Regarding Fed ships appearing in the new Picard series

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Static and snow? I can see straight through the window. It would be simple to simply request the displays to be shut off and actually uses your eyes to assesses the local situation if systems are damaged.
Alright, so I misremembered. Still, the flickering readings on a window look silly AF, and really if there's going to be so many readings and computer displays overlayed on a window, wouldn't it just be more practical to have a viewscreen anyway?
Alright, so I misremembered. Still, the flickering readings on a window look silly AF, and really if there's going to be so many readings and computer displays overlayed on a window, wouldn't it just be more practical to have a viewscreen anyway?
I look at it this way. If the displays are working then it's basically a view screen and no harm no foul. However, I think of moments in TWOK and TNG were the displays are flickering in and out due to whatever and it becomes super distracting. I find the viewscreen cutting in and out far more irritating than if the displays on a window cut out. As for silliness, well, I don't especially care if it looks silly.

It acts like it is in Generations. For some reason all the transparent aluminum suddenly acts like ordinary window glass when the saucer crash-lands.
That's easy to explain...

The very high temperature, barley controlled reentry burn of the saucer with nothing but structural integrity and containment force fields and then the sudden cooling of the lower atmosphere, essentially turned the transparent aluminum into candy glass.
I wonder if any familiar ship designs make any sort of an appearance. I mean, Starfleet never shied away from using century-old ships before (even if we got too small a sample during TOS to spot the old-timers). And the new stuff in the trailers isn't so oddball as to be a poor fit with the assorted 1980s designs. Yet if the studio wants to do away with all the old stuff, they (or we) can easily claim the older vessels were worn down in the Dominion War and wartime construction surplus has entirely remade the fleet, or whatever.

I don't see a dramatic impetus for showing any specific past design here. The E-D might reappear in some form (a sister ship, a flashback, whatever), but "modernizing" her looks would be a separate gimmick to wholly separate purposes. OTOH, if such modernizing did take place, we might well get to see a "refitted" bridge complete with cool new stuff.

Timo Saloniemi
We might see models of the Ent-E, Ent-D and Stargazer.

Speculation based on the Picard museum, some of the stuff on display there was in the trailer briefly, so it's possible those models are as well.
I wonder if any familiar ship designs make any sort of an appearance. I mean, Starfleet never shied away from using century-old ships before (even if we got too small a sample during TOS to spot the old-timers). And the new stuff in the trailers isn't so oddball as to be a poor fit with the assorted 1980s designs. Yet if the studio wants to do away with all the old stuff, they (or we) can easily claim the older vessels were worn down in the Dominion War and wartime construction surplus has entirely remade the fleet, or whatever.

I don't see a dramatic impetus for showing any specific past design here. The E-D might reappear in some form (a sister ship, a flashback, whatever), but "modernizing" her looks would be a separate gimmick to wholly separate purposes. OTOH, if such modernizing did take place, we might well get to see a "refitted" bridge complete with cool new stuff.

Would a windshield qualify, though? A holographic, pure-VFX interface would probably look much cooler, be a more worthy gimmick to "estalish modernity", and incidentally perhaps also match the DS9 "Visitor" comments about holographic bridge interfaces being de rigeur in the era.

Timo Saloniemi
New designs can be freshly merchandised. Note that even the 2399 comm badge isn't quite the "All Good Things" one, but 25% (;)) different. Eaglemoss are planning a whole line of Picard ships.
I wonder if any familiar ship designs make any sort of an appearance. I mean, Starfleet never shied away from using century-old ships before (even if we got too small a sample during TOS to spot the old-timers). And the new stuff in the trailers isn't so oddball as to be a poor fit with the assorted 1980s designs. Yet if the studio wants to do away with all the old stuff, they (or we) can easily claim the older vessels were worn down in the Dominion War and wartime construction surplus has entirely remade the fleet, or whatever.

I don't see a dramatic impetus for showing any specific past design here. The E-D might reappear in some form (a sister ship, a flashback, whatever), but "modernizing" her looks would be a separate gimmick to wholly separate purposes. OTOH, if such modernizing did take place, we might well get to see a "refitted" bridge complete with cool new stuff.
I could see designs introduced later in the TNG-Voyager series appearing, Starfleet seems to stick with the same designs for several decades, and classes like the Defiant, Soverign, and Intrepid will only be around 30 years old at that point, so I could definitely see them still being around.
I look at it this way. If the displays are working then it's basically a view screen and no harm no foul. However, I think of moments in TWOK and TNG were the displays are flickering in and out due to whatever and it becomes super distracting. I find the viewscreen cutting in and out far more irritating than if the displays on a window cut out. As for silliness, well, I don't especially care if it looks silly.

That would be the one biggest advantage a window has over a viewscreen. With a viewscreen if the power goes out then everyone on the bridge is completely blind to what is going on outside the ship, but with a window you can at least still see what's there.
New designs can be freshly merchandised. Note that even the 2399 comm badge isn't quite the "All Good Things" one, but 25% (;)) different. Eaglemoss are planning a whole line of Picard ships.

I agree. I doubt we'll be seeing any Excelsiors or Mirandas ever again. We'll probably be getting more John Eaves-designed ships that will be 24th century versions of the ships we saw in DSC.
The "higher ups" will likely not care what he designs. That's why they hired him in the first place, so they don't have to worry about it.
He makes several designs and they approve the ones they like, and he refines them from there.
They're not made in a vacuum. He's given notes on what to keep and what to change.
My point is that the higher ups aren’t going to say, “That design looks too much like a ship from DSC! Change it!” Because now there’s no visual continuity to Trek ship designs. Like you said, they’re going to have him make sketches and they’ll just pick the one they think is the coolest looking ship. Because they’re not making a big deal about continuity.
Indeed, isn't that the case with many of the ship designs seen on Disco? Eaves offered many designs, some looking "more traditional" to the time period, others "too advanced" and the higher ups gave the thumbs-up to the too advanced ones.
Yes, I’ve often felt that all the DSC ships we saw could have come from different time periods, rather than being visually consistent, like, say, the Abramsverse ships.
I figured that if we did see older style vessels they’d simply have the windows as the view screens. Considering that other than that one scene in First Contact and the crash in Generations, the screen was always on and showing in front, they could argue that they had a window the entire time.

Visually they don’t have to update the interior or exterior designs because they are already sufficiently future looking that you don’t have to change much. Biggest update will probably be the holographic controls.
Because now there’s no visual continuity to Trek ship designs.
There is still a clear visual design continuity in the franchise. It never went away, except when it comes to the Connie in DSC. But I could easily see that being refit to what we see when Kirk is in command.

rather than being visually consistent, like, say, the Abramsverse ships.
Eh? They're all consistent, except for the Shenzhou. But she was described as being an old ship, so she comes from a previous era of design language.
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You'd think having a giant window on the bridge would be a giant safety breach, but noooo... we gotta have cool spacing scenes and all that.
Like the clear glass dome on top of (at least) Pike's TOS bridge and the smaller one in TNG? ;)

As for the OP's question, I'll bet it's going to be a viewscreen, but the viewscreen is built into clear glass so when it's turned off it's a clear window. Sort of like those windows that go opaque at the touch of a button, but instead of becoming opaque, it becomes a viewscreen. (btw, I'm mostly just kidding :vulcan:)
If it's a window, Picard will take every opportunity to stand right in front of it, staring deep into space as the camera pans and the scene fades.

But seriously, do you think Picard would really pick Windows over Mac? ;)

No, because real nerds use Linux. :nyah: Or Commodore Amiga. :razz: Or even Atari ST. :guffaw:
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