Random Thoughts...or...What's on Your Mind?


Caffeine Pill Popper
Rear Admiral
Here's a place to post your random thoughts that don't necessarily belong anywhere else nor fit within a specific thread (other than this one).


Double Standards. They are a-flyin'.

That, and I think I showed my flag.
Apparently, there's an F-word that Facebook won't allow you to post.
Chris Foss. One of my favourite artists. Very SF artist. Here's a cover he did for the Ian Gillan Band album Claar Air Turbulence (a ship that later turned up in Iain M Banks's first Culture novel):


Also did the Panther covers for the Lensman series, some of my favourites. You can find heaps online.

Well, I was kinda surprised to learn he was the artist for the sensual black and white sketches for The Joy of Sex, made odd by the fact so few of his SF covers feature people at all.
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I sometimes wonder: If retail workers had the power of life over death... how high would the pile of bodies be?

A while back, work bought everyone in the office iPads. I was given a $100 iTunes card to "purchase apps necessary for my job."
This was just after I'd bought my own iPad, so I don't even use work's iPad at all.
Originally, we were supposed to all start using Skype, FaceTime, and maybe some other apps to communicate with each other and students.
This plan rather collapsed because students seem to prefer to come in, and then there was an office shakeup, pretty much everybody in my office but me was out, and the new people don't think the same way as the old people.
I still have the unused iTunes card. No one seems to care.

...should I just buy a bunch of albums or eBooks I want?
I'll leave the morality of that conundrum to someone else. That said, I probably would. :whistle:
I think I lost a high school friend on Facebook last night.

I said what needed to be said, and I feel better for it.

Their loss.
Chris Foss. One of my favourite artists. Very SF artist. Here's a cover he did for the Ian Gillan Band album Claar Air Turbulence (a ship that later turned up in Iain M Banks's first Culture novel):


Also did the Panther covers for the Lensman series, some of my favourites. You can find heaps online.

Well, I was kinda surprised to learn he was the artist for the sensual black and white sketches for The Joy of Sex, made odd by the fact so few of his SF covers feature people at all.

He was a prolific artist, wasn't he? I remember seeing a lot of book covers with ships of a similar quality to them back then. I would assume that this is his style.

It is interesting that someone so familiar with and known for painting mechanical object would also be so good at drawing people. I can do hardbodies all day long with a pencil or in 3d, but I struggle with anything resembling a human being.
I might need to lay off Facebook for a while lest someone thinks I'm about to pack everything up in my van and move to Virginia.

I think I lost a screw.
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He was a prolific artist, wasn't he? I remember seeing a lot of book covers with ships of a similar quality to them back then. I would assume that this is his style.

It is interesting that someone so familiar with and known for painting mechanical object would also be so good at drawing people. I can do hardbodies all day long with a pencil or in 3d, but I struggle with anything resembling a human being.
I first became impressed with his work through his triptych of covers for the Foundation trilogy.

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I don't want to get in trouble invading another thread, so I'll post this here:

From the Improving Uniforms Through Technolgy thread:

"Pockets - Starfleet uniforms do not appear to have pockets of any sort, which is just blasphemous."

Tell that to women of the 21st Century.
Have I changed or has Star Trek changed? I'm pretty sure Star Trek has changed. It's gone from morality plays to soap operas to action flicks with explosions and special effects for the sake of explosions and special effects. I say this as someone that wanted to work in special effects after Star Wars came out.

I know I've changed, too. On the few occasions that I've seen TOS in the last decade or so, I've cringed at some of the blatant...well, let's just say that sensibilities have changed since the '60s. I didn't see that when I was 14 years old. That's kinda why I haven't watched the TOS Blu-rays that I have. I'm happier with my memories of Star Trek.

I still love the visuals of TOS. I still love the Enterprise. I still love the IDEA of TOS. But something is different.

I still love TNG.
I've never seen a painting with such dimension before. It was like a Bas Relief, but instead of subtractive sculpture, it was additive with paint.

I'm sorry, I couldn't get a pic.
Will do. I didn't realize it was a no-no when the posts occurred far enough apart.

Honestly not trying to annoy people. I'm just enthusiastic that I found a place with a lot of like-minded people. I also have a lot of free time on my hands.


I used to own a music forum until I sold it several years ago. One of the first members of that forum after me was a good friend from another, more broad music forum. He was, well, enthusiastic, to say the least. He used more exclamation points in his writing than letters or numbers. Besides this obvious flaw, I took him on as my first moderator (probably another reason I don't have a forum now). He was loyal to my vision for the forum, so I overlooked his shortcomings in that respect. As it turned out, my main advertiser soon began to post less and less until he finally didn't post anymore, and he was backing off on advertising. Of course, I was concerned about that, so I contacted him by PM and found out that he was annoyed by my moderators' annoying posting habits and style. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do to another person (one of), but I had to let him know that he needed to cool it, tone it down. He was angry with me and drastically reduced his posting for a while, but eventually saw the reasoning and came back to normal (without all the exclamation points). I appreciated his enthusiasm, but I could also understand that my users found his style to be off-putting.

I hadn't planned on it, but it turns out that I do the equivalent of using too many exclamation points here on the TrekBBS. Essentially three warnings from various users (not mods) in the same day. I need to take that hint.

I have a strange sense of humor. A lot of people don't get it. That's okay because I don't get a lot of "normal" humor.

Because of my odd humor, I've seemingly seriously offended someone that I would like to consider an ally for social reasons. That person ignored an apology PM that I sent (or at least has not replied to it), and I fear I've done irreparable damage to that potential friendship. I've never wanted enemies, and I certainly don't set out to gain them.

I've decided to tone down my attempts at humor, I'll avoid multiple posts and spreading misinformation (I'll just not post hearsay, only what I've personally seen or read from official sources).

I do feel like I've found a place I can (mostly) be myself, where I can talk about the geeky things that I love, and feel accepted by the majority of members (given time and effort), or, at least a place that I won't be hated for what I am.

I have no idea what my password may have been at the time, but I actually first joined this site in 2004. I made 101 posts that are now gone (before the move(s)). I chickened out back then before revealing my true nature and disappeared. I got married, stayed in a restrictive marriage with an overbearing spouse that essentially told me how to think and act and, whether directly or not, told me that what I thought and how I acted was not good enough, and I lived under judgemental eyes. We were hermits in those nearly 11 years. I didn't have any real-life friends because we always stayed home and "didn't have enough time" for friends.

So, yeah, I got a little happy and enthusiastic.

I'm not looking for pity. I'd just like another chance at a first impression. Might be impossible.

Anyway, @auntiehill , please do post in the Action Figure thread again. I enjoyed your girls' adventures.

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God. I just keep stepping in it, don't I?
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I can't talk about what's on my mind right now; I don't want to jinx myself.