Firebird's Sketch of the Week Series

Busy, busy, busy times here at Studio Firebird for the next month or so, but at least I had time to draw and get episode nine of EVA-Trek uploaded. Pretty happy with it, it's my attempt to do a "Data's Day" episode, centered on Misato:

Just FYI, there may be some light or absent weeks during all of the IRL stuff I've got going on, so worry not if I disappear for a bit. I shall return!

Drawing 344 / 2023 Artwork 17: Kurumi from Steel Angel Kurumi. Did a rewatch of the show for the first time in ages earlier this week, and I still haven't gotten the theme song out of my head.

Drawing 345 / 2023 Artwork 18: A quick sketch of Tomo Aizawa from Tomo-Chan is a Girl while I was marking up EVA-Trek's eleventh episode first draft script.

Drawing 346 / 2023 Artwork 19: Lt. Maya Ibuki, USS Nerv science division. I hadn't intended on it, but I'm gradually doing portraits of all of EVA-Trek's main and recurring cast again.
Too close? No, I've just got my very best reading glasses on :D

The black & white/greyscale on Kurumi looks great!
Too close? No, I've just got my very best reading glasses on :D

The black & white/greyscale on Kurumi looks great!
I was hoping someone would zoom in on the text. Extra points!

Kurumi’s grayscale is a bit of a cheat. I used an assortment of browns and pinks to color the original, then took out the saturation for the final upload. Definitely think it looks better this way!
Kurumi’s grayscale is a bit of a cheat. I used an assortment of browns and pinks to color the original, then took out the saturation for the final upload. Definitely think it looks better this way!
~ Ah, that explains why my colourblind eyes like it so much! The grey looks like colour, but my eyes can't quite make the colour out :rommie: Bravo!
Drawing 349 / 2023 Artwork 22: Mona Kawai from Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms.

Drawing 350 / 2023 Artwork 23: Megumi Tadokoro from Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma.

Drawing 351 / 2023 Artwork 24: Everybody's favorite Lurian barfly from Deep Space Nine, Morn... who might possibly have a future cameo in EVA-Trek.
I actually have chatted with Mark Allen Shepherd, really funny guy, he signed my copy of Mr Scott's Guide to the Enterprise, he also made us sing along with Mooooooorn to be wiiiiild! :D:techman:
In any case, great work, my favorite would be Morn of course..:mallory:
Oh, dear. I hope you have a good supply of absorbant tissues on hand, just in case? I hope this coming week is easier for you :)
Drawing 357 / 2023 Artwork 30: Hideaki Sorachi, the author of Gintama, in his signature avatar within the series.

Drawing 358 / 2023 Artwork 31: Saki Saki from Kanojo mo Kanojo, which is sadly approaching its finale fairly soon.

Drawing 359 / 2023 Artwork 32: A possible future for USS Nerv's Captain Misato Katsuragi in the days before the Dominion War. I've always wanted to see how the DS9-era turtleneck undershirt would look paired with the Picardigan suede jacket.

Drawing 360 / 2023 Artwork 33: Himeno from Chainsaw Man.