Modelling the Protostar

I mean it'd be possible, sure.
But I'd have to redo all the decal work from that entire section.
Pretty Please =D. I'd love to see it come to life as a variant of the great original model that you did.

You do great work, it'd be awesome to see a variant that was more in-line with Voyager's Design Lineage.

One of Voyager's better ship design aspects was the "Trident Rear End" on the StarDrive section.

On a in-universe logic , it makes ALOT of sense to use that empty Warp Bubble Volume w/o having to incur extra penalty by making a larger Warp Bubble.

Voyager did a good job of that, similar with Enterprise-D, StarFleet ships were going in that design direction to better Min/Max the ships volume relative to a given Warp Bubble size.

The USS ProtoStar kind of went backwards in that one aspect by not Min/Maxing internal volume.
@KamenRiderBlade, let’s cool it with the requests for obscure variants you'd personally like to see, alright? I don't think @Serin117 needs me intervening at this point and you’re not breaking any rules right now, but to me the vibe is a little off with you keeping asking about something like this, even after she has just talked about how this took over two years to finalize and specifically addressed your request with saying how much additional work it would entail. Looking back you made a request like this going back as far as page one of this thread, which the artist apparently left without reply. So I'd kindly ask you to take this as a hint.
@KamenRiderBlade, let’s cool it with the requests for obscure variants you'd personally like to see, alright? I don't think @Serin117 needs me intervening at this point and you’re not breaking any rules right now, but to me the vibe is a little off with you keeping asking about something like this, even after she has just talked about how this took over two years to finalize and specifically addressed your request with saying how much additional work it would entail. Looking back you made a request like this going back as far as page one of this thread, which the artist apparently left without reply. So I'd kindly ask you to take this as a hint.
Ok, the gist of it is: basically, don't make requests for anything; nobody is going to do it for you.

If I want something, I should DIY and make it myself.

That's what it comes down to, right?
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Here we go...
Ok, the gist of it is: basically, don't make requests for anything; nobody is going to do it for you.

If I want something, I should DIY and make it myself.

That's what it comes down to, right?
No, that's not it. There is nothing wrong with asking for stuff per se. But try to be more sensible about it. In this case, asking for an alternate version of this model is one thing, but asking three times? And right after the artist has just finished work after more than two years? With a project that has a completely different goal than what you have in mind (building an accurate model of the Protostar vs. your personal pipe dream version of the ship)? Your requests just seemed somewhat tone-deaf is all. There's definitely projects, threads and posters on here that are more obviously welcoming these kind of requests. This doesn't strike me as one of those personally. And most people would have recognized this after asking once, not three times. Your last post, after the finished renders had just been posted, is basically a curt “nice” and then you ramble on about why your request would be so damn cool for five sentences. If you can’t see how odd that is, I guess I can’t help you.

But yes, trying to do this yourself is always an option, too. There’s always people here willing to give you pointers regarding which software to use, what tutorials to watch and stuff like that.
No, that's not it. There is nothing wrong with asking for stuff per se. But try to be more sensible about it. In this case, asking for an alternate version of this model is one thing, but asking three times? And right after the artist has just finished work after more than two years? With a project that has a completely different goal than what you have in mind (building an accurate model of the Protostar vs. your personal pipe dream version of the ship)? Your requests just seemed somewhat tone-deaf is all. There's definitely projects, threads and posters on here that are more obviously welcoming these kind of requests. This doesn't strike me as one of those personally. And most people would have recognized this after asking once, not three times. Your last post, after the finished renders had just been posted, is basically a curt “nice” and then you ramble on about why your request would be so damn cool for five sentences. If you can’t see how odd that is, I guess I can’t help you.

But yes, trying to do this yourself is always an option, too. There’s always people here willing to give you pointers regarding which software to use, what tutorials to watch and stuff like that.
Then I'm not going to bother to ask again, if it seems to cause this much of an issue; I guess I'll have to learn how to 3D model from scratch and just make everything myself or DL a existing model and modify it in some 3D modeling app.

That's what it seems to comes down to, or find a 3D Modeler for hire and pay them their asking price.
Wow! You have done some astonishing work, @Serin117! And your affectionate term for warp nacelles (empahsis mine) made me grin :D

Speaking of, I've clicked on your website link and had a right laugh at Voyager flapping its way back up to centre screen :guffaw:

lol thanks. I think 'go-stick' was a term invented maybe 2018 by the star trek shitposters of the time. Probably not long after we voted the Freedom class as the worst ship ever. Which to us makes it just so great.
As to flappy voyager... Do I have an experience for you!

lol thanks. I think 'go-stick' was a term invented maybe 2018 by the star trek shitposters of the time. Probably not long after we voted the Freedom class as the worst ship ever. Which to us makes it just so great.
As to flappy voyager... Do I have an experience for you!


It looks so derpy! I love it.
lol thanks. I think 'go-stick' was a term invented maybe 2018 by the star trek shitposters of the time. Probably not long after we voted the Freedom class as the worst ship ever. Which to us makes it just so great.
As to flappy voyager... Do I have an experience for you!

LOL, this made my morning. I love the animation with the each ship having their own personality and LOL on the Enterprise tail wag! :rofl:
As to flappy voyager... Do I have an experience for you!
~ ADORABLE AND HILARIOUS!!! Excellent choice of music, too - one of my favourites! I totally agree with blssdwlf re the ships' personalities and Enterprise's wiggle:
I love the animation with the each ship having their own personality and LOL on the Enterprise tail wag! :rofl:

Where's the "Billion Likes" button?!?
Since I haven't seen Prodigy I sort of skipped this thread, but just popped in because I was curious....

Dear Lord that is a great looking ship AND mesh. Absolutely stellar work!