Random Thoughts...or...What's on Your Mind?

I know next-to-nothing about Star Trek Discovery nor The Last Jedi(s) and I have no desire to taint my experience in seeing them for the first time with preconceived notions.

I honestly wish there were a way of advertising movies so as not to give ANYTHING about them away. Wait, I think Deadpool found a workaround (well, I guess it WAS a romance)...

I knew nothing about The Force Awakens nor Rogue One. I may have skipped out on TFA if I'd known. Rogue One was mildly surprising.
Will do. I didn't realize it was a no-no when the posts occurred far enough apart.

Honestly not trying to annoy people. I'm just enthusiastic that I found a place with a lot of like-minded people. I also have a lot of free time on my hands.


I used to own a music forum until I sold it several years ago. One of the first members of that forum after me was a good friend from another, more broad music forum. He was, well, enthusiastic, to say the least. He used more exclamation points in his writing than letters or numbers. Besides this obvious flaw, I took him on as my first moderator (probably another reason I don't have a forum now). He was loyal to my vision for the forum, so I overlooked his shortcomings in that respect. As it turned out, my main advertiser soon began to post less and less until he finally didn't post anymore, and he was backing off on advertising. Of course, I was concerned about that, so I contacted him by PM and found out that he was annoyed by my moderators' annoying posting habits and style. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do to another person (one of), but I had to let him know that he needed to cool it, tone it down. He was angry with me and drastically reduced his posting for a while, but eventually saw the reasoning and came back to normal (without all the exclamation points). I appreciated his enthusiasm, but I could also understand that my users found his style to be off-putting.

I hadn't planned on it, but it turns out that I do the equivalent of using too many exclamation points here on the TrekBBS. Essentially three warnings from various users (not mods) in the same day. I need to take that hint.

I have a strange sense of humor. A lot of people don't get it. That's okay because I don't get a lot of "normal" humor.

Because of my odd humor, I've seemingly seriously offended someone that I would like to consider an ally for social reasons. That person ignored an apology PM that I sent (or at least has not replied to it), and I fear I've done irreparable damage to that potential friendship. I've never wanted enemies, and I certainly don't set out to gain them.

I've decided to tone down my attempts at humor, I'll avoid multiple posts and spreading misinformation (I'll just not post hearsay, only what I've personally seen or read from official sources).

I do feel like I've found a place I can (mostly) be myself, where I can talk about the geeky things that I love, and feel accepted by the majority of members (given time and effort), or, at least a place that I won't be hated for what I am.

I have no idea what my password may have been at the time, but I actually first joined this site in 2004. I made 101 posts that are now gone (before the move(s)). I chickened out back then before revealing my true nature and disappeared. I got married, stayed in a restrictive marriage with an overbearing spouse that essentially told me how to think and act and, whether directly or not, told me that what I thought and how I acted was not good enough, and I lived under judgemental eyes. We were hermits in those nearly 11 years. I didn't have any real-life friends because we always stayed home and "didn't have enough time" for friends.

So, yeah, I got a little happy and enthusiastic.

I'm not looking for pity. I'd just like another chance at a first impression. Might be impossible.

Anyway, @auntiehill , please do post in the Action Figure thread again. I enjoyed your girls' adventures.

--Edit 2

God. I just keep stepping in it, don't I?

Don't tone down your humor or be afraid to be a little different. People will eventually come to see and accept you. When I first started I think people thought I was a troll. Once your around awhile people start to see people's quirks and are usually okay with them.

My random thought is I am going crazy with my OCD need to constantly remind anything I am watching on tv if I feel like I didn't see a scene or moment just, right.

I have basically gotten this idea in my head that I am going to be dead in 10 years and everything I watch has to be be watched perfectly since I might never see it again in my life.

Don't tone down your humor or be afraid to be a little different. People will eventually come to see and accept you. When I first started I think people thought I was a troll. Once your around awhile people start to see people's quirks and are usually okay with them.



I've come to realize that living a sheltered life, basically as a hermit for the last 15 years, has been seriously detrimental to my social skills, not that I ever was much of a conversationalist.

Random thought: I'll be trying grits later today for the first time in my life.
I am right now I got a fever and I keep bouncing between feeling okay to wanting to vomit. I always get nervous when I get sick because I am not someone who can vomit with dignity. I always seem to miss my mark.
The upside is I watched the TNG ep "True Q" and I think my sickness sort of depowered my nerd cynicism because I thought it was great for maybe the first time I have ever felt when watching the ep and even the movie"Masterminds" which I watched on Netflix seemed okay. Plus when I get sick I tend to go into full blown drama queen mode.

