Karl Urban -- blond or brunet?

For those who haven't seen Ghost Ship yet (which includes me), it's on FX this weekend--Friday 10/30 at 6 p.m. and Saturday 10/31 at 9 a.m. (Eastern time). Can anyone who's seen this tell me if it's really gory? If it is, I might just tape it and FF to the Karl parts. Even though I know it's not real, I can't stand bloody. Parts of Doom almost did me in.

Also, TNT is repeating The Bourne Supremacy on Saturday 10/31 at 10:30 p.m. and Sunday 11/1 at 5:45 p.m.
^ Thanks for the heads up. I did see it, but i do not remember a thing about it. And i didn't know who Karl was at the time. I will have to try and catch it but if i can't, im sure my library must have it.

Thank you SO much, SalvorHardin! I love this one--especially the little glimpse of his hip near the lower right. These little peeks will get me through the next 21 days till I get my DVD. :)

Ok, I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who noticed that!

I'm loving those pics. I'm gonna have an absolute field day with all the bonus features.

Anyone watching the Spike Scream Awards right now? Karl is there, my nights pretty much been made.
I just saw them introduce the Nero footage--he looks positively yummy in that black shirt with the longish hair. And John Cho looked adorable, too. Not enough of them, however!
I just saw them introduce the Nero footage--he looks positively yummy in that black shirt with the longish hair. And John Cho looked adorable, too. Not enough of them, however!

At this point, Cho is the only reason i am still watching Fast Forward.

He's the best thing about that show right now, isn't he? From everything I've read and heard, he's the favorite of a lot of people. I'm so happy STXI has been a career-changer for a lot of the cast members. Of course, I don't want it so career-changing that they can't come back for the sequels. I need them all in their proper places come STXII, please!
I just saw them introduce the Nero footage--he looks positively yummy in that black shirt with the longish hair. And John Cho looked adorable, too. Not enough of them, however!

At this point, Cho is the only reason i am still watching Fast Forward.

He's the best thing about that show right now, isn't he? From everything I've read and heard, he's the favorite of a lot of people. I'm so happy STXI has been a career-changer for a lot of the cast members. Of course, I don't want it so career-changing that they can't come back for the sequels. I need them all in their proper places come STXII, please!

Hell yeah! IIRC they are all contracted to do two more movies....so we are safe....for now. And i'm with you, i am so very glad it has fired up some of their careers.
I just saw them introduce the Nero footage--he looks positively yummy in that black shirt with the longish hair. And John Cho looked adorable, too. Not enough of them, however!

At this point, Cho is the only reason i am still watching Fast Forward.

To be frank, he's the ONLY reason I even bother to try to watch any of that show. So far I'm not very impressed.