Spoilers NO SPOILERS FOR CODA - A Lit-verse Grand Finale...What We Know (Spoilers for Entire Lit-verse)

Don't even joke. My Christmas bonus at work one year was a half-off Andy Nelson's coupon. I'm not even kidding.
Jesus, what (I assume Baltimore because Andy Nelson) radio station did you work for? We at least got a whole Heavenly Ham at CBS.
Checked the London Forbidden Planet to see if they have it since they sometimes get books early but no luck. They have a few Star Trek art books under £5 if people are interested
Keith DeCandido's Enterprises of Great Pitch and Moment is the only book I can think of where they have any interaction, but it's a glancing one, IIRC.
Data and Sisko are part of a larger meeting that also includes Picard, Kira, Worf, and Dax, but that's their only direct interaction. After that, Picard and Sisko go off on their mission together. Data does later interact with Kira, Dax, and Nog, as well as his former shipmates Worf and O'Brien.
Data and Sisko both appear in the Q War crossover comic between TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY. I don’t recall whether they get to chat.
That comic had so many characters and was so focused on the scavenger hunt plot, that hardly any characters got to interact with each other in an interesting way. Truly a missed opportunity.
Absolutely. Like 2380s' Enterprise-E Worf meeting Jadzia Dax being addressed in a one-liner.