New project - TOS Enterprise 1341-foot version full interior 3D model


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Red Shirt
Hi all,

I'm a newbie to this site and wanted to share a project I'm working on with the community. I'm attempting to create a fully fleshed out 3D interior model of TOS Enterprise based on Jim Botaitis' 1341 foot long Enterprise blueprints. These plans assume a 10' ceiling height like the Stage 9 sets. I've been corresponding with Jim and he's encouraged me to publish samples of my work. I hope to build up some excitement for this project, highlight Jim's great work, and also get constructive criticism and help from the community from time to time. Here's a link to a couple of pics of the project so far:

I've been having fun recreating the well-known interior sets, but so much good work has been done by others in this area, I want to add something new. To this end, I've been mostly focusing on areas that don't already have lots of artwork done on them while trying to stay true to the TOS aesthetic.

Hi all,

I'm a newbie to this site and wanted to share a project I'm working on with the community. I'm attempting to create a fully fleshed out 3D interior model of TOS Enterprise based on Jim Botaitis' 1341 foot long Enterprise blueprints. These plans assume a 10' ceiling height like the Stage 9 sets. I've been corresponding with Jim and he's encouraged me to publish samples of my work. I hope to build up some excitement for this project, highlight Jim's great work, and also get constructive criticism and help from the community from time to time. Here's a link to a couple of pics of the project so far:

I've been having fun recreating the well-known interior sets, but so much good work has been done by others in this area, I want to add something new. To this end, I've been mostly focusing on areas that don't already have lots of artwork done on them while trying to stay true to the TOS aesthetic.


Looks like a great start!
Hi all,

I'm a newbie to this site and wanted to share a project I'm working on with the community. I'm attempting to create a fully fleshed out 3D interior model of TOS Enterprise based on Jim Botaitis' 1341 foot long Enterprise blueprints. These plans assume a 10' ceiling height like the Stage 9 sets. I've been corresponding with Jim and he's encouraged me to publish samples of my work. I hope to build up some excitement for this project, highlight Jim's great work, and also get constructive criticism and help from the community from time to time. Here's a link to a couple of pics of the project so far:

I've been having fun recreating the well-known interior sets, but so much good work has been done by others in this area, I want to add something new. To this end, I've been mostly focusing on areas that don't already have lots of artwork done on them while trying to stay true to the TOS aesthetic.

Looks really great.
Suggestion - move this to the Trek Art thread - or ask a mod to do so.

Otherwise - keep it up!
Seems I'm not able to PM anybody yet since I'm so new, so if someone else wants to PM a mod to move this entry to the Fan Art thread, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
A word of caution to the OP - I very much hope to see this project flourish, but I fear it may experience a similar C&D fate that the Stage 9 project did back in 2018. A lot has happened in the wake of the Viacom/CBS/Paramount merger since then, and maybe things are different now; don't really know, TBH. I recommend proceeding with caution - if the project gets a lot of online notoriety (read: too good compared to licensed material), Paramount's corporate suits may take notice. Aside from that, rock on! Can't wait to see how things pan out.
A word of caution to the OP - I very much hope to see this project flourish, but I fear it may experience a similar C&D fate that the Stage 9 project did back in 2018. A lot has happened in the wake of the Viacom/CBS/Paramount merger since then, and maybe things are different now; don't really know, TBH. I recommend proceeding with caution - if the project gets a lot of online notoriety (read: too good compared to licensed material), Paramount's corporate suits may take notice. Aside from that, rock on! Can't wait to see how things pan out.
I was a big fan of the Stage 9 project and was sorry to see it go. It's a shame when a project that was made out of love for the material gets shut down in such a way. I appreciate your sense of caution and also your support. I can tell myself that what I'm doing is fan art based on other fan art (my 3D take on Jim Botaitis' blueprints), and therefore twice removed from any threat of takedown, but I have no illusions about where that line may or may not be drawn by the copyright holders. I will continue to rock on :beer: as long as I find this project enjoyable, and so far it's lots of fun.
That's quite a lounge there! :O
I'm planning to post more pics of the rec rooms soon. Once the implication of Jim's blueprints sunk in, we started brainstorming interesting uses for all that space. They take up two levels on decks 6 and 7 of the primary hull. There are 4 of these areas planned equally spaced on the outer rim of the hull -- 3 rec rooms and 1 theater.
Love that lounge, a very smart use of that space if you ask me!

Regarding the Stage 9 comparison, I wouldn't worry. The problem we had was releasing it as an interactive experience (or a game, if you will), especially in VR.

So long as all you release are images like these, then there's no way you could get a C&D, as you're just doing fan art and not a "product" for people to use.
Good to know.

But would still really love to see an interactive walk-through. :D

IIRC, the whole kerfuffle came about from a complaint from Cryptic, as they were starting to put out similar walk-through modules of various hero ships in Star Trek Online (E-Nill, E-D, Voyager). I play it regularly and don't think they've put out any new ones in a while, so it may not even be a thing anymore. And, like I mentioned up-thread, that was back prior to the big merger starting in 2019 - lots of things have happened since then, and their outward-facing priorities may have shifted. I get the impression that they appear to be a bit more fan-friendly these days.
Good to know.

But would still really love to see an interactive walk-through. :D

I do plan on doing some videos, but nothing interactive at this point. Here's an early experiment I did in Blender with the rec room. Pretty rough, I know. Still learning on Blender, but I'm an engineer and have been doing 3D models for many years. The hardest part is unlearning parametric modeling in favor of mesh modeling in Blender. Here's a clip of some of my earlier work done in Fusion 360, which I abandoned and restarted in Blender since the rendering engine and materials management is so much better.
I love that lounge! Did something similar with one of my interior sets, and by similar I just mean split level to better utilize the windows. You've got a much bigger space than I gave mine. All of this looks phenomenal!
Good to know.

But would still really love to see an interactive walk-through. :D

IIRC, the whole kerfuffle came about from a complaint from Cryptic, as they were starting to put out similar walk-through modules of various hero ships in Star Trek Online (E-Nill, E-D, Voyager). I play it regularly and don't think they've put out any new ones in a while, so it may not even be a thing anymore. And, like I mentioned up-thread, that was back prior to the big merger starting in 2019 - lots of things have happened since then, and their outward-facing priorities may have shifted. I get the impression that they appear to be a bit more fan-friendly these days.

Let's not derail this thread anymore, but I know for a fact Cryptic/Perfect World had nothing to do with it. :)
IIRC, the whole kerfuffle came about from a complaint from Cryptic, as they were starting to put out similar walk-through modules of various hero ships in Star Trek Online (E-Nill, E-D, Voyager). I play it regularly and don't think they've put out any new ones in a while, so it may not even be a thing anymore. And, like I mentioned up-thread, that was back prior to the big merger starting in 2019 - lots of things have happened since then, and their outward-facing priorities may have shifted. I get the impression that they appear to be a bit more fan-friendly these days.
Just to chime in and put the record straight as someone who worked on STO/at Cryptic at the time: no, this speculation is simply not true.

Anyway, keep up the good work on this project!
Let's not derail this thread anymore, but I know for a fact Cryptic/Perfect World had nothing to do with it. :)
Just to chime in and put the record straight as someone who worked on STO/at Cryptic at the time: no, this speculation is simply not true.

Anyway, keep up the good work on this project!
Understood and thanks for the clarification. Apologies for the incorrect info. Chalk it up to another bad rumor. Back to the thread…