Modelling the Protostar

Gwyn looks like she’s doing a shimmy maneuver at a space disco! :cool:

HOW have I missed this thread until now? You really are doing the Protostar justice, and I agree, you can’t model her without her unique overlapping hull plating.

I commend your quest for accuracy… you may have built one of the most accurate Protostar models out there. Impressive.
HOW have I missed this thread until now? You really are doing the Protostar justice, and I agree, you can’t model her without her unique overlapping hull plating.
I commend your quest for accuracy… you may have built one of the most accurate Protostar models out there. Impressive.

Gotta lurk more, mate! Hah thanks!

Started on the go-sticks properly yesterday.
Hoping to have them done by tomorrow evening.
Then its onto the rest of the unfinished.... oh gods so much unfinished




OH yes! Don't get me started on blind reliance on streaming services. I have penned a few screeds laying around the BBS on that very topic! :lol:
Is there any way you can make a ProtoStar variant?
One with a elongated StarDrive section to have a "Trident Rear"?

One where the Star Drive extends past the Warp Nacelles like the USS Voyager's StarDrive extended past it.

This would allow far more internal volume inside the StarDrive section and allow for more "Stuff" to be placed inside.

Also, use a more traditional Bussard Collectors (24th Century TNG-VOY era Style) instead of the JJ-verse version of the Bussard Collectors.
Is there any way you can make a ProtoStar variant?
One with a elongated StarDrive section to have a "Trident Rear"?

One where the Star Drive extends past the Warp Nacelles like the USS Voyager's StarDrive extended past it.

This would allow far more internal volume inside the StarDrive section and allow for more "Stuff" to be placed inside.

Also, use a more traditional Bussard Collectors (24th Century TNG-VOY era Style) instead of the JJ-verse version of the Bussard Collectors.

I mean it'd be possible, sure.
But I'd have to redo all the decal work from that entire section.