LD and DS9 are the best the franchise has to offer, imho.
TNG is in a class all of its own.
Enterprise has risen in the rankings after realizing how much problems it inherited from Voyager, TPTB, etc. And for all its criticisms of not being about the birth of the Federation, it works as a nice bridge between FC and TOS.
TOS and TAS have always been grouped together by me.
Voyager has fell down the rankings. Its still liked, but of the first five live action Treks, to me its dead last now. It set certain things in motion that led to the franchise being off the air for over a decade.
PIC, SNW, ST, and PRO are average. Some good, some meh, and a bit of great.
Discovery, like ENT, has also risen in the rankings, as its had quite the glow up since moving to the 32nd century. As well as a certain nostalgia for certain aspects of the first season.
Very Short Treks is... the less said, the better.
* Anyone wondering about the Short Treks and Very Short Treks thumbnails, which aren't a part of the Tiermaker list, i just found them on Google and added them in.