Dune Part 2 2023 (24, 25, 26...)

So guys should I start the Messiah thread? I'm thinking no since it won't be awhile with Villeneuve likely doing another movie in between but with Part 2 screenings going on no doubt there will be clickbait/press releases.
So guys should I start the Messiah thread? I'm thinking no since it won't be awhile with Villeneuve likely doing another movie in between but with Part 2 screenings going on no doubt there will be clickbait/press releases.
Any reason not to keep it here until it actually gets greenlit?
I agree with others that any "news" and possible actual news on Messiah should stay here until if and when Villeneuve says "Okay, I'm ready, let's do this!"
Would they even use the word Messiah in the title? Not sure if that's a term that would go over well with general audiences or not.
What's the policy on spoiler-tags here? I'm likely not going to go opening day.

People tend to play pretty fast and loose because the book is 60 years old but the other thread is the spoiler thread so in theory all the discussion of the movie after people watch it should be in it, and this thread is more for people who haven't. Anyone who sees the movie and posts here should be using tags.
Yeah, I know the question is silly since the book is so old, and I've read it twice. Yet, after seeing the bastardization of Wheel Of Time by Amazon, I want to be prepared. Consider if two weeks from now someone posts, "Alia is born at the end of it! And she comes out as a sentient sand worm! Strange, but it works!"
Yeah, I know the question is silly since the book is so old, and I've read it twice. Yet, after seeing the bastardization of Wheel Of Time by Amazon, I want to be prepared. Consider if two weeks from now someone posts, "Alia is born at the end of it! And she comes out as a sentient sand worm! Strange, but it works!"
Great, now you've ruined it for me!