Spoilers How do you want Picard season 3 to end?


I know we’re only three episodes in but it doesn’t hurt to speculate but what do you think the final scene of the season should be? Should it be something like the undiscovered country with the “sign off” or should it be something like all good things with a poker game? Or something different?

anyway let me know your thoughts.
Picard wakes up shortly after the events of AGT, screaming and drenched in sweat, before realising the twisted future he was living in was merely a terrible nightmare brought on by Q's shenanigans over the last few days (plus the excessive dairy content in Crusher's prescribed warm milk with a dash of nutmeg)...

Picard wakes up and realizes he’s been in the Nexus this entire time.

Just so long as he has the good sense to exit the Nexus at a point when he can actually do something to stop Soran this time, say right at the point when they receive the Amargosa distress call...

"And fire!" :D
I would actually love this.

But the fans wouldn't, and this whole season is about pandering to the LCARS/nacelles/continuity porn/safe and sound crowd so...

As a TNG fan, I for one have no qualms about a blaze of glory scenario. Maintaining visual continuity and taking risks with the characters' "lives" are not mutually exclusive concepts.
I do think one of the final scenes will be a ship warping off, but I think the actual final scene will be with Picard not on a ship.
But the fans wouldn't, and this whole season is about pandering to the LCARS/nacelles/continuity porn/safe and sound crowd so...

This. Besides, Matalas has already said that he didn't kill them all off. He did hint at one or two of them not making it, but this might just have been him hyping things up, who knows. At this point I'm inclined to not believe ANYTHING anyone "official" says about the show anymore. So, if the current direction is anything to go by, the show will end just like TNG used to. Everybody is happy, galaxy has been saved, threat eliminated, hugs for everyone. Given how people like RMB seem to have loved the ending it is indeed fair to assume that no major upsets will happen.

Taking what Sir Patrick has said into account - there are "still unanswered questions" for Jean-Luc at the end of season 3 and he would like to return and take another look at Jean-Luc one last time in a different setting (I'm assuming he's referring to then seeing Jean-Luc being a father to Jack)... I doubt they're gonna off him, at least not permanently. Like I said, no major upsets. The crowd that liked all of season 3 is not the kind of crowd that would be forgiving towards anything that would upset the status quo too much. They want their nostalgia trip into Trek and their constant onslaught of fan service, not Trek actually moving forward.


Since OP's question isn't "how do you THINK it will end" but "how do you WANT for it to end"...

I would like for it to end in a way that finally gives my poor Jean-Luc PEACE OF MIND. If there's one thing these writers have been doing to him on this show it's to leave him battered and bruised emotionally. They've piled up even more trauma for him, and my heart goes out to him because he's such a sweet guy trying to somehow find a peaceful place for himself in a world that is now different than the one he used to know when he commanded the powerful flagship of the Federation, but no matter where he steps there's emotional mayhem for him around the corner. If giving him peace of mind means for him to die, then so be it. I just want for him to not be put through hell and back again. Leave my poor man be already. It's the only wish I have. Stop putting him through hell for the sake of "good drama". I know I care too much about him. So what.

I would therefore not object to him dying. But since RMB has said there's a post credits scene after the end of the final episode, I would like for this scene to be just a dark screen and we hear Jean-Luc asking "Where am I?" and then Q's voice saying "Mon capitaine! So glad you could finally make it. Let's... talk." Indicating that his mortal journey is over but he is in good hands now.
I don't really know how I want it to end. I'm going to guess it ends on a happy note. All the TNG crew have already moved on. So, it's just, I hope they stop Vadic, and Seven is called Seven like she prefers, instead of Hansen. That's all I've got. I'm just along for the ride. I thought we already had the end, 20 years ago, and it was a shitty end, this is already 100 times better, so I'm happy to just see where it goes.
Like Blake’s 7.

DAYUM, that's depressing!

Didn’t the bad guy shoot them all? It’s been years but I remember it was very dark

Yup. It was a Federation trap. Everyone is killed one by one, with a slow-motion effect, and Avon is surrounded. All the troops raise their laser guns, Avon lifts his BFG then aims and smiles, cue end credits only they swap the theme music with a blast (Avon) followed by several more blasts (from all the troopers who just splattered Avon across the back wall.)

What's truly depressing is that the series ender was allegedly meant to be a cliffhanger, allowing anyone to wanted to stay to merely be stunned (improbable as that would be.)
I would actually love this.

But the fans wouldn't, and this whole season is about pandering to the LCARS/nacelles/continuity porn/safe and sound crowd so...

If they do it right, which is not easy to do. Spock's was done right, albeit in a rewrite thanks to leaked information. (His being absent for the bulk of the film's middle acts, only to return briefly at the end is telling, so it's for the best they did the Kobayashi Maru scenario as a way to keep viewers off guard and, damn, it still holds up today. His fake-out and ultimate death, as well as keeping Kirk and Spock separated in a way that actually was convincing.) So many franchises have taken beloved characters, wanted to kill them off in a "tragic hero" way, and ended up screwing it up way too often. Even Kirk's originally-filmed death was better than what was ultimately released - though still not perfect, and if they wanted more glory for Kirk rather than being shot in the back, rushing the script definitely didn't do him justice. Never mind Star Wars, but that's where I was glad they didn't go cornball and have Luck, Ham, and Lei get back together again.
One of my friends said that Picard series 3 will end like ‘Game of Thrones’. I have never seen this series and have no idea how it ends btw, just saying. :shrug:
Mostly set-up for future adventures rather than resolution for current plots/characters but:
- Openings for some of the unceremoniously booted PIC cast to rejoin
- Seven set up to take over the captain's chair
- Raffi reunited with Seven on board her ship
- Most of the TNG cast (happily!) sunsetted in one way or another
- Shaw pining for the fjords
- Chateau Picard reduced to a crater