Trek: Discovery - Voyager J

Star Trek: Discovery - Season 3 Ships

Star Trek: Discovery - Discovery Refit


Star Trek: Discovery - Book's Ship


Strange New Worlds - Ready Room

Strange New Worlds - Sick Bay

Strange New Worlds - Corridors

Strange New Worlds - Shuttlecraft
In the concept art, it looks to me like the blue uniforms would have originally had black pants. I wish they'd stuck with that. I think they would have made the uniforms a little more palatable. Something about the paneling on the sides of the top continuing down the sides of the pants just threw off the whole look for me.
In the concept art, it looks to me like the blue uniforms would have originally had black pants. I wish they'd stuck with that. I think they would have made the uniforms a little more palatable. Something about the paneling on the sides of the top continuing down the sides of the pants just threw off the whole look for me.
Agreed, they look “over-designed”.
In the concept art, it looks to me like the blue uniforms would have originally had black pants. I wish they'd stuck with that. I think they would have made the uniforms a little more palatable. Something about the paneling on the sides of the top continuing down the sides of the pants just threw off the whole look for me.
Yeah, I like the blues, but think the black pants are definitely a better fit.

Though, possibly keep the utility jumpsuit for away missions and such. That could work. I do like using the more muted colors of gold, silver and bronze, referencing the Cage colors a little.
I agree with your overall assessment, but you are wrong about the spore drive.

The spore drive was not Bryan Fuller's idea.
The mycelial network and fungus spores were about terraforming, not space travel.

There many differences between Bryan Fuller's concepts and what we actually got in season 1.

The Tardigrade was supposed to be an intelligent alien crew member.

Didn't know those tidbits, thanks!!

The design of the bridge and uniforms was more inline with TOS:

Interesting interior angles, which are cool. Raised dais, right out of GEN along with the smaller helm/navigation/other control panels. Pretty cool overall, but...

I'd hate to wallk out of the door on the left in order to get to the door just to the right of it and *bonk* on the support strut. Maybe v2 of the image would have shown a larger set with said struts being well-above 2m so that wouldn't ever happen?

Why is everyone looking in the direction opposite of the main viewscreen? Or is that a rear-view secondary screen? That's a neat idea, and noting how TNG always did custom starfields to align window with star flow (and only a few times were there directional goofs), it'd just mean more fx work to do...

Or is that a cutaway photo and Ops and Navigation are not staring into space? Escher would be proud, depending on angle a couple areas almost fold in on themselves... it definitely keeps attention focused on a ton of visual nuances, never a bad thing.

Not to mention, the transparent aluminum bottom showing support beams as well? If it wasn't garish before, it's definitely so now.

The rest of it looks cool, if not too-60s TOS outfits (but were CG placeholder models and likely would have been changed.)
The rest of it looks cool, if not too-60s TOS outfits (but were CG placeholder models and likely would have been changed.)
Yeah, the TOS uniforms in the early 2016 concepts are definitely placeholders and not the actual costume designs from any point in the production. Not sure why people keep thinking that Fuller was going to reuse the original William Ware Theiss designs before he left the show.
Yeah, the TOS uniforms in the early 2016 concepts are definitely placeholders and not the actual costume designs from any point in the production. Not sure why people keep thinking that Fuller was going to reuse the original William Ware Theiss designs before he left the show.
Because people treat it as a historical reenactment and expect the same faithful recreation as a fan film.
Star Trek fans are fundamentally optimists.
I think that depends on the fan.

I am far more optimistic about humanity's future than most fans I interact with online. Also, and much more importantly, Star Trek asserts we have WW3 to get through before we reach that future.

Not many fans are will to endure the birth pangs that Trek proposes.
The novelization had a slightly different take on it. It’s been 40 years since I read it, but as Saavik was exploring other areas of the cave (it was much bigger than we were shown), she heard growling off in the distance, as if she was being stalked by some unseen predator. The implication was that Genesis could also create advanced animal life. Probably left this out of the script for budgetary reasons.

Maybe not budgetary… how much would it cost to imply an ‘unseen’ predator? :whistle:
I'm probably going to be one of the outliers here. I ended up liking season 5 for the most part. I enjoyed my last time with the crew of Discovery. However I do have strong opinions on a few things. I didn't like L'ak and Moll in the beginning but by the final episode I kind of was rooting for them a bit and liked Moll, just sad that Michael didn't use the technology to bring L'ak back. I was hoping they would pull that at the last minute but nup, no happy ending for Moll. Sadness for our star crossed lovers.

I felt a lot of things, I felt that they should have done that, but it got changed at the last moment, really did feel like they were going to do that then bang, nada. There's lots of very huge implications about the progenitors that will probably never be touched on with any other series now. They, them, they created all life in our galaxy, just I had to let that thread sink in a bit. They seeded life in our galaxy making them quite literally our gods if you want to take it that far. That's a pretty huge bloody implication. Bold of Trek to even go there. But this was started in that episode in TNG. I'm amazed they even had to balls to go there knowing the implications of that bit of storytelling.

Well at least we got a nice wedding scene for Saru and well that was good.

Ok the bit I hated. That tacked on scene at the end. Short Treks should be their own thing. End of story. But NOOOOOOOOOO I just fell that was shoehorned in to appease people who made a stink about it somewhere.

I'm planning to rewatch the whole series at a future date I enjoyed Discovery for the most part.
That tacked on scene at the end. Short Treks should be their own thing. End of story. But NOOOOOOOOOO I just fell that was shoehorned in to appease people who made a stink about it somewhere.
It basically was tacked on. That is when they got word this was the final season, that whole thirty years later bit was written, filmed and added to the episode to provide closure. Though if the show weren't cancelled, then a Calypso tie-in would have been season 6.
It basically was tacked on. That is when they got word this was the final season, that whole thirty years later bit was written, filmed and added to the episode to provide closure. Though if the show weren't cancelled, then a Calypso tie-in would have been season 6.

Yeah that's what I thought. That and not giving Moll a happy closure are two sore spots for me
My contraversial take is that the Star Trek universe is an example of what we are calling simulation theory in real life. Michael found the create your character design engine. Fought on the level select screen. Totally explains things like visual retcons and the endless amounts of godlike ascended entities existing outside of the simulation. I'm guessing the holodecks and replicators are accidentally mimicking or using some of the simulations code themselves.
My contraversial take is that the Star Trek universe is an example of what we are calling simulation theory in real life. Michael found the create your character design engine. Fought on the level select screen. Totally explains things like visual retcons and the endless amounts of godlike ascended entities existing outside of the simulation. I'm guessing the holodecks and replicators are accidentally mimicking or using some of the simulations code themselves.

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