Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

Nah the SNW and PIC teams meet in alleys on the Paramount lot and fight it out, like in the Warriors. or maybe Beat It. ;)
With prodigy being cancelled I feel much less confident. P+ made a huge mistake committing to Academy. Just like Prodigy didn't attract kids Academy won't attract young adults. I think they had no idea how popular Picard would be. Legacy should be the next show not a CW wannabe.
With prodigy being cancelled I feel much less confident. P+ made a huge mistake committing to Academy. Just like Prodigy didn't attract kids Academy won't attract young adults. I think they had no idea how popular Picard would be. Legacy should be the next show not a CW wannabe.
Yes, clearly the strategy is to market it only to hardcore fans at this point.

More's the pity.
With prodigy being cancelled I feel much less confident. P+ made a huge mistake committing to Academy. Just like Prodigy didn't attract kids Academy won't attract young adults. I think they had no idea how popular Picard would be. Legacy should be the next show not a CW wannabe.

With the WGA strike and the upcoming SAG strike, I don't think any commitment is 100%.

Projects can cancelled and dropped all the time.

IMO, P+ should just invest in Strange New Worlds and Star Trek Legacy. Safest bets. Best chance of success there. No other spinoffs or side-projects that will just throw them into further debt.

With SNW, you can draw in the general audience that was exposed to TOS Trek through the Kelvin films. JJ action and adventure. Kirk, Spock, Uhura. Scotty and McCoy are inevitable.

With Legacy, you could draw in the 90s fanbase and the audience that got Pic S3 onto the streaming charts. Matalas already said Riker, Geordi, Worf, etc would all be involved.

Both shows have recognizable pop culture icons, but also are a springboard for new characters and adventures.
With prodigy being cancelled I feel much less confident. P+ made a huge mistake committing to Academy. Just like Prodigy didn't attract kids Academy won't attract young adults. I think they had no idea how popular Picard would be. Legacy should be the next show not a CW wannabe.
But Picard didn't attract younger, new viewers either. It was watched mainly by a subset of TNG fans (remember that TNG had a weekly audience in the 10-12 million viewer range).

At this point point STD remains P+ longest-running and possibly most well-known Trek series. I am not fan of the show, but it's not hard to see why they might favor a follow-on to it.
PIC got into the top 10 of streaming viewers "Picard is the only Paramount+ original to make the chart twice"

I think it had more viewers than Discovery did but an Academy show would probably be lower budget if it's just set in college. I don't think it's something they would take over a "Legacy" show but I don't think it's really a competition. Streaming services are all slashing budgets so they could have a pricier adventure show with Legacy and a cheaper teen drama at the Academy.
There was a suggestion somewhere that with Prodigy scrapped, it could free up some cash for Legacy. Personally, I doubt Legacy was on anyone's mind with the Prodigy decision.

S3's numbers were driven by the reunion of the Next Gen cast and nostalgia. Straight off the bat, Legacy is minus S3's biggest hook. Any Legacy show would be diminishing returns with Stewart and co out of the mix. It doesn't strike me as a subscription driver. How many would-be Legacy viewers aren't already on board for SNW, LD etc. ?

Perhaps in a more favorable environment, this might have had a chance.
S3's numbers were driven by the reunion of the Next Gen cast and nostalgia. Straight off the bat, Legacy is minus S3's biggest hook. Any Legacy show would be diminishing returns with Stewart and co out of the mix. It doesn't strike me as a subscription driver. How many would-be Legacy viewers aren't already on board for SNW, LD etc. ?

I tried watching the SNW pilot. I couldn't finish it.

I knew where the episode was going about halfway through (it's fine for new viewers who haven't seen how Trek rolls a million times before).
Pic S3 succeeded on positive word of mouth.

It doesn't surprise me that the viewership first made the charts after the spectacular 3x04 "No Win Scenario."

Stewart isn't a necessary component for Legacy's potential success. There will be other TNG characters and new characters in play.

They could also present Q in a far more compelling light than what we got for S2.
Seven has a rabid, salivating fandom.

I don't think it's Seven as much as the man who's name is in the title.

There's a significant audience that's confident in Matalas delivering a Trek show. And for those that aren't, there's SNW.

Keep those two shows only and the franchise will be in a solid place.
I don't think it's Seven as much as the man who's name is in the title.

There's a significant audience that's confident in Matalas delivering a Trek show. And for those that aren't, there's SNW.

Keep those two shows only and the franchise will be in a solid place.

I'm leery of Terry Matalas.

He's a little too eager to recreate Berman-era Trek (and all its faults). :shifty:

I'd like to have someone keep him in check.
There's a significant audience that's confident in Matalas delivering a Trek show. And for those that aren't, there's SNW.

It doesn't matter what the audience thinks. It only matters what CBS/Paramount thinks. That's why online petitions are meaningless. If CBS thinks making a show like Legacy will make them spend more money than they earn, they won't make it. It doesn't matter if it's 'what the fans want.' And as soon as the bean counters tell CBS that SNW isn't making enough money to justify its cost, they'll cancel that show too.