Spoilers Season 3 wild speculation

Okay serious crazy predictions:

Worf is a cripple, in a spaceage wheelchair. Something bad happened during his stint as Captain of the Enterprise.

Geordi has been sad and lonely since Data died, but doing important starship design things. He's married to a holo of Leah Brahms and everyone just accepts it without thought as to how creepy the implications are.

Beverly is Captain of the Pasteur or running Starfleet medical or somesuch. She has whole tests named after her now.

Riker and Troi will be back Starfleet full-time as if season one never happened, and their daughter won't be mentioned. Riker is an Admiral now.

Sela will show up at some point.

As to Worf, more likely something happened during his second stint as Ambassador to Qo'nos. He and Martok had way too much blood wine before going on one of their Targ hunts.
I'm talking in broad strokes. Alpha Quadrant Politics. You're talking about Props.

Or I’m thinking plot and not props and am right to ask about it, since it wasn’t featured at all. But everything else in the S2 teaser came to pass (visiting the Stargazer, time travel, Paradise Lost = Confederation timeline, Q, disintegrated Queen of Hearts card = Q dying). Even Picard’s speech to the cadets essentially foreshadowed the entire season.

Since the Reckoning tablet relates to the future of Bajor, was found in the ruins of the lost ancient city of B’hala - a city found in DS9 when Bajor’s application to the Federation is accepted - and Bajor seems to be a member of the Federation by that start of PIC S2, it fair to think that the S3 plot will relate to Bajor.
I wonder if honory Captain Seven will bump into General Kira in Season 3?

And like Jeri and Ming-Na, Nana Visitor looks SO MUCH younger than her actual years (and it'd be interesting seeing a still angry - but rapidly readjusting - Seven interact with a less dysfunctional, more mellow Kira in her 60s).
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I wonder if honory Captain Seven will bump into General Kira in Season 3?

And like Jeri and Ming-Na, Nana Visitor looks SO MUCH younger looking than her actual years (and it'd be interesting seeing a still angry - but rapidly readjusting - Seven interact with a less dysfunctional, but more mellow Kira in her 60s).
But some here say that would destroy DS9. Won't somebody please think of DS9?!?!
But some here say that would destroy DS9. Won't somebody please think of DS9?!?!

Oh noes, oh nose, Kurtzman and Goldsman are joining in with Johnson, Kennedy, and Abrams, going into people's homes to steal all the pre-2009 VHS/DVD copies of Star Trek and Star Wars to tip into a massive landfill bonfire!! :rolleyes:

The fanboi boilerplate critiques on NuTrek is too much like the hate crusade against the SW Sequel Trilogy or movies like Solo but somehow even more stupid (rarely taking in their actual triumphs and misteps).

To be honest I think DSCO and PIC have virtually all their episodes not quite as good as ENT and VOY at their very best, but on the flipside DSCO and PIC at their worst are never quite as embarrassing, tired, and incoherent as the very worst episodes of ENT and VOY. And the acting, action scenes, and production values in DSCO/PIC are more consistent across the board (and there's no sense of a very slow motion franchise malaise that imperceptively set in with the Berman era by very late TNG or early DS9/VOY, and became impossible to ignore by the time Nemesis limped into cinemas).
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Going on some recent info from Terry Matalas, I'm currently trying to guess who the villain for S3 is.

He's said it's a new character played by an actor we've seen millions of times before, but has never been in Trek (based on a couple of his recent tweets)

Current thoughts (probably in reverse order to how much I'd like to see them):
Tom Hanks
James McAvoy
Ian McKellen
Brian Blessed (Brian Blessed should be in everything, and probably would if asked).

Wildest thoughts: Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Hamill or Harrison Ford (Not reversed this time).

A lot of people want the Odyssey class Ent F, but I don't really have a horse in that race. I'm hoping for a Ross class Enterprise - new, but similar enough to Galaxy for nostalgia's sake.
Going on some recent info from Terry Matalas, I'm currently trying to guess who the villain for S3 is.

He's said it's a new character played by an actor we've seen millions of times before, but has never been in Trek (based on a couple of his recent tweets)

Current thoughts (probably in reverse order to how much I'd like to see them):
Tom Hanks
James McAvoy
Ian McKellen
Brian Blessed (Brian Blessed should be in everything, and probably would if asked).

Wildest thoughts: Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Hamill or Harrison Ford (Not reversed this time).

