Halo: Season 2 - Discussion Thread

Some interesting developments in the 3rd episod which is out today.
Is it next week yet... it's gonna be a long wait :sigh:

  • loved it when the Spartan (b)admiral - where is his scientisty-daughter btw.? told ONI suit guy to :censored: in the morgue over the dead spartan team/invasion cover up.
  • ONI suit guy meanwhile has a chess match of "pleasantries" with Halsey with a surprising 3rd party at the end. So that's how that whole separate storyline comes into a little bit of play. Still don't care about it mostly though.
  • We also learn about ONI suit guy's not-quite-spartan-material sister - say hello to Halsey babysitter Julia...
  • ONI guy is ruthless or stone cold or both, even if it was a "human" touch with him fulfilling his dads wishes.
  • Wonder if the MasterChief Spartan team bonds (after patching up their differences) or they perish eventually - 117 aside.
  • MasterChief in the elevator: "Sorry" - security guys: "For what?" :hugegrin::guffaw::rofl:
  • Perez continues to be an interesting possibility of a "normal" human ally to MasterChief.
  • John looking for Perez only to find her in the church, having that talk/exchange and then BOOM
Kind of a slow episode. Looks like things are going to start picking up soon though. Smart the way they started it out though, made us really question whether the Chief was losing it or not. I hope the multiple storylines eventually collide so we can get a unified story.
I liked the taunting message at the end, it brought in some of the deep lore, with the first teases of Halo being in the form of Covenant taunts set during the fall of Reach. Something similar happened at the beginning of Halo 3, where the Prophet of Truth was sending (apparently frequent) messages about the inevitability of human defeat to the people of the Earth.
I liked the taunting message at the end, it brought in some of the deep lore, with the first teases of Halo being in the form of Covenant taunts set during the fall of Reach. Something similar happened at the beginning of Halo 3, where the Prophet of Truth was sending (apparently frequent) messages about the inevitability of human defeat to the people of the Earth.
Really have been enjoying this season, and this episode was quite interesting.

Those complaining about it not being like the game seem to forget that this is not the Master Chief as known, nor are the Spartans at that place. Humanity isn't aware of the scope of the war, and these Spartans are closer to Noble team than later on Spartans down the series. More human, less super soldier assholes, but not completely treated great.

Obviously, this series is set in its own universe, but this idea that Chief is "all wrong" as stated around the Interwebz is missing out on so much of what makes this world rich.
I really like this episode for several reasons that Halo haters will hate it :lol:

I love the humanization of the Spartans and how the team is falling apart, this is part entertainment trope ( the character who has seen things that are covered up so even his closest friends don't believe him but he will be vindicated) but also part realistic given how Master Chief behaved. I love how Riz has been affected by her serious wounds in the last season finale and setting her up for a life outside the Spartan program but we also know that apart from going AWOL she will not be allowed to leave and have that life.

Ackerson is a fascinating character to me - first appears to be the stereotypical secret intelligence "I know more than you do!" asshole but this episode humanized him to a degree and i actually agree with his reasoning and actions. He knows humanity has no chance to hold Reach and it would be futile to expend ressources in a fight they can't win so strategic reasoning is to save vital ressources such as command personnel like Keyes for the coming fights and do the best they can on Reach, that's all they can hope to do and it's a brutal but necessary decision. I'm just a bit annoyed that Keyes, an admiral, failed to see the hard reasoning and is doing the Hollywood/failed hero leader thing and intends to go down with the ship ( he won't i guess but still).

There is so much going on behind the scenes and poor Master Chief has struck a hornets nest with his refusal to be a good and obedient soldier, this is also great and puts it a level beyond the games when they slowly peel back the machinations that are going on.

My big question is now if they will sacrifice Silver Team for maximum emotional impact as they have been developing them since season 1 and making us care for the characters and send Master Chief to Halo on his own, following the original storyline more closer. It would be a really bold move and if they do i would applaud it because too many shows pull their punch at the last second afraid to alienate viewers but i see it more like challenging the viewer and giving them an emotional experience.

I doubt that explosion is the actual start of the Invasion - it's episode 4 of 8 and i can't see them pulling off 4 episodes of even more expensive all out action but when it happens it will be awesome i'm sure.
There are still people who fail to realize that videogames and movies/TV shows are two very different medium. If someone wants only to watch master chief shooting things 24/7, they have just to watch some game streaming. This show is perfectly ok for me
I saw someone on Reddit complaining about how Ackerson was being unbelievably stupid by pulling John off active duty when he knew he wasn't crazy, since the Chief was their best fighter against the Covenant, and this was so much worse than the real Halo. Guy, in the "real Halo," Ackerson staged a training accident to try and murder the Chief. Telling him to take some time off and see a shrink is nothing.
I saw someone on Reddit complaining about how Ackerson was being unbelievably stupid by pulling John off active duty when he knew he wasn't crazy, since the Chief was their best fighter against the Covenant, and this was so much worse than the real Halo. Guy, in the "real Halo," Ackerson staged a training accident to try and murder the Chief. Telling him to take some time off and see a shrink is nothing.
He is also trying to create a "Captain America" esque propaganda figure and he needs John to be in line. But, when John isn't on program Ackerman can't trust him.
So I noticed that most of the episode titles this season are places in the halo lore
Tagged because it includes titles of unreleased episodes, and info from primary lore.
Episode 2 - Sword - named after Sword Base, which we do see in the episode. In the Lore it's an ONI Facility which a couple missions in Halo Reach revolved around.

