MLB 2023 Season: Rangers are going hunting for Snakes

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Rays playoff game drew 19,704, lowest playoff attendance in the MLB since the 1919 World Series, not counting the 2020 playoffs.
Tampa looked bad in these two games. Maybe I shouldn't have been shocked, but thank god the Orioles won the division.
Lets spend a billion dollars of taxpayer money on a venue no one will care about! Brilliant!

I you can't get folks to turn out for a good team in a shit-hole park you are just wasting/stealing good money after bad, time to move.
Blue Jays and Brewers are out. Marlins also likely to fall.

That was a quick Wild Card series...
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Goes to show how you start a season means squat.

So you're saying I shouldn't pay $35 for a Tampa Bay Rays 2023 first half champions shirt?

There were a combined 39,901 people in attendance for the two games in Tampa. That's less than the game 1 attendance at Philadelphia and Milwaukee, and just barely more than Game 1 in Minnesota.
First playoff series win for the Diamondbacks since 2007, AND they lost 110 games in 2021.

Torey Lovullo and Mike Hazen deserve some serious credit for that massive turnaround.
Mets GM Billy Eppler resigned. Said he wanted to give David Stearns a clean slate. MLB is also investigating him for using the phantom injured list. No one seems to know what the actual punishment for that is though.
Somebody had all their power taken away…

I mean, I can't blame Eppler for not wanting to take a demotion. (Irrespective of the fact that in New York and with the Angels, he's been a really bad GM. That said, it's hard to measure his performance with the Mets, since Uncle Stevie isn't exactly a hands-off owner.)
Mets GM Billy Eppler resigned. Said he wanted to give David Stearns a clean slate. MLB is also investigating him for using the phantom injured list. No one seems to know what the actual punishment for that is though.
The Phantom Punishment. Possibly similar to what Manfraud did to the Astros.
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