A lot of people want the Odyssey class Ent F, but I don't really have a horse in that race. I'm hoping for a Ross class Enterprise - new, but similar enough to Galaxy for nostalgia's sake.

I'm betting on either James or Ian.

James = Vengeful Lost Son?
Ian = Too close to the X-Men
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That's another thing I don't see sticking, if the writers want to be realistic about things.

As a starfleet officer, there is no way in hell I'd accept someone who's never been in starfleet being leapfrogged over the entire establishment right into the center seat, never having been officially trained or served a day. That's even worse than promoting Cadet Kirk to captain.

I'd refuse to serve on a ship with essentially a non-starfleet civilian captain. Of course, this isn't real life and the writers are going to do what they're going to do, so we'll see where we end with it.
This is the group that gave us first officer Tilly
That's another thing I don't see sticking, if the writers want to be realistic about things.

As a starfleet officer, there is no way in hell I'd accept someone who's never been in starfleet being leapfrogged over the entire establishment right into the center seat, never having been officially trained or served a day. That's even worse than promoting Cadet Kirk to captain.

I'd refuse to serve on a ship with essentially a non-starfleet civilian captain. Of course, this isn't real life and the writers are going to do what they're going to do, so we'll see where we end with it.

Seven was given a field commission (essentially making her momentarily Starfleet).

Picard had his reasons for choosing Seven (How many SF people possess Seven's expertise in Borg tech?)
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Maybe? I mean, the individual ship would still need a captain, and Picard would need someone to coordinate the ship at least. Relying on Seven to coordinate with the Borg was a vote of confidence in her abilities the crew would need to follow a rather odd directive.
Don't see why the ship would need a captain for the tiny little scene we got. I get why it was done narratively I'm just personally more a fan of logical over emotional decisions in sci-fi shows.
Don't see why the ship would need a captain for the tiny little scene we got. I get why it was done narratively I'm just personally more a fan of logical over emotional decisions in sci-fi shows.
Because of the chain of command. Either someone is put in that slot to fill the billet, or someone moves up the chain. Picard can assert command over the ship but then he is serving in two capacities, as mission commander and ship commander. Appointing someone as captain is logical.
Because of the chain of command. Either someone is put in that slot to fill the billet, or someone moves up the chain. Picard can assert command over the ship but then he is serving in two capacities, as mission commander and ship commander. Appointing someone as captain is logical.
"Mission commander" the whole thing took about a minute. There was no need for someone between Picard's orders and the ships. It was done to give 7 a hooray moment. Wouldn't be my choice but it's not really a big deal either.
It'd been more realistic if Picard promoted Rio's Number One for the USS Stargazer to captain and appointed Seven as special consultant, but hey TV (and she had decades of military and scientific experience).

While I think her change in character is natural on hindsight (when she always had a repressed rebellious and angry streak) I miss Seven's scientific or technical abilities (though we saw some of that when she busted out Rios).
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It seems to me that the people who decided Seven should be captain don't have a lot of experience on ships. The Captain of a ship doesn't just sit in a fancy chair issuing orders. They carry out a lot of tasks, much of which is paperwork, dealing with personnel, discipline, training etc. They would need to know the officers under their command, at least the department heads, the capabilities and limitations of their ship and a lot more besides. The crew have to have faith in their judgement and be prepared to carry out their orders. This relies on them having proven themselves by rising through the ranks and having experience. Including previous command experience as a department head and/or first officer.
Now there are circumstances where a captain might allow a specialist to give orders, for example a pilot will come aboard a ship to navigate into a harbour as he or she will know the local channels and dangers better than the crew. But that doesn't make them the captain.
But it's a drama not reality.
She was in charge of Rio's ship for what's implied to have been for 6 to 18 months, seeing live combat and running many humanitarian missions, and she's intelligent enough to build up competency with a new space vessel in a relatively short time (and she piloted one man ships when serving with the Rangers).

But Rio's vessel, while impressive for a private merchant vessel, is not quite the same as a full blown interstellar warship like the USS Stargazer (with hundreds of crew, dozens of decks, plus scientific and diplomatic functions - like a small mobile military town essentially).
here was no need for someone between Picard's orders and the ships
Yes, there absolutely is.
t'd been more realistic if Picard promoted Rio's Number One for the USS Stargazer to captain and appointed Seven as special consultant, but hey TV (and she had decades of military and scientific experience).
I agree. But, drama for sure.

But, having a chain of command reestablished is a 100% needed.