Halo: Season 2 - Discussion Thread

There is nothing strategic about keeping population of 700 000 000 in the dark about upcoming invasion. Millions could have escaped, even more could have joined defense on the ground. Instead they just left not even informing their own soldiers on the base, not even their best soldiers, Spartans. There is no chance any soldier, or civilian would accept such cowardles leaders.

The thing is we saw Cortana (their most advanced AI) running simulations and giving the same negative results to Ackerson.

You could theorize that letting Reach fall and pretending like it happened 'suddenly and without chance to evacuate' was a strategic choice. That trying to house and feed tens or hundreds of millions who fled Reach would have hampered resources and that 'sacrificing' them actually would allow for the military/leadership to "RALLY THE FLAG" and use the death of nearly the entire population of Reach to have more unilateral control and less opposition in building up their forces to fight back against the Covenant.

Yea. It's detestable and not the path I would have chosen, but I can also rationalize that it's possible there was an 'outline/path' followed based on simulations and 'game theory' on it being a worthwhile move.
There is nothing strategic about keeping population of 700 000 000 in the dark about upcoming invasion. Millions could have escaped, even more could have joined defense on the ground. Instead they just left not even informing their own soldiers on the base, not even their best soldiers, Spartans. There is no chance any soldier, or civilian would accept such cowardles leaders.

This is how it should have happend:

You think they have weapons for 700 million ready to go?

The show obviously can't get into details but i can only figure millions did escape, it was a major point In Keyes' speech to motivate his soldiers to fight so that civilians can escape.

We will not agree on this one it seems as you refuse to accept realities of war, both fictional and real where these things did happen. The only difference is the numbers used because in the HALO universe humanity is much larger and even the loss of 700 million will not mean the immediate end of humanity, wouldn't even mean the end for us now with 8 billion+ humans at the moment.
I saw no one escaping - and how could they? No one told them the invasion was coming, even military didn't knew. This isn't a reality of war, this is genocide by the UNSC leaders of the Reach population.
What about all the transports flying out of the city at the beginning of the last episode, just before Soren's wife showed up to rescue them? Or the transports Keyes explicitly talked about when telling his people to hold off the Covenant advance on the bridge?
I saw no one escaping - and how could they? No one told them the invasion was coming, even military didn't knew. This isn't a reality of war, this is genocide by the UNSC leaders of the Reach population.

Now i wonder if you have actually watched the episode. There's multiple scenes showing civilians boarding transports and that soldier Master Chief rescued even started one such transport ( which led to the death of Keyes). Just because they didn't cram the entire episode full of scenes with leaving transporters and give you a spreadsheet detailing the numbers of escaped civlians doesn't mean it didn't happen.

You just have your mind deadset on clear hero/villain distinctions when it's a more shades of grey situation.
The one aspect of the story as told in season 2 so far is why did they leave Cortana behind to be picked up by the Covenant. She was obviously a very useful AI as she ran the simulations that they are basing their current military strategy on, so to just leave said AI behind and assume the Covenant is going to find and take it?

What does the UNSC or ONI gain by this?
She could have her own mission. In the game storyline, Cortana was specifically designed for infiltration of alien computer systems.
I feel like it has to be related to that little exchange between Parangosky and Cortana after they removed her from Master Chief and she asked Cortana, "What are you prepared to do for me?"

She's way too valuable to leave behind, let alone completely undefended. There's got to be some kind of plan in motion.
loved it for the most part.
improved, hopefully a precursor (pun intended) for two big and good final episodes.

I was wondering what the "what are you prepared to do Cortana" scene was all about.
  • With this episodes reveals, yet without knowing all details, it indeed make sense as pointed out above, with the "easy" capture of Cortana on Reach and her actually being on a infiltration/recon mission.
I very much suspect she has her very own - secret from ONI mission(s) running parallel to that however:
  • John/MasterChief
  • maybe Mackey too, but she could also just be a tool for her
  • and maybe all of the above for ultimate goal for herself to go to the Halo and then control it's power?
Maybe it is it because we see Cortana more and not just on a glass panel in season 2, but her appearance looks altered and for IMO the better.

Kwan, Hasley, Soren
So annoying side character survivor girl Kwan continues to have the red religious lady visions, that guide her to - if I remember correctly - the cave with the artifact from the pilot episode.
Where surprise, she meets up with Halsey and dun dun they find (b)admiral's sciencey daughter.
They seem to study some portal or altar with rings/halos.

Soren and his wife seemingly just walking into the little kids Spartan training program area, like no big deal.
Still couldn't care less about that story line.

IDK maybe I am doing her a disservice, but it kinda bothered me that it took her so long, until she starts to have doubts about what's she been told. The "can't kill John" part had to be in there as a trigger obviously and didn't bother me.
She's seems full of herself and I love that Perez kinda opposed her.

John aside, Perez has become my favorite character. This means she'll probably bite the dust in the next two episodes ;)
Just a good addition to give a window to the regular soldiers and give an viewpoint from normal humans that aren't *ssh*les (ONI) too.

