Dune Part 2 2023 (24, 25, 26...)

Audience scores are now in at critic aggregate sites.

95% at RT, same as critic scores (they dropped 2 points).

89 at Metacritic, 10 over critic score.

9.1 IMDB, #30 of all time (not unusual for new movies to hit this list during the initial hype, then drop)
Since they are selling so many tickets, Cineplex and Landmark in Canada have increased ticket prices for Dune by $1/ticket vs normal prices.

This is while Cineplex is dealing with the fallout from a online service fee lawsuit.

For comparison, Cineplex actually gave about $10 worth of scene points to anyone who bought tickets to Madame Web opening weekend, and are still giving $7.50 in equivalent points to go see it.

2 other people at work were planning on going to see it, live in major cities. One went to book on Monday, IMAX sold out all weekend, but got a regular showing. Other went to order today and couldn't get any screening, IMAX or no, for him and his friends.
Since they are selling so many tickets, Cineplex and Landmark in Canada have increased ticket prices for Dune by $1/ticket vs normal prices.
I ended up seeing the movie in the Ultra AVX theatre mostly due to that being the most conveniently timed screening. Holy hell, one ticket was over twenty dollars. Granted, it's been a long while since I'd seen a movie in the Ultra AVX theatre (the last one I think was the first Aquaman Christmas 2018) but I don't remember the ticket being that much. Even taking into account this information that it was likely a dollar more still seems rather high.

For any not familiar with Cineplex terminology, Ultra AVX has better picture and sound, plus you sit in leather seats. The Ultra AVX theatre also has an optional "D-Box" seat, which is basically a vibrating chair, though they are limited to two rows and cost even more money. I did not go for the D-Box.
The name of those special chairs remind me of a piece of advice I one saw. If you're coming up with a new name for something, run it past a group of teenage boys, and if they laugh, find a new name. I'm not sure if D-Box would pass that test.
Planning on re-watching the first Friday night. It had been on Netflix. Apparently they pulled it recently, right before the new one came out so it's not streaming anywhere, the only legal way to watch it is to rent or buy it:rolleyes:

I get the business logic of it, but still seems like dirty pool to me.
Dune Pt. 1 is up on Hulu as of today.
The story has been around for around 60 years. You should be fine. :)

Sure, but we all know plenty of movies that have surprise endings or little twists compared to the books. Like Harry casually snapping in the elder wand in the Deathly Hallows movie.
So I for one would also like to remain unspoiled untill I see it tomorrow.

As always Colbert is a brilliant interviewer and some nice details from Villeneuve but the best part is the end - he wants to do Messiah ( given how the movie ends it is clear that the story is not completely finished). Seeing how the movie performs and how massive the reception is i think we can agree that Messiah will be made, it's just the time of the announcement and how soon they will start production.

I'm happy that Villeneuve will most likely get to tell Paul's story but it also seems to be clear that he wants to step back then and be done with it which i understand because even if you love something you probably don't want to do it for the next 10+ years. Depending on how Villeneuve does and ends Messiah it could set up Children and all the later books but it'll be for some other team to play in that world. We all know that studios love sequels of successful movies so i'm going out on a limb and state that Messiah might not be the last Dune movie we see.
I want the books to be adapted as far as God Emperor, but then I remember it's WB we're dealing with. Heretics and Chapterhouse would probably too weird for audiences and we'd run the risk of Hunters being adapted as the conclusion. I subscribe to the theory that Marty and Daniel are Frank Herbert and his wife Beverly, just as I suspect Tom Bombadil and Goldberry are JRR Tolkien and his wife Edith.
I subscribe to the theory that Marty and Daniel are Frank Herbert and his wife Beverly
I never thought of that...
just as I suspect Tom Bombadil and Goldberry are JRR Tolkien and his wife Edith.
He certainly thought of them as Beren and Luthien.
Due to my wonky work schedule, I'm not able to see it until Tuesday, but I will be seeing it at the supposedly world's tallest IMAX screen. I can't wait. :D

...now I have to figure out the time to squeeze in a rewatch of the first part before then!