Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

He mentioned Riker, Worf and Geordi would be involved. And Frakes wants to be Admiral Riker in Legacy, basically playing a role similar to Admiral Forest and April.

Aside from Shatner and Stewart, Frakes, Dorn, Spiner and Burton are some of the most recognizable living faces associated with the franchise, and have the potential to keep the Pic S3 audience in tow. Mulgrew is probably inevitable as well.
He mentioned Riker, Worf and Geordi would be involved. And Frakes wants to be Admiral Riker in Legacy, basically playing a role similar to Admiral Forest and April.

Aside from Shatner and Stewart, Frakes, Dorn, Spiner and Burton are some of the most recognizable living faces associated with the franchise, and have the potential to keep the Pic S3 audience in tow. Mulgrew is probably inevitable as well.
I can see them being involved. Not necessarily as regulars, but Admiral Riker makes sense. Worf is now established as working underground, which is Raffi's home turf, so I expect that to come into play if and when they deal with exposing some type of underbelly.

Geordi, I don't know. I mean, I know, but I hope he gets to do more than just be Sidney's Dad.
I can see them being involved. Not necessarily as regulars, but Admiral Riker makes sense. Worf is now established as working underground, which is Raffi's home turf, so I expect that to come into play if and when they deal with exposing some type of underbelly.

Geordi, I don't know. I mean, I know, but I hope he gets to do more than just be Sidney's Dad.
He's in charge of a garage with some wonderful toys.
First things first,
Update to this. I'm now a YouTube Editor. I get to work from home.
He mentioned Riker, Worf and Geordi would be involved. And Frakes wants to be Admiral Riker in Legacy, basically playing a role similar to Admiral Forest and April.

Aside from Shatner and Stewart, Frakes, Dorn, Spiner and Burton are some of the most recognizable living faces associated with the franchise, and have the potential to keep the Pic S3 audience in tow. Mulgrew is probably inevitable as well.
Interesting. The magic formula of Season 3 keeps changing.
I can see them being involved. Not necessarily as regulars, but Admiral Riker makes sense. Worf is now established as working underground, which is Raffi's home turf, so I expect that to come into play if and when they deal with exposing some type of underbelly.
I would welcome that, since Worf and Raffi was the highlight of Season 3 for me.
Stewart isn't a necessary component for Legacy's potential success.
Yeah, I know there's a bit of The Next-Next Generation in the pitch but I also think DS9 and Voyager characters returning would bring back older viewers and the newer characters can add diversity that was missing in the old days.

Seven has a rabid, salivating fandom.

Yeah there is those reasons Seven was popular but she also became a compelling character on VOY and was one they got back for PIC season 1 (and kept around through the TNG reunion) for a reason. It was largely a Picard/Riker story and one they managed to use Crusher on more than TNG really did. I wouldn't have minded seeing more Seven in the plot. Presenting Seven in a more mature way, and captain to boot, would be a big hook.

Maybe they can bring back Soji and Elnor?
One thing I hope is it's episodic because I would like an episode about the state of the Romulan Free State and how Elnor is or isn't fairing in Starfleet.

And I need an episode where Data and Soji interact and what happened to all the synths and how they are fitting into the Federation.
I suspect none of them will be back. Dr Ohk, as you stated, with just the producer's wife given a tiny expository role with minimal dialogue. A walk-on role. They'll have to fill the doctor with a proper character actor if this series happens. Hopefully a new prosthetic alien.

Dr. Ohk was a Trill.

She wasn't just a walk-on. Dr. Ohk seized the bridge right alongside Seven and Raffi.

So he's Lucius Fox. ;)

Or Q ...

Oh, wait ... We already have a Q in this franchise. :shifty:
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My ideal cast for “Legacy” is Seven, Raffi, Sidney, Elnor, and Jack. I like Alandra well enough but I don’t think Mica Burton is as strong an actor, recurring guest star would be great with Mica.

They still need to find a Chief Engineer and after rewatching “Voyager”, I remembered how much of a pain Seven was to B’Elanna in Engineering, I can only imagine how much of a pain Seven will be now that she’s the Captain of the ship.

Also, the appeal for me with Legacy is the ‘Next Next Generation’ vibe and having Enterprise adventures again in the “Current Era”. SNW is the Enterprise era adventures of the past (imagine a crossover episode with them though.) There’s so much to tackle in this — there’s still trying to deal with the mess that is the Romulan Free State, dealing with the trauma of a whole generation of Starfleet kids being Borg, the threat beyond the ‘gate’ Jurati Borg hinted at, at the end of season 2.

