Picard film in development

And ultimately, that's why Bryan Fuller wanted the Klingons redesigned for DIS. He wanted to make the Klingons feel more alien and more dangerous.
When watching DISC season 1 for the first time, my humancentric mind went to the place if Worf and Torres looked like DISC style Klingons would a Human or a Trill still find them attractive? But in universe after 80 plus years of the UFP dealing with DISC style Klingons after the Khitimor peace deal, why not?
Back in the 90's when VOY joined the Trek family certain ignorant fans believed Tuvok could never be Vulcan because.....reasons.

Based on the desert environment, it seems like Vulcans should've been much darker skinned than shown early in Trek.
When watching DISC season 1 for the first time, my humancentric mind went to the place if Worf and Torres looked like DISC style Klingons would a Human or a Trill still find them attractive? But in universe after 80 plus years of the UFP dealing with DISC style Klingons after the Khitimor peace deal, why not?

I have to admit that I thought about that. I would've loved a more alien take on Klingons, if they hadn't tried to slap it right in the middle of an already written version of them.
The Klingons in discovery still acted and talked like Klingons. They language was even the same (and more accurate)
They were Klingons, no matter how they looked.

Also, Enterprise never said the entire Empire was affected by the Virus, it was only a handful of colonies. So there were still Ridged Klingons out there.
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The Klingons in discovery still acted and talked like Klingons. They language was even the same (and more accurate)
They were Klingons, no matter how they looked.

Eh, I don't know. What did the DIS Klingons have to do with what had been established before, other than having a lot of different houses and talking about Kahless?

I don't think one of them prattled on about "honor" once (mind you the Klingon culture of honor was all about making appearances to do what you want anyway, but it's still a central, established part of Klingon culture, much as "logic" is for Vulcans).
If there is a film, and it goes to theatres like SirPat wants, would Kamala from “The Perfect Mate” work as a villain? Someone with personal ties to Picard. And Famke Janssen is a Hollywood star.

In-universe, it’s been 35 years. A lot can happen then.
If there is a film, and it goes to theatres like SirPat wants, would Kamala from “The Perfect Mate” work as a villain? Someone with personal ties to Picard. And Famke Janssen is a Hollywood star.

In-universe, it’s been 35 years. A lot can happen then.

This is probably the biggest issue I would have with a Picard film... it seems like everything is tied up now. The obvious... end game... was kind of a final confrontation of him and the Borg. We did it. Or Q, but... we did that too. Creating a new threat seems odd to dust off Picard for, but what else could you draw from the past?

On that, no. I don't think a followup to "The Perfect Mate" has the makings of a major motion picture. But i'm also at a loss to what else would. Picard doesn't exactly have alot of well-known adversaries.

It would be a super deep cut, but do the follow up to TNG "Conspiracy"? But even then... it's basically just PIC S3, just sub-out Changelings for parasites. We already did that, too.

I'm just truly at a loss for what this movie would BE. If this was back in the time of TNG releasing movies just because, I would say... Mirror Universe Picard, because why not... but... hell we kind of did that TOO!

Perhaps better if the movie is something of a fakeout and not actually a "Picard" movie and takes the form of more of a "90's Trek sendoff", but even then... Janeways big adversary was the Borg. We did it. Sisko was the Dominion. We did it.

The *ONLY* thing I can think of is basically... Generations 2, the "Project Lazarus" drop from S3 becomes a thing, we bring back Shatner, and one have one last go with the two captains... that is schlocky as hell, and still goes into "did it already" territory, and it STILL leaves us with the question of... why? We gonna bring back Khan, too?!
Or it could be... a brand new story, no ties to previous series save whichever characters they want to bring back to join him, which is literally an infinite number of possibilities.
I feel very certain that if there is another theatrical film, it would not be a sequel to The Perfect Mate.

I feel very certain that whatever Sir Patrick was told about him being in a new movie, that it will not be a theatrical film.

But even a TV movie will not be a sequel to The Perfect Mate, because nobody gives a shit about The Perfect Mate, or Famke Janssen, for that matter.
If there is a film, and it goes to theatres like SirPat wants, would Kamala from “The Perfect Mate” work as a villain? Someone with personal ties to Picard. And Famke Janssen is a Hollywood star.

In-universe, it’s been 35 years. A lot can happen then.

Why would Kamala do a heel turn like that? Three's no REASON for her to become a villain.
I think it should be a Geordi movie, with Leah Brahms as the villain.
Bonus would be holographic Leah Brahms turned evil, a'la Moriarty
Something new, like... a spin-off movie from Discovery or a spin-off academy show from Discovery? After we had our spin-off Enterprise show from Discovery.

Why would you think this, again?

Why wouldn't I? Why should I have expected a "Picard" spin-off?

As far as "Discovery" spin-offs are concerned, the only thing I find interesting is the "Section 31" production. And that's only because the franchise has yet to delve deeply into that topic. Otherwise, I feel the same about any "Discovery" spin-off as I do about a spin-off of "Picard" or any other Trek show/movie.
I would be happy with Legacy, but I would also be just as happy with a new, non-direct spinoff / new thing set Post-PIC.

I really wish we could leave the 23rd century alone at this point. The horse is so badly beaten. Let it go. The 32nd century stuff is tainted by Discovery, so i'd rather not have that either. (the one caveat i'd give is if they did one set during the burn, long before Discovery shows up, focusing on Couriers. That could be pretty cool.)

A new thing set just after Picard. Doesn't need to feature any of the cast from the show, but it leaves the possibility open to have people show up. I'm not sure the show really needs a "hook" beyond "Star Trek", but there's plenty of things they could do.

Certain fans have wanted something more like a "rogue crew" or some such. If we go slightly more off shoot of Picard, doing something focusing on the Fenris Rangers has potential to be cool... a militia group out on the frontier working with minimal resources doing what it takes to help people could be an interesting premise.

Actually on that... this Picard movie could potentially do something to deal with the Romulans. It's now established to be Picard's greatest failure and not much got resolved in the show from it. If we're going to go the "bring back people" route, do Sela and kind of a final showdown with the Romulans, letting Picard swat down the last stirrings of a shitty evil Romulan Empire and allow a democratic Romulan state to flourish? idk.
Oh no.:rolleyes: I thought this would end with Season 3 of "Picard" and the franchise would move on to something new.
The franchise will not. The overwhelming word of mouth, loud voices, are expressing strong interest in some sort of follow up. So, the spin-off idea will be something connected to Picard. How connected is unknown and I would hope closer to something like 20 years in to the future with a new ship, new crew, new captain, no connections to the past to move things ahead a little.

However, the message received seems to be something like Picard Season 3.