Spoilers NO SPOILERS FOR CODA - A Lit-verse Grand Finale...What We Know (Spoilers for Entire Lit-verse)

I assume this thread is about to wind down once the first novel review thread starts soon. Just wanted to say this has been an incredibly fun lead up. I’m stoked for next week. I only have about 100 pages of Collateral Damage left. Thanks again to @Dayton Ward @James Swallow and @David Mack for giving us this wonderful gift.

If anyone missed it when I originally posted it, and are interested in my personal reflection on this moment in Trek history…

Star Trek Comes To An End
I assume this thread is about to wind down once the first novel review thread starts soon. Just wanted to say this has been an incredibly fun lead up. I’m stoked for next week. I only have about 100 pages of Collateral Damage left. Thanks again to @Dayton Ward @James Swallow and @David Mack for giving us this wonderful gift.

If anyone missed it when I originally posted it, and are interested in my personal reflection on this moment in Trek history…

Star Trek Comes To An End

End. Beginning.

Don't be so linear. :cool:
I miss the days when Simon and Schuster would release an excerpt from a novel's first chapter a few weeks before the novel comes out. Anyone know why that's not happening anymore?
I'm as hyped for this as I was for those Kelvinverse novels which were due in summer 2010 (of which 2 finally arrived a decade later). And I was very hyped for those.

Haven't read everything of the novelverse, but it having a definite(ish?) endpoint makes it more fascinating to me to go back and see it as a complete elseworld. Currently I'm way back, finally learning all the fuss about Tezwa after dozens and dozens of mentions and callbacks. After that, gonna skip to this, then pingpong around the bits I've missed until I've had my fill of the novelverse. Thanks everyone.
Thank you James Swallow I'm so glad Ben Sisko and Data will be working together in your novel . I was hoping Data would return again for the Coda miniseries..:bolian::biggrin:
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Would that be legal? I know androids are deemed sentient but are holograms?

"Holograms" are not a species. Holograms are just visual interfaces. Most are just NPCs controlled by game or simulation programs; a very few are operated by sentient artificial intelligences. The Voyager EMH or Professor Moriarty has a sentient AI controlling the holographic illusion of a human body, but Dixon Hill's secretary or Doctor Chaotica or one of the Fair Haven townsfolk is just one of many mindless puppets operated by the single program creating the simulation, no more a thinking individual than an NPC in Mass Effect or Skyrim.

So what we should be talking about is the sentience of artificial intelligences, regardless of whether they operate a hologram, a an android body, a starship, or a horde of murder drones. It's annoying that Trek seems to treat AIs with those various outward manifestations as if they were wholly separate categories of being. I mean, why is it so hard to make sentient androids if sentient holograms or Self-Aware Megalomaniacal Computers are so commonplace? Just take the software that runs the sentient hologram and download it into an android body.
"Holograms" are not a species. Holograms are just visual interfaces. Most are just NPCs controlled by game or simulation programs; a very few are operated by sentient artificial intelligences. The Voyager EMH or Professor Moriarty has a sentient AI controlling the holographic illusion of a human body, but Dixon Hill's secretary or Doctor Chaotica or one of the Fair Haven townsfolk is just one of many mindless puppets operated by the single program creating the simulation, no more a thinking individual than an NPC in Mass Effect or Skyrim.

So what we should be talking about is the sentience of artificial intelligences, regardless of whether they operate a hologram, a an android body, a starship, or a horde of murder drones. It's annoying that Trek seems to treat AIs with those various outward manifestations as if they were wholly separate categories of being. I mean, why is it so hard to make sentient androids if sentient holograms or Self-Aware Megalomaniacal Computers are so commonplace? Just take the software that runs the sentient hologram and download it into an android body.
Did the Doctor ever manifest in some way other than as a hologram? They would talk about his holographic matrix. The Doctor's medium seems intrinsic to his message, just as in human consciousness.
Weird hope for post-Coda-verse.

I want Geordie not to be married to Leah Brams but married to a hologram of her.

I still think the hologram (or, the ship by way of the hologram) was coming on to Geordi, so he's relatively blameless for the whole affair, aside from not realizing who (or what) was actually into him.
Did the Doctor ever manifest in some way other than as a hologram? They would talk about his holographic matrix. The Doctor's medium seems intrinsic to his message, just as in human consciousness.

I know what terminology they used, but that's exactly what I'm criticizing, the way they talked about "holograms" as if they were the AIs themselves instead of just their user interfaces. I just don't buy that there's a fundamental difference. If you can fit the Doctor's brain inside a mobile emitter barely larger than a combadge, you should be able to stick that emitter inside a robot head and have it move the body around like it can move a hologram around.

After all, the holograms on a ship's holodeck are controlled by the ship's computer ("Computer, end program"), which also controls the ship. So clearly the same computer can operate both physical mechanisms and holo-emitters. And a vast starship is probably a lot more complicated to operate than a robotic simulacrum of a puny human.
I still think the hologram (or, the ship by way of the hologram) was coming on to Geordi, so he's relatively blameless for the whole affair, aside from not realizing who (or what) was actually into him.

Geordi and the Enterprise would be a romance for the ages versus creeping on Mortal Leah. :)
End. Beginning.

Don't be so linear. :cool:

“What we call the beginning is often the end
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.”
—T. S. Eliot, “Little Gidding,” Part V

Am I doing this right?
