Spoilers How do you want Picard season 3 to end?

Laris is too good for (this version of) Picard.
Eh. I'm sorta hoping that we learn she killed Zhaban so she could go after Picard. It does seem awfully convenient that Zhaban just...died, after all. But each to their own.

I don't care as long as it's over

This whole season has been a backwards mess that caters to everyone who wants their Trek to be white straight dudes, and it's boring as hell We never needed to revisit TNG, the safest and most dated Trek of all time.

I never want to see these characters again. The lasts episode could blow them all to hell and I would welcome it.
All these years later at this board and I still cannot for the life of me even begin to understand why people watch / complain about things they quite obviously do not like in the slightest. Life is short. Why not do something something you enjoy, rather than complain about the existence of something you clearly do not? And if you "never want to see these characters again", there's a pretty simple solution.
Eh. I'm sorta hoping that we learn she killed Zhaban so she could go after Picard. It does seem awfully convenient that Zhaban just...died, after all. But each to their own.
Zhaban: Laris, I try to be an open minded husband but even I think that you taking a "break" on me with Picard is a bit... Look, there's no need for it to be the real deal. I'll program something in the holodeck with his likeness under an encrypted access so no one needs to know, and I think that's more than fa--

(Laris vaporizes Zhaban, later tells everyone that the Zhat Vash did it)
I don't care as long as it's over

This whole season has been a backwards mess that caters to everyone who wants their Trek to be white straight dudes, and it's boring as hell We never needed to revisit TNG, the safest and most dated Trek of all time.

I never want to see these characters again. The lasts episode could blow them all to hell and I would welcome it.

Counterpoint: no
I'm thinking Shaw will get the Enterprise-G with Seven promoted to command of the Titan.
I got a feeling that we'll see the Enterprise F continue to serve after this whole ordeal with the conspiracy is wrapped up. Seems too convenient of a setup to just see the F retire without even doing a single mission on tv, and seems to make more sense that it was going to be decom because the antagonists wanted it to happen, instead of the ACTUAL Starfleet. I bet the so called decommissioning celebration we're seeing in the previews is going to be a big fakeout, and in fact we're going to see the Enterprise E actually be the one sent to the museum at the end and the Enterprise F is just doing celebratory maneuvers to celebrate the Enterprise legacy.
Quoting myself is weird but I want to add an additional point:
I'm sorta hoping that we learn she killed Zhaban so she could go after Picard. It does seem awfully convenient that Zhaban just...died, after all.
That point being that in the unlikely event this scenario is what happened, it completely disqualifies Laris from having anything whatever to do with Picard ever again IMO. I found it very, very odd that Zhaban just happened to conk out. But I'm sure we'll end up with Picard living happily ever after with a character I've found increasingly uninteresting as the series has progressed. Such is life.
Shooting the TV antenna?
That seems excessive, but whatever works. The poster certainly seems to dislike TNG / Picard to a sufficient extent.
Zhaban: Laris, I try to be an open minded husband but even I think that you taking a "break" on me with Picard is a bit... Look, there's no need for it to be the real deal. I'll program something in the holodeck with his likeness under an encrypted access so no one needs to know, and I think that's more than fa--

(Laris vaporizes Zhaban, later tells everyone that the Zhat Vash did it)

Plot twist: Zhaban faked his death and works for Section 31 because he was left behind by Picard in S1.
But I'm sure we'll end up with Picard living happily ever after with a character I've found increasingly uninteresting as the series has progressed.
I just can't see the Picard we saw chew Ro out last week ever really forgiving Beverly for hiding Jack (he'll be civil and has been, because that's who he is), and the reasons she gave were very flimsy, and easily debunked, in ways I've described multiple times on this board that I won't rehash. Keep in mind that a happy family life was literally Picard's secret Nexus dream, and Beverly took that away from him.

*I* wouldn't go back to Crusher, if I were Picard, after what she did and Beverly Crusher was literally my teenage crush.
Seven has barely had anything to do for several episodes. They don't know what do do with her, except point and say, "Look, it's 7 of 9!"
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Fan service is the name of the game. This week was TNG fan service on overload.

If they want to do fan service, I really don't see why they don't give Seven a bigger role. She carried Voyager for several years. It really just feels like she has become a stage prop. She doesn't do much if anything, doesn't have much interesting to say. They didn't even care enough about her relationship to give her a break up scene.
If they want to do fan service, I really don't see why they don't give Seven a bigger role. She carried Voyager for several years. It really just feels like she has become a stage prop. She doesn't do much if anything, doesn't have much interesting to say. They didn't even care enough about her relationship to give her a break up scene.
Allow me to reiterate: TNG fan service.

VOY's fan service goes to Prodigy.

Why would they give a break up scene?