Post a Random Fact About Yourself

The last time I weighed myself was half a decade back, and I was only around 65 g back then; I certainly don't look fatter. I wonder what contributed.
you might have gained muscles - they weigh more than the respective volume of fat. Also, as we get older, we usually gain some weight. It's not such a bad thing: slightly overweight patients have better chances of surviving cancer and other serious illnesses. They have more energy reserves they can use in such an emergency.

Random fact about myself: in my immediate family we have 3 cases of brest cancer, 2 bowel cancers, 2 brain cancers, 1 liver cancer and 1 skin cancer. Also 3 cases of heart failure and 2 of stroke. I'm curious what will be my cause of death. My money is on heart trouble.
I don't really understand this. But sometimes things fall on or near me. I mean like a lawn mover and bike. Or a huge table full of things. Or a pile of cement bags. One day I had 3 different experiences of things falling on me! What is up with that? it is nuts, but it happens too much...
I don't really understand this. But sometimes things fall on or near me. I mean like a lawn mover and bike. Or a huge table full of things. Or a pile of cement bags. One day I had 3 different experiences of things falling on me! What is up with that? it is nuts, but it happens too much...
I don't know but you should probably stay away from places like Home Depot.
I don't really understand this. But sometimes things fall on or near me. I mean like a lawn mover and bike. Or a huge table full of things. Or a pile of cement bags. One day I had 3 different experiences of things falling on me! What is up with that? it is nuts, but it happens too much...
Maybe you're secretly a magnet on the inside and you just don't know it.
I have a fondness for desserts and rich food in general but I manage to maintain a perfect figure (with lots of sporting activities), plus I am not gluttonous. I savor what I eat.
Maybe you're secretly a magnet on the inside and you just don't know it.

I think he should go easy on food containing iron like not spinach, for example, Spinach doesn't contain more iron than most green vegetables, for a while it was believed to, because of a mistake. The error has been rectified but the legend continues. ;)
I don't really understand this. But sometimes things fall on or near me. I mean like a lawn mover and bike. Or a huge table full of things. Or a pile of cement bags. One day I had 3 different experiences of things falling on me! What is up with that? it is nuts, but it happens too much...

You have a strong gravitational field.
My last name is Wright. It is an adopted name. I was born in Leeds Alabama.

A child from Dublin Ireland was brought to Leeds Alabama. This individual graduated from the same high school that I did. No longer with the same last name—this person being the author of SILK.

...Caitlin Kiernan

I suppose that makes us both Leeds devils...

My adoptive parents took me on a trip to Children’s Aid, but all they would tell me is that each birth parent was married to another spouse—making me a double bastard I suppose. I was “unknown baby Glass” who had siblings from each parent. My adopted parents died within four months of each other—while I was still in my thirties.

My adopted Mom said my name was to be Sam or Tommy. She had a miscarriage, so I guess I am a changling of sorts. My bio-dad had joint trouble.

A coworker said I resembled some folks whose mother went off to DC, perhaps explaining my sometimes cold nature.

As an infant, my description was as a baby who “enjoyed attention, but did not need it.”
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I have the stomach of a goat. I can eat pretty much anything and (almost) never get sick. I remember once a group of friends and I went to a fair and all bought food from a vendor that was a little iffy. It was back in the day when these guys weren't controlled that much. While all my friends that ate from that vendor got sick, sometimes very sick. The worst that happened to me was a bad taste in my mouth for a day and it wasn't for lack of eating. Maybe it comes from being initially poor, I don't know. Or perhaps I am just lucky.
Sharks don't get cancer.

Wait, a random fact about myself?! Oh, let me think ...

I'm not a shark.

But I also don't have cancer.

That I know of.
I have never been to West Virginia.

That's one of nine States I have been to (Though I only drove through West Virginia and only saw the airport in New Jersey), all of those visits happened just over thirteen years ago.
I have been to every ballpark in Major League Baseball except one: Globe Life Field, the current home of the Texas Rangers.

My dad and I were supposed to go there this year but the COVID thing put the kibosh on that.
I'm NOT human...

edit, let me explain:
im a dog that have learned to surf the internet