I’ve also just recently watched an interview with Matalas saying if he were given a chance to do ‘Legacy’ he’d format it as episodic with arc elements, basically what I’ve wanted since the start (aka the Buffy format).
They still need to find a Chief Engineer and after rewatching “Voyager”, I remembered how much of a pain Seven was to B’Elanna in Engineering, I can only imagine how much of a pain Seven will be now that she’s the Captain of the ship.

***cough*** Shaw :whistle: ***cough***

Also, the appeal for me with Legacy is the ‘Next Next Generation’ vibe and having Enterprise adventures again in the “Current Era”.

Who's going to get turned into a cake? :shifty:
Also, the appeal for me with Legacy is the ‘Next Next Generation’ vibe and having Enterprise adventures again in the “Current Era”. SNW is the Enterprise era adventures of the past...
:guffaw: Given Star Trek Discovery takes place in the 32nd century (and still has one full new season left to stream); and the next new series that they are bringing to Paramount Plus is Starfleet Academy which is also set in the 32nd century, the idea that the 24th/25th Century TNG/PICARD era is the "Current Era" is both hilarious and incorrect.

TNG/PICARD fans are now in the same boat as us TOS/SNW fans in that all these Adventures are in the distant past compared to the actual Current Era of Star Trek.

I hope you TNG fans get the show eventually. At least you won't have to have waited 54 years since your favorite show left the airwaves. If it start streaming around 2026/2027 (after SNW has gotten it's 5 or 6 seasons,, and Starfleet Academy is in its second or third season); you'll only have waited about 29 to 30 years.

(And given that they can't repeat the 'buzz' that was unique to PICARD S3 that got it all the viewership that it had, there's no reason to abandon any of the current live action series as the proposed "Legacy" would most likely get similar viewership to PICARD S1 and S2.)

But that said, again the TNG/PICARD 25th century is not the current ERA of Star Trek. It's in the same boat as the Strange New Worlds 23rd century era. :angel:
I have to disagree. I'm a hardcore Discovery Fan. It remains my favorite Star Trek series... but I still call the 32nd Century "The Future".

As far as waits:
From TUC to DSC S1, I only had to wait from 1991 to 2017 to get something that took place fully in the "Prime" 23rd Century again. 26 years. In the meantime, it took me until 1996 to watch every episode of TOS. So the wait was actually really 21 years, from my perspective.

I stopped watching Star Trek in fall 1999. Early on in VOY Season 6. I would've stopped watching after DS9 ended, but I wanted to see what Ron Moore would've brought to the VOY table. NEM in 2002 doesn't count because even though I went to the theater to see it, I'd already pretty much checked out. The next time I looked forward to seeing anything in the 24th/25th Century was PIC Season 1 in January 2020. So the wait I had to go through to get something I liked that fully took place in the 24th or 25th Century about 20.5 years. Although I did finally watch the rest of VOY in late-2008. So maybe you could say my wait was really only 11 years. ;)
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(after SNW has gotten it's 5 or 6 seasons,, and Starfleet Academy is in its second or third season)

It's not going to get five seasons (Disco was a test case. They were pushing it.)

It might get four at the most. P+ is not about to suck every last bit of marrow out of SNW (it's now merging with Showtime's streaming service -- which itself is going to cost money).
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It's not going to get five seasons (Disco was a test case. They were pushing it.)

It might get four at the most. P+ is not about to suck every last bit of marrow out of SNW (it's now merging with Showtime's streaming service).
I think it'll get five. They canceled Discovery while it was still somewhat popular because it was getting expensive, and because the deal with Netflix required 13 episodes ( and in season 1 and 2 it got 14vand 15 episodes respectively) seasons, with its 5th season it has a total of 65 episodes.

So I get the idea that Paramount wants at least 50/60 episodes for its popular series, so that going forward, they have enough to make a syndication/ streaming package appealing to third parties if and when they start shopping these series around. ( n the old days the magic number for syndication was 100 episodes.)

So yeah unless something happens and SNW streaming views really drop at some point, I think it has a very good shot at
5 seasons, and an outside shot at 6 seasons; but time will tell.

And yes they would have done a fourth season for Picard if Patrick Stewart had been interested, but he only signed for 3, and I do think he was asked but said no to a 4th season; and further it's why he finally agreed to do something he really didn't want to do with the Picard series, and that's a full TNG reunion. With his last season he gave the TNG fans what they had really wanted for the show all along.
I suppose it’ll depend on how long the writers’ strike goes on for, and how bad P+‘s situation is, but I’m rather pessimistic about SNW getting to five seasons.
I think it'll get five. They canceled Discovery while it was still somewhat popular because it was getting expensive, and because the deal with Netflix required 13 episodes ( and in season 1 and 2 it got 14vand 15 episodes respectively) seasons, with its 5th season it has a total of 65 episodes.

So I get the idea that Paramount wants at least 50/60 episodes for its popular series, so that going forward, they have enough to make a syndication/ streaming package appealing to third parties if and when they start shopping these series around. ( n the old days the magic number for syndication was 100 episodes.)

