Modelling the Protostar


Red Shirt
Voyager J Shmoyager J!

So... New very-pretty-ship, new very-pretty problems.

I'm fairly certain I've got at least some of the base shapes correct on the primary hull. Less so the keel than the rest of it.
Having no orthographics floating around yet, I've been working from some shots from the colouring book media kit stuff, and from some images posted on twitter by production peeps.
Unfortunately, though... They're all perspective shots, rather than orthos. In-built distortion! Yay!

And yeah - I know she splits up her primary hull. That'll come later when I'm content with the base shape.
That one aspect is actually my favourite part of her design. The major lines breaking up her hull in steps.










Ooh! She's looking good!

I don't know if you've seen them, but Jörg Hillebrand has quite a few screenshots on his Twitter account from the end of October (example here), and I've seen some ortho-type shots on Ben Hibon's Twitter account, too.

Ya, thanks Cyfa!
I have indeed encountered those!
The top-down one is what I've been working from since discovering it. Though it is still unfortunately just a perspective shot, rather than an ortho.
Back on this after a break.
Ended up asking the production peeps what kind of camera/lens setup they were using as I was finally driven to complete insanity trying to work it out myself. Given the particular look she has compared to the kinds of starship shots we're used to seeing.
22mm Isomorphic.
I can easily replicate the 22m lens in viewport. The isomorphic aspect not so much. So I'm still kinda poking around in the dark without proper orthographics. But... Getting there.






So earlier this year Nickelodeon dropped a number for the length of the Protostar from ST Prodigy. 139m.
At that scale, our good Holographic Janeway game asset would have to be 0.629m tall.
Its nice to see they're carrying on the tradition of zero spacial consistency across ships and other assets.


0.629m looks something like this, just for reference.
More progress.
Trying to come up with a good way to blend between external hull and bridge portions is an interesting challenge.
Even in the latest episodes, there are rough parts in their comp between those two key elements. So, should be fun to have a completely cohesive version I can shoot all at once.






And an example of where you can clearly see the comp between bridge and ship in the show itself.

And an example of where you can clearly see the comp between bridge and ship in the show itself.

Wait a minute, how did they not find the weapon room immediately? It looks like you walk down the steps at the front of the bridge and you'll fall through a hole right in to it.

Also, the most recent shot of ship landed seems to really put paid to the smaller scale figures. Maybe somebody did "feet" instead of "meters" again like that scale chart with the Prometheus?
Wait a minute, how did they not find the weapon room immediately? It looks like you walk down the steps at the front of the bridge and you'll fall through a hole right in to it.

Also, the most recent shot of ship landed seems to really put paid to the smaller scale figures. Maybe somebody did "feet" instead of "meters" again like that scale chart with the Prometheus?

There's a glass floor bit there in the front centre where you reckon that hole is.
And under it is some big spikey round thing. So no falling anywhere.
Its actually surprising how much more glass there is on the bridge that isn't really made obvious. All the stairs, captains chair steps included - all glowy glass.

And yep - I reckon I'll do a comparison of the shuttle bay to the characters ASAP.