Paramount+ has published a (brief) season five synopsis

Just please, for the love of God, don't have the "treasure" turn out to be a giant alien baby that kills millions with its tantrums but you're not allowed to hate him cuz he didn't know better.
Yeah, that's one of the reasons I don't rate the third season as high as the others. That and killing off Osyraa too quickly. Way too quickly. The Emerald Chain is the perfect adversary for the 32nd Century Federation and she seemed like the type of antagonist where they could've kept her around for several seasons.
Just please, for the love of God, don't have the "treasure" turn out to be a giant alien baby that kills millions with its tantrums but you're not allowed to hate him cuz he didn't know better.
Ignoring the rhetoric here. Why would they do this twice?
Every season has been significantly different so far.
Any reason you think they will go back to this particular plot?
Season 3 was great for world-building - we saw familiar and new places/cultures, placed in the context of the brand-new 32nd century. Season 4 seemed to have less of that. I'd love to explore the political stage of the 32nd century galaxy in the framework of a treasure hunt. Which great powers joined the Federation and left, which never joined?
much finer than E1 suggested. watch their arrival at HQ again - a flying rainforest! the voy-J! massive ships and a giant space station!
Doing my impression of a Film Student having a Controversial Star Trek Opinion. ;)

The third season of Discovery. Su'Kal is symbolic of The Angry Fanboy who screamed so loud that he caused The Burn. Burnham entering the 32nd Century is symbolic of Star Trek returning to television after everything collapsed. [1] Discovery has to rebuild Star Trek on TV, while Burnham has to help rebuild the Federation. By the end of the fourth season, the Federation is expanding again on Discovery, and the Star Trek Franchise has expanded again through multiple series.

1. Enterprise's cancellation in 2005 leads to an end of Star Trek on television for 12 years, until Discovery premieres. The Burn causes the Federation to be decimated for 120 years, until Burnham arrives.
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Doing my impression of a Film Student having a Controversial Star Trek Opinion. ;)

The third season of Discovery. Su'Kal is symbolic of the Angry Fanboy who screamed so loud that he caused The Burn. Burnham entering the 32nd Century is symbolic of Star Trek returning to television after everything collapsed. [1] Discovery has to rebuild Star Trek on TV, while Burnham has to help rebuild the Federation. By the end of the fourth season, the Federation is expanding again on Discovery, and the Star Trek has expanded again through multiple series.

1. Enterprise's cancellation in 2005, leads to an end of Star Trek on television for 12 years, before Discovery premieres. The Burn causes the Federation to cave in for 120 years, until Burnham arrives.
This is actually brilliant. But it would be better if Space-Lennie's cry represented Archer's tantrum about "watering" sacred trees if his beagle dies.
I'm re-watching "The Galactic Barrier". Kovich tells everyone he's not going with them to make contact with Species 10-C. Ndoye has no idea what could possibly be more important than reaching Species 10-C. Kovich says he wants to keep it that way.

I think the matters Kovich has to attend to have to do with what's going to be the main storyline in Season 5. They didn't just drop that in for no reason. They planted that there to be used later on.
Doing my impression of a Film Student having a Controversial Star Trek Opinion. ;)

The third season of Discovery. Su'Kal is symbolic of The Angry Fanboy who screamed so loud that he caused The Burn. Burnham entering the 32nd Century is symbolic of Star Trek returning to television after everything collapsed. [1] Discovery has to rebuild Star Trek on TV, while Burnham has to help rebuild the Federation. By the end of the fourth season, the Federation is expanding again on Discovery, and the Star Trek Franchise has expanded again through multiple series.

1. Enterprise's cancellation in 2005 leads to an end of Star Trek on television for 12 years, until Discovery premieres. The Burn causes the Federation to be decimated for 120 years, until Burnham arrives.

Simply sublime, Sir! Simply sublime!
I'm re-watching "The Galactic Barrier". Kovich tells everyone he's not going with them to make contact with Species 10-C. Ndoye has no idea what could possibly be more important than reaching Species 10-C. Kovich says he wants to keep it that way.

I think the matters Kovich has to attend to have to do with what's going to be the main storyline in Season 5. They didn't just drop that in for no reason. They planted that there to be used later on.
Possibly, though the line could also be interpreted as just another attempt to paint Kovich as enigmatic and be vague about just what exactly his job and responsibilities are.
Doing my impression of a Film Student having a Controversial Star Trek Opinion. ;)

The third season of Discovery. Su'Kal is symbolic of The Angry Fanboy who screamed so loud that he caused The Burn. Burnham entering the 32nd Century is symbolic of Star Trek returning to television after everything collapsed. [1] Discovery has to rebuild Star Trek on TV, while Burnham has to help rebuild the Federation. By the end of the fourth season, the Federation is expanding again on Discovery, and the Star Trek Franchise has expanded again through multiple series.

1. Enterprise's cancellation in 2005 leads to an end of Star Trek on television for 12 years, until Discovery premieres. The Burn causes the Federation to be decimated for 120 years, until Burnham arrives.

Bonus and extra meta — Book represents Burnham and through extension also DSC by at first appearing to be only in it for a cynical cash grab, before righting his course having discovered the history of the Federation, and how that is important.
The President *also* represents the fans, patiently waiting for the way to be found.
Bonus and extra meta — Book represents Burnham and through extension also DSC by at first appearing to be only in it for a cynical cash grab, before righting his course having discovered the history of the Federation, and how that is important.
The President *also* represents the fans, patiently waiting for the way to be found.
I have a whole thing worked out in my head. Where I stopped was just the tip of the iceberg. :devil: