For All Mankind Trailer - Apple TV- SPOILER

I think that may be the storyline for the last season or rather something that will be hinted at in the season finale for how the history will go on. Either through flashfowards showing scientists and engineers starting to build the first interstellar generational ship ( please don't cross into pop SF territory and have them suddenly discover FTL drives) or some news snippets that casually mentioning interstellar travel being discussed or designed. At least that's my wish for the show to keep consistent with its attempt at hard SciFi.
I would be a fitting end to see radical but realistic ideas discussed in regards to interstellar propulsion, but I would also be disappointed to see FTL get any screen time. I think the beauty of this show is that we get to see what the human race could've done under the right circumstances and safely within the realm of reality.
Mireille Enos just booked one moonshot of a job.

She’s joining the Season 5 cast of Apple TV+’s For All Mankind, TVLine has confirmed. Our sister site Variety first reported the casting.

Enos will play Celia Boyd, a member of the Peacekeeper Security Force on Mars. The actress’ previous TV work includes Lucky Hank, Hanna, Good Omens, Big Love and The Catch.

The role could mark a reunion of Enos and her The Killing co-star Joel Kinnaman, who starred in the space-race drama’s first four seasons but whose presence in Season 5 is not guaranteed. Allow us to explain:

For All Mankind‘s Season 4 finale concluded with a nine-year time jump from 2003 to 2012, which revealed that asteroid Goldilocks is now home to the Kuznetsov Station. The episode was less clear about which characters had made it to that future. When TVLine spoke with showrunners Ben Nedivi and Matt Wolpert after Season 4 wrapped, we asked if Kinnaman’s Ed — who (thanks to the show’s time jumps) is aging quickly and who is ill — would be back for Season 5.

“At this point, we don’t want to say anything, honestly,” Nedivi said, citing that the show hadn’t yet been renewed. (That did eventually happen, in April 2024.) “So I would leave that open. … In general, the rule has been, for Matt and I at least, if we feel there’s no more story to tell with [a] character, and by story, I mean good, meaty story, then that’s usually the sign that it’s time to move on.”

A rep for Apple TV+ told TVLine there are “no additional casting updates to share at this time.”

From a discussion with a friend about which real life politicians we might see going forward.

Nixon 1969-1973 (Republican)
Kennedy 1973-1977 (Democrat)
Reagan 1977-1985 (Republican) [ Season 2 ]
Hart 1995-1993 (Democrat)
Wilson 1993-2001 (Republican) * [ Season 3 ]
Gore 2001-2009 (Democrat) ** [ Season 4 ]
Bragg 2009- [ Season 5 ? ]

* we know that Vice President Bragg ran against Wilson for the Republican ticket in 1996, and failed to win it, we also know George Bush was the Republican Candidate in 2000, and Season 4 suggests that Bragg would be candidate in 2004 against Gore -

** after Kennedy, FAMK has been fairly generous in that Reagan, Hart and Wilson all got two terms as Presisent, no single-terms - and we got the tail end of the Hart Presidency in Season 3, so let us allow Gore two terms.

This could allow Bragg to run against Gore's unknown VP (let's say Lieberman as OTL) in 2008, which would put Bragg at the tail end of his first term in 2012, and allow a more antagonistic President than the show has seen so far.

So that is my theory on who the President will be come Season 5, perhaps with John McCain as VP (they did mention Ellen had wanted McCain over Bragg as her VP so we know he exists as a politician in the show and it would coincide with his OTL presidential run).
That line was in the early 2000s, so if Trek was still going... maybe the franchise stayed exclusively in TOS movies longer (possibly swapping in younger characters into the foreground like TWOK flirted with with Saavik and David), with TNG starting after their version of TUC in the '90s, and then not getting spun off into DS9 during the run, and either staying in production for well over seven seasons, or also transitioning into movies, with the franchise always being one thing at a time and never spreading out.
I think he'd said as much in interviews before ie TOS-Phase II-TNG. It could be amusing if they start referencing a fully fictional Star Trek show - am sure there's a Ben Nova (?) novel that references a show called Star Trek Explorer

Just trying to find a reference, and there's some people who say FAMK is referenced in The Expanse too?
I love shows sneaking in little easter eggs like these. It's not surprising that people who make shows can be fans of different shows, even if they're on competing networks and are running against each other. Most of the people love their work and are excited to see other projects, at least that's the feeling i get.

Great interview with Moore about season 5 and i'm happy to see that they started the ball rolling how to end the show and i'm sure they'll come up with something amazing. I have said it many times here but for me the logical progression would be the solar ressource race, i.e. exploiting the solar system for ressources that may lead to even more non-eath based organizations and even countries and in the end shots of the show maybe a big timeskip and we see the first generational ship being designed or actually built.

The Russia spinoff sounds cool if they can pull it off. Russia is not very popular at the moment but if they can keep up the level of writing with that show it'll be cool to see this from a different point of view.
Only thing about the Russia show I wonder about is whether or not the entire show is going to be using subtitles. Not sure how well that would play for a entire series.
Only thing about the Russia show I wonder about is whether or not the entire show is going to be using subtitles. Not sure how well that would play for a entire series.

They could do The Hunt for Red October trick by opening up with Russian and then switching over to English. From there, only using Russian when encountering non-Russians.

The interview linked above mentions that - it seems it is a possibility to do subtitles but a very small one. They have not decided yet which way to go apparently and even though i'd love to see them speak Russian with subtitles ( it was a brilliant element in Shogun and brought a special atmosphere to hear them speak their native language) it's not feasible for a multi-season show, it'll either be some russian accent english or pure english to make it easier for the audience.