So yeah unless something happens and SNW streaming views really drop at some point, I think it has a very good shot at
5 seasons, and an outside shot at 6 seasons; but time will tell.

And yes they would have done a fourth season for Picard if Patrick Stewart had been interested, but he only signed for 3, and I do think he was asked but said no to a 4th season; and further it's why he finally agreed to do something he really didn't want to do with the Picard series, and that's a full TNG reunion. With his last season he gave the TNG fans what they had really wanted for the show all along.

Syndication is dead. There is no second-run syndication market for streaming shows.

P+ has been keeping everything on their own network (they pulled Disco and Picard off Netflix).
Syndication is dead. There is no second-run syndication market for streaming shows.

P+ has been keeping everything on their own network (they pulled Disco and Picard off Netflix).
Over the Air and Cable TV still survive - and we're already seeing various Streamers (including HBO etc.) sell stuff to other streamers when they're done with it as an 'exclusive'.

Paramount KNOWS it can sell any Star Trek stuff it produces to other media outlets/channels FOR YEARS again, once they are done with having it as an 'exclusive'. But to make it attractive, each series still has to have a decent number of eps. for them to get a good offer. In their eyes right now optimum is either 50 or 60 IF we take their ending of Discovery at 5 seasons and 65 episodes. Regardless of what many think, it WAS STILL seeing good view numbers; but yeah, I'm sure each year they were paying the actors and crew more, so they finally made a decision on what they feel is enough episodes in the can to both be attractive to casual P+ viewers who are new to Trek and discover (pun intended) it - as well as the number of eps. they need to make an attractive/sellable package down the line.

Paramount is the studio that decided to spend the money to redo the TOS visual effects and upgrade the series to HD format (in 2004 - 38 years after the series premiered) BECAUSE 38 years later there was STILL interest and they were (and are today) still selling TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT in both over the air and Cable channel syndication.

They know from experience that they can continue to sell whatever Star Trek content they produce to whatever media outlets (Streaming/Over the Air/Cable, etc.) for decades to come if each series has a minimum number of episodes to make it attractive enough.

I'll be dead of old age, but for you younger folk - whatever changes come to te streaming/cable/over the air media landscape, I can guarantee that someone will be watching Discovery, Picard, Strange New Worlds (and whatever else gets produced during Alex Kurtzman's run and beyond) somewhere in 2066 (43 years from now on Trek's 100th anniversary) <--- And Paramount will STILL be getting licensing and/or other fees from it all.
Over the Air and Cable TV still survive - and we're already seeing various Streamers (including HBO etc.) sell stuff to other streamers when they're done with it as an 'exclusive'.

Paramount KNOWS it can sell any Star Trek stuff it produces to other media outlets/channels FOR YEARS again, once they are done with having it as an 'exclusive'.

When will it cease to be "exclusive"? That's the $64,000 question.

My guess? Never. They pulled Trek from Netflix for a reason. They're not going to give away the jewel in Paramount's crown that is Star Trek.

Fox is still going strong with The Simpsons after thirty years (and 750 episodes). NCIS has 457 episodes.

But to make it attractive, each series still has to have a decent number of eps. for them to get a good offer. In their eyes right now optimum is either 50 or 60 IF we take their ending of Discovery at 5 seasons and 65 episodes.

Disco was a proving ground, a test bed. It was Trek's first streaming series.

Past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. It would not be wise to look at Disco's ep count as an optimal figure going forward.

Disco is a relic of a different time -- a time when production budgets were FAR more generous.

A show like Lower Decks (that is cheap to produce) is far more likely to hit 5, 6, 7 seasons than a live action epic like Strange New Worlds.
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They're not going to give away the jewel in Paramount's crown that is Star Trek.
They already do that in international markets. In Canada, SNW, Picard, and Disco are all streamed through Crave, a Bell owned streaming service. Plus, if I want to watch any if the older series, I do it through Netflix, not Paramount Plus, which we do have.
They already do that in international markets. In Canada, SNW, Picard, and Disco are all streamed through Crave, a Bell owned streaming service. Plus, if I want to watch any if the older series, I do it through Netflix, not Paramount Plus, which we do have.
And right now, the entirety of SNW S1 is available On Demand for free on Paramounts 100% free streaming service (it shows commercials when you watch it) Pluto TV. It will probably disappear from On Demand there after SNW S2 has first streamed all 10 episodes on P+ . FYI - Pluto TV had PICARD S2 available on Demand for the entirety of the time Picard S3 started streaming on P+.

And you can be sure they're licensing it to Streamers in areas of the world P+ hasn't expanded themselves into yet. By most accounts they do it through Amazon Prime streaming in such areas.