Episode 3 - Visegrád - Is a region on Reach where the Visegrád Relay is - There's also a couple missions in Halo Reach which take place there

Episode 4 - Reach - Self explanatory

Episode 5 - Aleria - A planet that has so far only appeared in Halo: Nightfall, the live action webseries that was set between Halo 4 and 5. Though it has been mentioned in novels released after.

Episode 6 - Onyx - Onyx is a planet, holding the headquarters of the SPARTAN-III program and where Halsey escapes to during the Battle of Reach. It turns out the surface of the planet was an artificial creation of the Forerunners that was built around a dyson sphere.

Episode 7 - Thermopylae - There is an UNSC ship named Thermopylae, but I doubt that's what it's referring to, I'm guessing it's more likely meant to be referring to the real life Battle of Thermopylae. So I'm guessing the final battle on Reach will be in this episode.

Episode 8 - Halo - self explanatory, the forerunner ring world the series is named after.
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I think s2ep4 may be the best ep of the series

At the risk of being called a "battle porn" lover...

There is going to be more complaining from the "helmetless" crowd and now no suit either... But I think it showed who Master Chief is. The new head of the program told Master Chief that he was "just a guy in a suit".

He just proving all of that wrong. Him being there inspired other marines and he was showing just how deadly he is. Suit or no suit. He took out several covenant hand to hand, then even was holding his own against the elite guard guy before getting shot in the back.

I'm not surprised a member of Silver team died, but was surprised Vannak was the first to go. Also I flipflopped between going in expecting Admiral Keyes to die and then thought he was going to survive.

I think the effects in this ep were very good and actually smartly utilized. Some of the s1 finale felt too game-like and fake. The darker halls and even overcast or darkened outside really helped to tone it down and present the aliens as a more realistic appearance. I think they realized their maximum ability in the s1 finale and have been "smartly" using things like smoke,fog, or lighting to help keep it from being as "fakey"

Curious as to how the next few episodes/season plays out and how much more fighting/survival is part of it.
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That's the episode most gamers were probably waiting for and they still made it their own because they left out the bling.

Keyes' speech ranks up there amongst the best of them because he didn't sugarcoat anything. You will die on Reach but every minute they hold out they're giving a chance for civlians to get out and inspire others for the coming fights.

So they went one of the routes i expected and they will tug at our strings like true puppet masters when they make us squirm for every member of Silver team. Vanack was the lest developed member of Silver team so it was logical he'd die first but i still didn't expect it to happen this fast. It was also notable that Kai was missing for the entire episode and i can only guess that Riz might be next with Kai, who was developed the most, being the final death of Silver Team, so they can send Master Chief alone onto Halo just like in the games.

Soren "dealing" with Halsey was awesome, finally someone tried to put a mirror to Halsey because she is far too deep into her cocoon of self-righteousness and needs a wake up call.

Season half done and now i wonder how they will continue - more action of course but also how will they get Master Chief off Reach, into his suit and on his way to Halo.
awesome episode on so many levels - especially all the character meet ups.
  • Dun Dun - Mackey is alive reveal (but how?) and why is she sparing MasterChief - again (for now)?
  • What do the Covenant want with Cortana - is it Halo ring control related?
  • Halsey/Soren - not sure if Halsey is just playing Soren's with saying his escape was being "aided" - I can never take anything face value with her, she's the 4D chess player.
  • Spartan badmiral making up for some mistakes, after mentioning his now off world (and screen) scientisty daughter, finally a good, short and honest speech.
  • So MasterChief Spartan team kinda got together again partially...
  • the heart spiked/blown to bits Spartan got little build up (the scene him looking at the mission board, thinking MasterChief might be right after all in the prior episode, feeding the doves - with them fittingly also circling trough the hole in the floor/roofs at the end)
  • Pirate/Spartan Soren is gonna replace him in the MasterChief team for now I guess.
  • Riz loosing her "normal" friends that gave her stability - her countdown must be ticking as well
  • Kai is probably gonna rescue the MasterChief and other "important" characters with a ship/shuttle
  • Yay, Comm specialist Perez surives another day (and saves civilians) - Hope she'll be a core character of the show - showing the good human side
How is this season so much better than season 1

- Much less Kwan ( still don't understand the purpose of this character)

- Much more action ( with or without suits)

- actual story direction ( what was the main story of season 1 again?)

Not to knock season 1 too much, it needed to establish the characters especially Master Chief and his team but honestly that could have been done in half the season all the while building up to the Fall of Reach in the season finale with the subsequent escape of Master Chief and allies and them crash landing on Halo.
Great episode! But there's one thing I keep wondering. This is far into the future. The enemy has plasma weaponry. How, with all the technology they have, do the humans still use conventional weaponry. Shouldn't they have pew-pew guns by now?