Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

I think an announcement would come before the end of this year, within 3 months of the WGA strike ending (which can only run for about 3.5 months before union unity would fall apart according to different analysts).

What analyses? Why are you talking about the idea of the writers folding like that's a good thing? Most writers are already barely getting by and the studios only want to make that worse. Better that we never get another Star Trek series than see it produced by means of such brutal exploitation.

Hopefully one result from the WGA stike will be public, transparent streaming numbers and we can do a lot better at reading the tea leaves...

Very true. One of the biggest problems the WGA faces is that its members can't gauge what fair pay is in proportion to the wealth their labor is creating for the streamers.

Terry also mentioned in the Trekmovie interview that since the writers strike that he can't work on the plans he for tv shows he wanted to work on and he can't say anything about working on any shows right now.

Good man -- he knows the importance of solidarity.
What analyses? Why are you talking about the idea of the writers folding like that's a good thing? Most writers are already barely getting by and the studios only want to make that worse. Better that we never get another Star Trek series than see it produced by means of such brutal exploitation.
I did not say the writers folding would be a good thing. Only that there's likely a finite length to how long the strike could run.

Various writers are giving interviews on YouTube about the strike. One I saw last night said the threat the WGA was facing was "existential" and that the writer found the approaches taken by some studios to be downright "dehumanizing".
Top Factor
The petition has now hit 50,000!!! this is 20K more than the SNW petition received before it was green lit ;)

Shout out to the Popcast guys for getting in on this early, specifically including Terry Matalas, and doing a lot of work to promote season 3.
56K now and climbing fast. Random.

I'm guessing people are discovering the season now and bingeing it, due to Word of Mouth.

Also Change.Org has reached out to the guys who started the petition and are offering to be an intermediary with Paramount to get this ball rolling and also ramp up the campaign.

At the very least, if this gets Terry Matalas into a creative position with Star Trek post-strike.... mission accomplished.
56K now and climbing fast. Random.

I'm guessing people are discovering the season now and bingeing it, due to Word of Mouth.

Also Change.Org has reached out to the guys who started the petition and are offering to be an intermediary with Paramount to get this ball rolling and also ramp up the campaign.

At the very least, if this gets Terry Matalas into a creative position with Star Trek post-strike.... mission accomplished.
It might also inspire some classic "fear / uncertainty / doubt" with the Paramount executives, and potentially make them second guess their current resource allocations. Maybe, maybe even SFA gets pulled.

But Legacy's real competition is likely SNW.
Hmmm...... The fresh and exciting show that's fun and full of wonderment. The show that embodies the very spirit of Trek...


Nostalgia Wank: The Series.

If it comes to one or the other, I know which side I'm on.
I mean, they have Prodigy so they'll probably lean in to the fan wank side for a time. Fan wank is the safer bet right now.
It might also inspire some classic "fear / uncertainty / doubt" with the Paramount executives, and potentially make them second guess their current resource allocations. Maybe, maybe even SFA gets pulled.

But Legacy's real competition is likely SNW.

Like I've said before, I don't even want the Legacy series because the Pic S3 finale effectively wrapped up everything neatly.

The more important thing was to get Matalas involved in the creative side of New Trek, to be a guiding voice. Someone who actually knows and gets the material.

This petition has his name front and center, so hopefully it does that.
Whatever's not "Back to Basics" is what I'm for.

With Legacy, I don't know. It depends on what direction they're looking in. If they propel things forward, I won't complain. If they pull a Lower Decks and do things like just hang out at DS9 for a bit, and stuff like that, then I'm not sticking around.
Akiva most definitely needs some guidance with his approach to Trek. A few good episodes on SNW, but some very divisive ones on the other shows.

Could be worse. See his work on Titans.

I'd have more confidence in Henry Alonso Myers.