Random Thoughts...or...What's on Your Mind?

I've never been bitten by fire ants, but I did get the crap the bitten out of me by some big black ants we have out here. And the three horses that I had been petting found it very entertaining when I started yelling and stomping my feet and slapping my legs. When I had gotten the ants off of me, I looked over and all three of the horses that were out in the arena were standing in front of me with their heads over the fence staring at me.
Felt a little better today after a couple weeks of being depressed. Cleaned my kitchen and cooked meat pies for the first time. I have a mini pie maker I got for my wedding a decade ago I've never used. Used that for some mini pies and a couple big pies. They turned out well although I underestimated how much filling was needed so didn't have the big bulk cook I had anticipated. Still have a few to freeze though. Mexican pie turned out really well. Having the beef vegetable for supper. Know what I'll do for the next bill cook. Basically double the fillings but also for the Mexican cut the beef with lentils and add corn.
I saw two minutes of Fox News at a bar today. The caption was “SNL going antiwoke?”

I looked closer and it turned out that they had one monologue that sort of made fun of getting offended.

Every time I accidentally see two seconds of Fox News they are so petty and desperate they take victory laps out of a show that historically makes fun of everyone taking their side once.
OK I'm trying to watch The Flash so far season 1 was good, season 2 was mostly good, season 3 felt like it had gone off the rails and I didn't like most of it. I've started season 4 now and so far it's better then the last one but still not by much. The thing that gets me is the dialog. Hardly anyone talks in complete sentences, people cut each other off and now Iris seems to have taken over the show. How is she qualified to boss everyone around?
Driver pulled out of driveway directly into left turn lane. Problem was there were already a couple cars in the left-turn lane so this third car was basically sideways and blocking the straight-ahead lane. And then the light changed.... but not the left-turn light. So now lots of vehicles couldn't go because of this one car.
Driver pulled out of driveway directly into left turn lane. Problem was there were already a couple cars in the left-turn lane so this third car was basically sideways and blocking the straight-ahead lane. And then the light changed.... but not the left-turn light. So now lots of vehicles couldn't go because of this one car.

OH one of the most common things here is that and also people in their 60s 70s forgetting which pedal is the brake and crashing through houses, or buildings