For All Mankind Trailer - Apple TV- SPOILER

I'm also shocked but excited about the Star City announcement. I'm very curious how they'll tell that story from a (presumably) strictly Soviet perspective. Will the whole show be spoken in Russian? Will certain Soviet characters show up? And most importantly, how can they maintain the drama when we already know the broad strokes of the space race already? I can see it working as a limited series but as an ongoing one? I'm not certain but I'll definitely keep an open mind.

I also don't see much potential here beyond a limited series. I don't imagine a great many people in the west know enough about the actual history of the Soviet space program to be overly interested in an alternate one.
I'm also shocked but excited about the Star City announcement. I'm very curious how they'll tell that story from a (presumably) strictly Soviet perspective. Will the whole show be spoken in Russian? Will certain Soviet characters show up? And most importantly, how can they maintain the drama when we already know the broad strokes of the space race already? I can see it working as a limited series but as an ongoing one? I'm not certain but I'll definitely keep an open mind.

Well, for characters, they've already set up a few, though I'll doubt they'll use all of the same actors (first they had to age them older and older, now they'll have to make them younger and younger). We met Korolev in season 2 when he spoke with Dani, and last season there was, in retrospect, a likely tease for this show in that scene where Irina gives Margo a photo of Sergei and other engineers when they were working on the Soviet moon landing and implying she knew him then.
What do you mean by cliffhangers? Every season pretty much ends on its own note. Plus, this is definitely a show that's about the journey, not any particular destination.
Not cliffhangers so much as those little 30-second snippets we get teasing what will be happening in ten years. But even if the fifth season is the last, I'd still like some kind of teaser just to suggest "Yeah, we keep pushing further out."
Phenomenal news! I genuinely worried we wouldn't get another season. One step closer to fulfilling that long-term plan they've been working on. Question is who besides Aleida, Kelly, and Dev will be the main focus? As I already hoped for throughout season four, I really hope Sam becomes one of the primary focuses especially since she didn't die during the heist as I feared she would've. Will we see Ed, Dani, and Margo at all? Will Ellen return in some form? I can't wait to find out!
My thoughts on returning "legacy" characters:

Ed: If he hasn't died in the decade between seasons, we'll probably see him still living in Happy Valley with Kelly and Alex.
Dani: Not sure
Margo: Cliche as hell, but I'm betting we get some sort of "dying in prison" scene between her and Aleida.
Ellen: I doubt we'll see her, unless whoever is the 2012 POTUS needs her as some sort of special envoy. Otherwise, let her and Pam enjoy a nice quiet life together somewhere.
I also don't see much potential here beyond a limited series. I don't imagine a great many people in the west know enough about the actual history of the Soviet space program to be overly interested in an alternate one.

Would there really have been that much changed from the real world history?

Have Korolov not die when he did and and the N-1 not explode on the pad and they're halfway there.
Would there really have been that much changed from the real world history?

Have Korolov not die when he did and and the N-1 not explode on the pad and they're halfway there.

True, but the question remains: is the interest there? As much as I love FOM, I'm not sure I'm interested in this spinoff.
I was expecting when I clicked on the thread to see news of the passing of the show so was very pleasantly surprised to find it was renewal news.

I'm on the fence as to whether they need to go into it planning to end the show with a last episode jump forward or something, but I really don't want the story to end prematurely without some bit of look to the future.
True, but the question remains: is the interest there? As much as I love FOM, I'm not sure I'm interested in this spinoff.
I’d be interested in a one and done season. Don’t know how to stretch it beyond that (of course, I don’t work in this field, so that’s hardly more than a lack of imagination on my part—who’d’ve thought a show set in a 3 year war could go 11 seasons?).
Perhaps Star City will cover the gaps between each season of FAM, so starts with the Apollo 24/25 disaster and ending with the solar storm in 1983?

We might get the explanation about Soviet Egypt (we know by 1988 it was a Communist state) etc
Not cliffhangers so much as those little 30-second snippets we get teasing what will be happening in ten years. But even if the fifth season is the last, I'd still like some kind of teaser just to suggest "Yeah, we keep pushing further out."

My thoughts on returning "legacy" characters:

Ed: If he hasn't died in the decade between seasons, we'll probably see him still living in Happy Valley with Kelly and Alex.
Dani: Not sure
Margo: Cliche as hell, but I'm betting we get some sort of "dying in prison" scene between her and Aleida.
Ellen: I doubt we'll see her, unless whoever is the 2012 POTUS needs her as some sort of special envoy. Otherwise, let her and Pam enjoy a nice quiet life together somewhere.

Alex should be a teenager or little older I am thinking so he will likely be a regular
I think Ed will be retired and trying to find purpose in retirement. Maybe looking after Alex and helping him pursue a dream of being of a pilot or something.
Kelly=Has to return to earth for plot reasons and has to work with Dani who is in charge of NSA and Aleida who owns her own company and I will say a new male Russian character working at NASA in some kind of government worker exchange project. Dev is part of a new government for Happy Valley that is not American or RUssian. Basically the birth of a new space country. Thus you will have some new characters representing these government leaders that Dev has to deal with.

They also need to address AI since that is a big issue and maybe that is the reason Kelly needed to return to Earth. How is AI going to impact the future of space travel being one of the biggest themes of the season.
Margo I think they have said will be in jail and her story is basically over. But I do think we will see her have a death scene and Aleida will be their.
I hope they move to Jupiter, Move away from Mars, go farther. Go to Europa or Ganymede, find life in the ocean worlds. Or maybe further and land on Titan.
As a Mars fanatic, I agree with this because there's still so much to explore and speculate on. But also don't want to abandon Mars entirely, even if it creates too many locations to keep up with.

I still dream of an adaptation of Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy to get my proper Mars fix but I fear this show is the best we'll ever get.
I hope they move to Jupiter, Move away from Mars, go farther. Go to Europa or Ganymede, find life in the ocean worlds. Or maybe further and land on Titan.

The show seems to push out to a new frontier one season, then camp there the next. We've done the moon and Mars over four seasons; S5 should see a push into the belt or the Jovian system.
Titan must be on the cards for a later season, but I actually hope that concepts for interstellar craft such as Daedalus and Orion get a look in. We saw insane ideas like Sea Dragon, so I live in hope that they've considered it.
Titan must be on the cards for a later season, but I actually hope that concepts for interstellar craft such as Daedalus and Orion get a look in. We saw insane ideas like Sea Dragon, so I live in hope that they've considered it.

I think that may be the storyline for the last season or rather something that will be hinted at in the season finale for how the history will go on. Either through flashfowards showing scientists and engineers starting to build the first interstellar generational ship ( please don't cross into pop SF territory and have them suddenly discover FTL drives) or some news snippets that casually mentioning interstellar travel being discussed or designed. At least that's my wish for the show to keep consistent with its attempt at hard SciFi.