If I was living in a 80's style sitcom I would be the person sick in bed with a bell that I keep ringing when I need something and everyone ends up getting annoyed at you.

One other thing is it's rainy and stormy outside and I always like that. It always makes being at home feel cozy to me. Just as along as the power stays on, of course.

Invokana really makes a person's pee stink...loudly
I am right now I got a fever and I keep bouncing between feeling okay to wanting to vomit. I always get nervous when I get sick because I am not someone who can vomit with dignity.
I don't think anyone can really vomit with dignity. :barf:

Invokana really makes a person's pee stink...loudly
I had to Google that. I take Actos (generic name Pioglitazone*) for my Type II diabetes. It doesn't have that particular side effect.

*That's okay, most doctors can't pronounce it either.
Since taking Invokana again I've been having a difficult time regulating my blood glucose. It's been damn near dangerous because I can't tell the difference between when I'm high and when I'm low anymore so I kind of assume that when I'm hot and clammy that I'm high and when I'm cold and clammy I'm low. Nope, several times I was roasting and downright sweaty and thought I needed to take insulin, so did, only to test myself and find that I'm a little low. Shit, time to eat.

It's my bad habit to take insulin and then test. It should be the other way around. It's what keeps getting my dad into trouble. I think my mom has that issue sometimes, as well.

I just got done eating McDonald's without taking insulin. I forgot for about half an hour, so I took some. THEN I tested myself. I'm low. I can't imagine what I was before I ate those fries.
Since taking Invokana again I've been having a difficult time regulating my blood glucose. It's been damn near dangerous because I can't tell the difference between when I'm high and when I'm low anymore so I kind of assume that when I'm hot and clammy that I'm high and when I'm cold and clammy I'm low. Nope, several times I was roasting and downright sweaty and thought I needed to take insulin, so did, only to test myself and find that I'm a little low. Shit, time to eat.

It's my bad habit to take insulin and then test. It should be the other way around. It's what keeps getting my dad into trouble. I think my mom has that issue sometimes, as well.

I just got done eating McDonald's without taking insulin. I forgot for about half an hour, so I took some. THEN I tested myself. I'm low. I can't imagine what I was before I ate those fries.

You really should test and then inject. I've not tested and injected which is equally stupid, but now I've been using a Libre, I can scan the device and find out what my glucose levels are. And just out of curiosity, are you all T1D or T2D or a mixture?
I saw a strange thing yesterday while doing yard work.

Neighbor girls are playing on their back porch. One's about 8, one's about 5. After a bit, big one tells little one she's going inside to use bathroom, sit here and wait for her. Little one plops down on the edge of the step, big one goes inside. Little one stares off into back yard, not looking at me, or as far as I can tell, anything else but trees and her feet kicking at the dirt.

After a minute or so, little one starts singing...
but in some kind of Death Metal growly voice.

And this is what she sings:


And just like that, she's done. Big one comes back out and they start running around the yard, bouncing on the trampoline and stuff.

Kids are WEIRD.
I just recently discovered a new kind of chips I like. They are called "Takis Fuego." According to the bag they are, Hot Chili Pepper & Lime Tortilla Chips. They might be the most spicy things I have ever eaten and you got to have water or some drink available if your going to eat them.

You really should test and then inject. I've not tested and injected which is equally stupid, but now I've been using a Libre, I can scan the device and find out what my glucose levels are. And just out of curiosity, are you all T1D or T2D or a mixture?

Yeah, I really do know that. I don't know why I've been doing it the opposite recently. I think it's because I'd become used to how I feel, but that's all been thrown out the window.

My doctor has described me as T1.5. I've been diabetic for over 20 years, it's only recently I cared if I was well or not.
What ever happened to compassion?

It still exists. Granted some people can only apply it to people just like themselves. I'm more worried about empathy.

As for another random thought I am starting to get mad at my tv. Something is wrong because my Youtube apt is going all crazy, coming on by itself and when I watch something it will pause or rewind by itself. I think someone might be using my account.

Also am I the only one who sometimes sort of has a fantasy of eating with no manors like a animals or small child. Kind of like, The Master did with that turkey in the final episode of "Doctor Who" with David Tennant.
