TOS is a classic, but it's not a timeless classic. Parts of it are timeless, but the entire package isn't. So, even though I haven't gravitated towards either of them, I can see why they've done updated versions of TOS with the Kelvin Films and SNW. I can also understand why elements of TOS had to be reintroduced and reinterpreted from TNG onward. Arguably from the TOS Movies onward.
Over the last 20 years, I've watched a few or a handful of TOS episodes per year. Usually different ones. I'd say I've probably done, I don't know, maybe a 75% re-watch of the entire series since George W. Bush was President. So, TOS isn't as worn out or overplayed for me as it is most other people here.
Similar to TNG. I re-watched very little of it from the late-'90s until 2019. If Picard hadn't come into existence, it would've stayed that way. I wouldn't have gone back to it. But I went through the whole thing in 2019 and am in the middle of another re-watch right now, with YouTube Reactors.
I'll never NOT re-watch the TNG Movies from here on out without going straight to Picard Season 3 afterwards. As far as I'm concerned, it's effectively the second half of the TNG Movies.
I'm not doing the Tier-List for all the series. I'm also not going rank them all. I'll group them instead. DSC and PIC are my current favorites. I don't know how that'll play out over time, but that's where they are right now. ENT is the one Star Trek series that just doesn't click with me. Everything else is somewhere in-between those. I regard TNG, DS9, and VOY equally. It's more meaningful to me to rank the seasons and episodes of TNG/DS9/VOY than all three of the actual series in their entirety.