Paramount+ has published a (brief) season five synopsis

Can someone [strike]ask[/strike] answer me why they made Michael the captain again instead of Saru?

The out of universe reasons.
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Can someone ask me why they made Michael the captain again instead of Saru?

The out of universe reasons.
Saru left to help Su'Kal on Khaminar, Burnham was promoted to Captain to replace him. When Saru returned he basically said, "I don't want to command a ship!" and he stayed on as First Officer. Not exactly the soundest reasoning, but there you go. It's like Spock from TWOK on.

If I were Vance, I'd tell Saru to take command of another ship.
Can someone [strike]ask[/strike] answer me why they made Michael the captain again instead of Saru?

The out of universe reasons.
Michael was promoted to Captain and placed in command of Disco. She doesn't step down just because Saru has returned to Starfleet.
They’re asking for a production reason not a story reason.

And the reason is probably because she’s the main character
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They’re asking for a production reason not a story reason.

And the reason is probably because she’s the main character

It seems weird because Season 3 was all about her not even wanting to be a captain. Part of what I liked about DISCO was that the captain wasn't the main character.

Oh well, I should have guessed that bridge was burned in Season 4.
I guess it confused me because Saru as Captain, Michael as Renegade Scientist, and Tilly as playing defense between them was a good dynamic. Not sure why they wanted to mess with it so much.