John / MasterChief
John 117 was badass beating up the foot soldiers that were trying to strap him down in that room - too bad he didn't wipe the floor with the mouthy security/special team lady leader - I'm hoping it still happens at some point.
Loved John's cheeky smirk and look when Cortana created a path for him on that sub-level before he went to the artifact.
I don't know if he actually said that but damn.. :lol::lol:

I'm enjoying S2 a great deal so far.
I am as well, and the Elite work for the aliens is working so well for me. I am really liking this story, the character arcs, and how John is progressing as a character. It's not as simple as it appears on the surface.
More plot movement, but it’s still a drag. Looks like they’re finally setting out to end the season on the Halo, but giving the ratings I’m not sure if we make it pass that. Cortana VFX in this episode seemed odd, not fluid like having an actual person do the movements.
2.07 so, so episode

  • We already were shown that Kwan is the spiritual/religious counterpart to Halsey the scientist family duo. Unfortunately she now is a plot device unlock key too.
  • Does her character exist in the game(s)/books? and if so for how long into the overall story?
  • Maybe she's even a hybrid of the DNA's found by Halsey.
  • When Miranda opened that gadget she took from that vault/tomb body - I expected smoke or slime, basically the Halo-lore related all consuming virus to creep out and start infecting UNSC.
  • (Mamma) Halsey probably exiting/fleeing the scene - due to a combination of the security alert heard in the background, to escape UNSC/ONI and letting (daughter) Miranda do the work (for her).
Soren/wife and kid
  • Doesn't seem Halo ring relevant and I still don't care - fast forwarded trough it, probably filling out or showing book/Spartan lore.

  • Got the "going out in a blaze of glory to help John/MasterChief reach the Halo in the next episode"-feeling

  • Paragovski is a stone cold ruthless woman. Pulling all the strings and controlling her marionettes/pawns on the chess board.
  • Kinda funny to see Ackerson realizing, he's been a pawn in her chess game too.

  • lame: no progress on her (secret) mission(s)
  • also I did look up a Cortana season 1 vs season 2. the voice actress (from the games) remains, but in season 2 instead of using a CGI model they use a real actress for her visuals + more hologram glow effect. Such a big improvement IMO

  • She's basically a living red flag, if that character would be real life...
  • chose to brand herself to pledge her loyalty to the Halo (believe) of her Covenant fella.
  • also taking down a priest (with some Cortana help), was cool.
  • during the talk with John on the Halo or the Halo vision: different sides of the same coin? control to rule (Mackey) vs control to prevent (John)?
  • Unfortunately still very much on track to bite the dust.
  • Nice talk with John, though.
  • Still hoping she makes it out of season 2 alive and into the future of the show/series.

John MasterChief 117
  • so disappointed that Kai intervened and put the mouthy security lady/special team leader out of action, before John could - I'm hoping it still happens at some point. Pretty slick talk from soldier to soldier by John in that scene too.
  • Yay for having his Spartan armor back
  • fun hole in the chest conversation with ONI Ackerson too
  • glimpsing the Halo Yay

So, with just the finale being left - I hope for plenty of action and combat scenes. May it be glow/splatter-tastic.
I think the season ends with a slow motion voice over montage of John, Mackey and her Covenant guy on the Halo wrestling for some control device.
2.08 "Halo"

what I found the interesting parts:

Perez: sitting and looking wounded with blood smears on her armor "This was always a one way ticket"
Kai: seemingly standing, telling her "Don't let it be for nothing"

Mackey to Cortana: "Will he (John/MasterChief) come?" "You simulate everything. Not about him."
Cortana: "I can't"

what could be/is MasterChief with a "dual laser sword" stabbing a Covenant

Troopers getting blown out in space

Kwan was created for the TV series, there’s no one like her in the Core timeline AFAIK.

In the Core timeline all humans can use Forerunner tech, not just specific people. Feels like Stargate the way the show is doing it.

Episode 7 and core universe spoilers
The symbols on the door come from the expanded Halo lore, and are connected to The Flood
In the Core timeline all humans can use Forerunner tech, not just specific people. Feels like Stargate the way the show is doing it.

Back in the early days, before Halo 2 came out, there was plenty of question and speculation about how if any human was a Reclaimer, or if there was something special about the Chief. I think I like it better the way the show is doing it, it's a little less easy (though the "Spartan Ops" mini-campaign in Halo 4 did have a little nod to the idea that not every human was a Reclaimer, but the ability to use the technology is so widespread that doesn't really make a difference). I think the Covenant indoctrinating and using Makee is a much more fruitful concept than them just grabbing whatever human is available to operate Forerunner machines as in (deep breath) Halos 2, 3, 4, Wars, and Infinite.

Episode 7 and core universe spoilers
The symbols on the door come from the expanded Halo lore, and are connected to The Flood

On Waypoint, the "Core Connections" trivia section about references to the original continuity in the episode was just a lengthy discussion about how the Flood initially entered the galaxy in small capsules of dust aboard uncrewed ships. I'm a little nervous about all those vials cracking, and Miranda opening the object the corpse was holding.

Kwan's immediate understanding of what the map showing something spreading from star to star was (and ignoring Halsey's overly-optimistic supposition that the stars turning blood-red was representing the Forerunners' having a happy fun time colonizing space) pretty much conclusively confirms that the "monster" she's been warning about is the Gravemind.

I wonder about Makee being convinced the Halo has a constructive purpose. She seems completely ignorant of the Flood (bearing in mind that it's possible that Flood wasn't kept on the rings in this version), but I'm curious about what she has in mind, if anything, for how to use Halo to make a new society, free of war.