General Computer Thread

^^Thankfully my Steam deck in almost here so i am about to dump desktop gaming for good, and will now escape the insanity that is PC peripherla market prices of the last few years. lol

Great for you just I wish devices like that were more readily available and not on a list. Do you think Valve will ever get to a point where these are more commercially available via online stores or brick and mortar stores?
^^^I think valve are happy to sell their hardware in house meaning they are not dealing with other retailers and all the issues that brings, plus i doubt the world will get back to the levels of manufacturing it was pre covid until at least 2024, and possibly longer here in the UK/EU due to the cost of living and energy crisis at present.

Oh, and i had this pre-ordered since last year but i was surprised to be even getting it this year with the way things are going, i mean you still cannot even puy a PS5 here yet, not that you could run one now anyway with the cost of electricity being trippled for the next 2 years. :weep:
^^^I think valve are happy to sell their hardware in house meaning they are not dealing with other retailers and all the issues that brings, plus i doubt the world will get back to the levels of manufacturing it was pre covid until at least 2024, and possibly longer here in the UK/EU due to the cost of living and energy crisis at present.

Oh, and i had this pre-ordered since last year but i was surprised to be even getting it this year with the way things are going, i mean you still cannot even puy a PS5 here yet, not that you could run one now anyway with the cost of electricity being trippled for the next 2 years. :weep:

That is a very fair point there. Scalpers are making a lot of bank with PS5 consoles by buying bulk and screwing over people who are that desperate to get one.

The same can be said for GPU stocks and prices for those are still high if you want the latest and greatest due to the chip shortages.
Yeah, could you imagine if scalpers were able to get their hands on the steam deck, scary thought.

But the deck is going to be even better now in these insane utility prices here in the UK/EU, basically my 400 watts old desktop PC is about to be replaced by a 45 watts SD, so at least that is quite a saving on my lekky bill over the month, although i had already cut back massively on using the PC by this point, but it will be nice to know i can now fire a game of Borderlands or Star Trek online and not have to give up putting a light on that night. lol
I was rooting for it…my memory is in the same shape…still…

That’s what a computer should look like. Even if it also looks like something in a Crown Vic police cruiser…

Modular…chunky…meaning you can repair and recycle:

Besides—Cyberdecks are cool

Between the Green movement and right-to-repair, Zenith’s product design can live on…strange and oddly bodied…

be careful
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Normal desktops are quite reusable, I have a few Medion and one Compaq machine from the late 90's which are now running much more modern hardware.
On the other hand, I also have a few Dell machines and nope, can't put in new stuff, they're not standard ATX.
Do you like 90s Chonk?

My Dad had something like that in the 90's. It was essentially a suitcase computer. An Acer 486 DX, and while it wasn't quite as chunky as that one in the video, it still was quite the brick.

The one in the video seems to have two halves to it, where the laptop sits on top of a speaker/drive setup. But my Dad's was chunky enough that the computer part of it extended to about the connector portion of this one.
My Dad had something like that in the 90's. It was essentially a suitcase computer. An Acer 486 DX, and while it wasn't quite as chunky as that one in the video, it still was quite the brick.

The one in the video seems to have two halves to it, where the laptop sits on top of a speaker/drive setup. But my Dad's was chunky enough that the computer part of it extended to about the connector portion of this one.

Yeah the one in the video was a pentium laptop and the bottom part was a docking station with speakers and optical drive. What I liked about that machine was the modular screen on the laptop which just had a connector at the bottom done this way so you could upgrade the screen in the future. I almost had something like that in the 90s but it was a Toshiba but it had a socketed CPU and normal sized hard drive, and a terrible screen.
Got my steam deck yesterday, and this thing is going to eat into the desktop gaming market with each iteration over the next 10 years, stunning bit of kit, it seems to take every external device you throw at it, joypad, keyboards and mice, you can connect it to a external display via a usb to hdmi, it has access to your entire steam account, you can even install other launchers, epic, GOG, and it does not really hit home until you realise you are in your bed at 01:30am in the morning still awake, roaming through the wastelands of Fallout 3. Ha
It is taking pc gaming away from the race to see who can sell you the most must have £1000 pc peripheral that gives your 10 more fps over your present £800 pc peripheral you bought 12 months ago, and back to actually just playing and enjoying your pc gaming. :-)
Got my steam deck yesterday, and this thing is going to eat into the desktop gaming market with each iteration over the next 10 years, stunning bit of kit, it seems to take every external device you throw at it, joypad, keyboards and mice, you can connect it to a external display via a usb to hdmi, it has access to your entire steam account, you can even install other launchers, epic, GOG, and it does not really hit home until you realise you are in your bed at 01:30am in the morning still awake, roaming through the wastelands of Fallout 3. Ha
It is taking pc gaming away from the race to see who can sell you the most must have £1000 pc peripheral that gives your 10 more fps over your present £800 pc peripheral you bought 12 months ago, and back to actually just playing and enjoying your pc gaming. :-)

I don't think it'll eat into the DeskTop gaming market at all; in fact it'll help it.

By being the portable half next to a "Fixed DeskTop Gaming PC", the products are naturally complementary to each other.

Now PC gamers will want a nice "Gaming PC" to game at home and a small portable to game on the go.

The GPD Win 4 looks to be a nice Portable Gaming PC that mimics the PSP body.
If you want to you can download Holo ISO which is the steam deck OS but for desktop machines, supposedly gives you the deck experience on PC hardware.

You can do goofy things with the steam deck too like run linux with an external keyboard / mouse if you want as well, tons of videos online about that.

Also there are tons of videos on repairability of this device like this one for example.

^^Yeah i do like the fact i can open it up and repair most of it myself, my first upgrade will be the internal ssd, upgrade that to the 512gig card, but not for a while as i do not really need any more at the present as that 128gig sd card fine for now.
I've got a Ryzen 5 2600X and a RX 6600, the CPU uses 95 watts and the GPU 132 watts, it can play pretty much everything at 1080P which is enough for me, the machine will have to last 5/6 years before I go looking for something new again...
Well i just saw the price of the new Nvidia 40xx cards, cheapest being £950, takes up three slots and requires a 700 watt psu. :crazy:Lol

should be big sellers in Europe the way electricity prices are going there :) Max out your processor and gpu card you're pulling close on a 1kilowatt of power (though not sure what you'd be doing that would redline everything - maybe a game at 4K max detail).

At that leads to the question - what do these cards really achieve other than some dick waving? Then again nVidia likes taking the pretty the chips sticking the name Tesla on them and charge businesses a fuckton to use them for vGPU in virtualised evironments, machine learning or HPC (though accept there is some extra cost when they have to certified the cards for floating point accuracy).

Though people might prefer to by slightly late model cards second hand now that the arse has fallen out of gpu crypto mining :)
I'm happy with the setup I have now which was done middle of last year. My RX 580 borked itself. One day it was fine then the very next day it just shat itself and wouldn't play anything I had, but windows and low level stuff was fine. I did investigate if it was a power supply issue but that seemed fine after testing, anyway out of that I changed CPU and GPU moving to a Ryzen 5600G and an AMD 6500 XT which despite everyone poo pooing I'm happy with this thing it runs cool, can run nearly every game I currently own, most with settings to my monitor which is 1080 60hz native at medium to high settings. I'm more then happy with the current setup and if I ever need to I can always dump the GPU and go with the APU since it has onboard graphics which will get me by if the card dies.