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Poll Do you intend to watch SECTION 31?

Do you intend to watch SECTION 31 when it is released?

  • YES, and I already have Paramount+ (or international equivalent)

  • YES, and I will sign up for a streaming service just to do so

  • NO, and I already have Paramount+ (or international equivalent)

  • NO, and I do not currently have a streaming service that will carry it

  • OTHER (will wait for the Blu-ray, will wait until SNW or something else I want is back on P+, etc)

  • UNDECIDED, waiting on reviews

Results are only viewable after voting.
I planned to write a 1000 word response, but ran out of time. However, I found something that should unequivocally convey the jist of it.

That being said, I am not as excited for this as I was for, say, Picard or SNW. But I'll give any new Trek offering a shot and go from there.

Based on the trailers, I only hope they do not lean away too far from Trek and make it some kind of generic sci-fi action adventure with a few Star Trek stickers sprinkled about here and there that ultimately lead nowhere. That would be a let down for me, personally. I hope whatever story they tell is a fresh and interesting take that embraces the history of the franchise in a respectful way that that also doesn't hold itself hostage to it.

At the end of the day, if they can honor what came before in a well-written way that adds something to the franchise, I can get onboard.
I’ll watch this. I’ve been intrigued with Section 31 since Deep Space 9. Plus I loved Empress Georgiou. The character evolution made for interesting story telling IMO. I’ve been a Paramount+ subscriber for several years. Originally for Discovery and Picard and now Strange New Worlds. I also enjoy other streaming only shows on the service so it’s worth the spend for me. But finally seeing the Section 31 movie coming soon I hope it lives up to the hype I’ve built up in my head.
I’ll watch this. I’ve been intrigued with Section 31 since Deep Space 9. Plus I loved Empress Georgiou. The character evolution made for interesting story telling IMO. I’ve been a Paramount+ subscriber for several years. Originally for Discovery and Picard and now Strange New Worlds. I also enjoy other streaming only shows on the service so it’s worth the spend for me. But finally seeing the Section 31 movie coming soon I hope it lives up to the hype I’ve built up in my head.
Welcome, Director.
We've been expecting you.
I am sure I will watch it, probably not the day it drops, though. I'm interested but not excited.
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