Regarding Fed ships appearing in the new Picard series

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Anyone want to start placing bets on whether or not they have windows for the viewscreens?
If it's a window, Picard will take every opportunity to stand right in front of it, staring deep into space as the camera pans and the scene fades.

But seriously, do you think Picard would really pick Windows over Mac? ;)
I'm betting they have a giant blank wall, and a holographic screen appears in mid air.
You mean like the Enterprise E had in First Contact? Reportedly someone at Paramount lost their shit over that and how it was "messing with the traditional viewscreen and by extension, Gene's Vision" which is why they replaced it with a proper viewscreen in Insurrection.

Chances are they'll likely go with the windshield, it's alleged Disco uses the windshields because of a studio mandate, so I don't see why Picard's going to be any different.
Well, not a federation ship, but the bridge of the only ship we saw in the trailer, was shot facing away from the screen. I bet they did that on purpose.
You'd think having a giant window on the bridge would be a giant safety breach, but noooo... we gotta have cool spacing scenes and all that.
You'd think having a giant window on the bridge would be a giant safety breach, but noooo... we gotta have cool spacing scenes and all that.
That would depend on what the window is made from. My guess is it's not single pane glass from the 20th Century.
You'd think having a giant window on the bridge would be a giant safety breach, but noooo... we gotta have cool spacing scenes and all that.
Giant safety breach...?


The whole friggin' bridge is a giant safety breach! Never mind the lack of seat belts, the consoles exploding, or any other myriad of design flaws that have plagued Starfleet vessels.

That would depend on what the window is made from. My guess is it's not single pane glass from the 20th Century.
Don't be ridiculous...they used all that glass on the space colonies ;)
Since we've gotten the window viewscreens in every onscreen ship since the first Kelivinverse movie, I'm thinking we'll probably get them in Picard too.
The window justifies the ridiculous location of the most important room on the ship AND makes for really cool zoom-in shots from outside.

Windows > viewscreens any day.
The way Disco has their windshields kind of makes the fact it's a window redundant, what with all the various readings and info displayed over the window, when the bridge systems went off-line right after they arrived in the Mirror Universe back in midseason of season 1, it looked absolutely silly AF for the window to be covered with static and snow. A viewscreen would be a much more practical option than a window that you can't see out of anyway if the bridge systems are offline.
The way Disco has their windshields kind of makes the fact it's a window redundant, what with all the various readings and info displayed over the window, when the bridge systems went off-line right after they arrived in the Mirror Universe back in midseason of season 1, it looked absolutely silly AF for the window to be covered with static and snow. A viewscreen would be a much more practical option than a window that you can't see out of anyway if the bridge systems are offline.

It wasn't covered in static and snow. Some of the overlays were flickering, that's about it. You could still see out of the window fine.

In fact the final shot of the episode is Lorca staring out of the window at the Klingon ship debris.
The way Disco has their windshields kind of makes the fact it's a window redundant, what with all the various readings and info displayed over the window, when the bridge systems went off-line right after they arrived in the Mirror Universe back in midseason of season 1, it looked absolutely silly AF for the window to be covered with static and snow. A viewscreen would be a much more practical option than a window that you can't see out of anyway if the bridge systems are offline.
Static and snow? I can see straight through the window. It would be simple to simply request the displays to be shut off and actually uses your eyes to assesses the local situation if systems are damaged.
That would depend on what the window is made from. My guess is it's not single pane glass from the 20th Century.
It acts like it is in Generations. For some reason all the transparent aluminum suddenly acts like ordinary window glass when the saucer crash-lands.
I wonder if any familiar ship designs make any sort of an appearance. I mean, Starfleet never shied away from using century-old ships before (even if we got too small a sample during TOS to spot the old-timers). And the new stuff in the trailers isn't so oddball as to be a poor fit with the assorted 1980s designs. Yet if the studio wants to do away with all the old stuff, they (or we) can easily claim the older vessels were worn down in the Dominion War and wartime construction surplus has entirely remade the fleet, or whatever.

I don't see a dramatic impetus for showing any specific past design here. The E-D might reappear in some form (a sister ship, a flashback, whatever), but "modernizing" her looks would be a separate gimmick to wholly separate purposes. OTOH, if such modernizing did take place, we might well get to see a "refitted" bridge complete with cool new stuff.

Would a windshield qualify, though? A holographic, pure-VFX interface would probably look much cooler, be a more worthy gimmick to "estalish modernity", and incidentally perhaps also match the DS9 "Visitor" comments about holographic bridge interfaces being de rigeur in the era.

Timo Saloniemi
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