Night Court revival

This and the following week's episode were fun...felt like classic Night COurt to me. I have not watched many sit com episodes on a regular basis for like 30 years, and certainly not regularly like I am with Night COurt. 2nd season feels where more solid than 1st season (which was still good).

And the current episode was also a lot of fun...especially making fun of Abby's vocabulary (and her "full name")

While that certainly would have been a great ongoing joke, you clearly missed the news about the new clerk.

You know this is a comedy right, and not a documentary?

If it's not too relevent to the episode, i really don't care. And neither should you. It's a comedy.

he's got a Mac / Straight man kinda vibe to him. And as they noted bow he has had a bunch of different jobs, i am assuming they will pull out whatever is needed for the situation if they need a "solution" to a "problem" . ALso, him having 2 kids can also give him an excuse to not appear in an episode if the actor as another gig they need to do during filming of Night Court.

Finally remembered to check out last week's episode. A good debut for Nyambi Nyambi as Wyatt. He's less zany than I would've expected, but it might work well to have someone more grounded to bring balance to this bunch of madcaps. That was sort of Mac's role in the original, come to think of it.

Yeah, i literally just said he was a lot like Mac. And definitely a needed role that makes things funnier

On this week's episode, nice to see Flobert still hanging around, and that whole subplot, while not being very original, was still very entertaining thanks to the great performances.

Which subplot (they all seemed to be equal to me)... if you mean the health vibe... i haven't seen a whole lot based on that idea, so it was fun take on the contemporary health concerns...and yet another example of how Gurgs is a wonderfully caring character

Not among my favorites of the relaunch thus far but I did emit a few genuine LOLs.

Yeah, i agree... not the "best", but still quite consistent with the Night Court vibe.

Wait! They made a joke about magicians' assistants and Abracadabra Stone just lets it go by?!? C'MON REF! WHERE'S THE FOUL?

"This obituary is from tomorrow!"

I like Wyatt. The Flobert story line was cute. It's mostly just a dumb show with jokes. Perfect!

Can you explain that to @Christopher , who has taken some details waaaay too seriously

Two episodes in and I'm already liking Wyatt. I know I'm one of the few who misses Neil but Wyatt is a good replacement.

yeah, as a half-Asian American, i feel like they totally missed a plot about how Neil's parents might be disappointed in how his life is... he had a "lovable loser" type of vibe that should have been explored
Harry also dated a witch for one episode, and had to break it off to save his career. In modern lights, I'm thinking, so what if she's a different religion??

This week: During the scene of Abby in her office trying to formulate the perfect pickle, I turned to my wife and said "How the hell long is their lunch break???"
Harry also dated a witch for one episode, and had to break it off to save his career. In modern lights, I'm thinking, so what if she's a different religion??
On my rewatch I thought the same, but I also realized that it might be considered a poor influence on the court, and the fact that there was a tabloid reporter running around trying to smear Stone in that episode too.

But, I loved the shows approach to the idea of powers unknown, both for good, and, bad and neutral. The episode with the character who though he was Death personified was incredibly heart wrenching. And then, the opposite side, the early episode with Santa Claus.
Despite the weirdness of a white Klingon, John Laroquette clearly relished revisiting his Trek roots. I was especially tickled when he accidentally took on the name Maltz while trying to avoid Julianne.

Speaking of whom, Wendie Malick slays again. She's always such a damn delight to watch, made even more fun because of her and Laroquette's electric chemistry. She can't come back soon enough.

I was less thrilled by the Abby and her annoying childhood friend storyline, but the comic con trappings made it easy to move past quickly.
Yeah, Abby's friend from kindergarten got tiresome fast. Easily the worst part of the entire episode.
Jol yIchu! (Thankfully I had to look up how to spell that.) No WAY in this day and age they were going to give him face paint.

(Hey look! Zorro!)

I didn't like the childhood friend story except Olivia was hilarious. And Wyatt's Morpheous was perfect.

Wendy Malick. That's all that needs to be said.
Why is that weird? There have been light-skinned Klingons before.
Aside from the Albino (who was pure white instead of Caucasian white)?

I get it, they were matching his skin tones and that's fine. It just threw me off a bit.

I didn't like the childhood friend story except Olivia was hilarious.
Yup, Olivia made that story barely tolerable.
Aside from the Albino (who was pure white instead of Caucasian white)?
I don't personally believe that the Albino was a Klingon, but apart from him Kruge is the first one that springs to mind. A lot of Klingons have obvious make-up on without actually being in 'brown face', like Koloth, Antaak, Huraga, Kahless...Torres?
And hey, let's not forget Darvin. ;)

But Laroquette is certainly a whiter shade of pale than them, no doubt.
Oh, duh. How could I forget about B'Elanna?!

I guess my issue was Laroquette's particular skin tone that threw me off so much.
Just saw last week's dating- and pickle-themed episode. I found it a dud, perhaps my least favorite yet. I think Wyatt's a good addition to the cast, but I hope they don't stick with the "nobody listens to him" gag.

Oddly, had the descriptive audio on and I couldn't find a way to turn it off, so periodically there'd be a voice narrating actions and scene changes. Oddly, over the title screen, the voice described the title font, color, and backlighting -- surely it would've been more appropriate to list the cast there. Also, some of the described actions didn't match what was happening onscreen, so they must've based it on the script.
That was a fun episode. Some nice nods to Laroquette’s time on Trek – from the costume ("which somehow seems familiar") to the fake name and the end with Coooooonnnnnnnn… (and zooming out like the movie). I was hoping for a bit more COmic COn stuff, but we got quite a bit, and i liked it.

Also, i think there are some copyright issues to a certain degree, so why we get a "bootleg" version of a Klingon costume, like how George Takei and Grace Lee Whitney had pseudo TOS uniforms in their Social Security ads a few years back.

This episode was also another example of NOT thinking too deep on “consistency”… Since it is NIGHT court, how is Wyatt going to the Con after work? And Dan getting in and out and back in costume so quick? Who cares?!?!?! – it was funny.

Oh, @Christopher , if you have any real life friends in your neighborhood…. If they subscribe to a cable service, can provide the episode for free the next day. At least with Xfinity, Peacock is the default (which now needs a subscription for newer stuff), so you have to intentionally select as the method to watch
Or how the TOS and TNG uniforms in the episode of the original show were Starfleet but not quite Starfleet, with colors that were close but not exactly spot-on and wildly exaggerated arrowhead patches on their chests. Good stuff in both episodes, right down to the defendants in the 1980s episode actually being transported out of the courtroom before they could be escorted out. :lol:
Some nice nods to Laroquette’s time on Trek
"Nice nods"?!? That was a double-helping of "actor allusion" stew. And a delicious one at that.

This episode was also another example of NOT thinking too deep on “consistency”… Since it is NIGHT court, how is Wyatt going to the Con after work? And Dan getting in and out and back in costume so quick?
"Rule of Funny." Which is really the only rule Night Court has.

And a few days after the airdate (a week at most), you can watch the episode on Albeit with ads frequently breaking in, mid-scene. Last week's "Hold the Pickles, Keep the Change" is already unlocked, @Christopher .

And I've taken the liberty of adding this to the "Actor Allusion" page on TV Tropes.
And a few days after the airdate (a week at most), you can watch the episode on

It's actually 8 days after, as a rule. Rather, every new episode is up on the site the morning after it airs, but most shows are locked for an additional week beyond that, even ones that were unlocked last season. (Whereas the new series The Irrational is the only one that's been unlocked this year, of the three I watch. Maybe it's only first-season shows that are unlocked.)
Or how the TOS and TNG uniforms in the episode of the original show were Starfleet but not quite Starfleet, with colors that were close but not exactly spot-on and wildly exaggerated arrowhead patches on their chests. Good stuff in both episodes, right down to the defendants in the 1980s episode actually being transported out of the courtroom before they could be escorted out. :lol:
Hmm. That was the second of the "Day in the Life" trilogy. The third "Day in the Life" episode was the one in which Wile E. Coyote had a cameo ("Leave that poor bird alone!") .