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Discovery or Andromeda?


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Is it just me or does Discovery season 3 have more in common with Andromeda than Star Trek?

Federation gone/Systems Commonwealth gone

One Federation/Commonwealth ship remains to rebuild

Nietzschean War/The Burn (external attack by ?)
IIRC, the original intent for Andromeda was for it to be a Star Trek series, that got rejected by Paramount. It used elements of several Roddenberry ideas from the 70's, including the never made Starship, and the Dylan Hunt name comes from his Genesis II pilot.

So what goes around, comes around.
DISCO season 3 also reminds me of the pitch from Geoffrey Thorne, Star Trek: Federation. I wish they would find a way to fold this, as well as the animated Star Trek: Final Frontier, into this future. I thought both proposals had merit and wish they had been green lighted.



If DISCO Season 3 does take inspiration from Andromeda I hope it develops the premise/concept better than Andromeda did. Already DISCO will have bigger budgets and better production values. I still wish we had gotten an Andromeda with a higher budget. I was very stoked when I read their All Systems University before the series premiered and there was a lot of thought put into it, but they just didn't have the budget, and the writing was uneven. Plus I think the focus was too much on Hunt instead of more interesting characters like Tyr, Beka, Rhade, Rev Bem, and even the purple alien (can't remember her name).
I'm looking forward to it. Andromeda had so much potential but ran off the tracks after the first few seasons. It was still an enjoyable show and I have said before I would love to see Kevin Sorbo at least guest star or have a multi-episode arc in Discovery.
I stopped watching Andromeda half-way through the first season back in 2000. Then I heard -- from most people -- that the show got worse after the middle of the second season. I tried watching again last year, but I couldn't stick with it, and only made it through a few episodes.

I don't think Andromeda is a series that should have the Final Word on the concept of a society rising from the ashes. Plus, I'm sorry to say, the concept speaks to 2020 a lot better than it did 2000.
A "Federation" rising from the ashes isn't a new concept, even in star trek, Earth after WW3, Cardasia after the Dominion war, Romulans after the supernova. Most was destroyed and now they have to build it back up.
Now just have to find out what the "Great Burn" was and is it over with?
Andromeda and the original concept of had great potential. If it had a real Star Trek budget it may have executed better.
Andromeda and the original concept of had great potential. If it had a real Star Trek budget it may have executed better.
The interesting thing (RE: the set up for "Andromeda") is (reading between the lines) if it WERE a Star Trek series concept originally: What? The Vulcans decided to revolt and take over the Federation government; and that lead to civil war and a Federation downfall? :vulcan::rommie:
Its a nice concept but I don't want it to overwhelm the homages to the classic TOS era as well as revisiting the politics as well as setting of that.

I liked DISCO as it was.
The interesting thing (RE: the set up for "Andromeda") is (reading between the lines) if it WERE a Star Trek series concept originally: What? The Vulcans decided to revolt and take over the Federation government; and that lead to civil war and a Federation downfall? :vulcan::rommie:
Maybe the Romulans had corrupted the Vulcans and that would have led to the Federation downfall in that scenario...

I enjoyed Andromeda for the most part.

Here's a question re The Burn, what if the Hobus Supernova propagated through time as well, and the Burn is the temporal supernova remnant? I mean, if the core worlds are destroyed, that would cripple the Federation and the other political entities which were enemies would come in and take over. Such a sequence of events could easily lead to a "mostly collapsed" Federation.
Maybe the Romulans had corrupted the Vulcans and that would have led to the Federation downfall in that scenario...

I enjoyed Andromeda for the most part.

Here's a question re The Burn, what if the Hobus Supernova propagated through time as well, and the Burn is the temporal supernova remnant? I mean, if the core worlds are destroyed, that would cripple the Federation and the other political entities which were enemies would come in and take over. Such a sequence of events could easily lead to a "mostly collapsed" Federation.

I think all of Countdown has been rendered non-canon. Elements are still reoccuring in Star Trek Online.
The concept that they said Andromeda was based off of: Genesis II. Warning: this isn't very good. It's Gene Roddenberry gone wild. There are some redeeming parts, and I get a kick out of the '70s-ness of it (read into that what you will), but it's not enough.

Andromeda was based on Robert Wolfe’s rejected “Fall of the Federation” Star Trek series. So if a Star Trek series uses the same concept it should not be considered an idea borrowed from Andromeda.

I watched Andromeda for about 1.5 seasons. It was terrible. Discovery will almost certainly do this storyline better.
Is it just me or does Discovery season 3 have more in common with Andromeda than Star Trek?
Will Zora be played by Lexa Doig?

The concept that they said Andromeda was based off of: Genesis II. Warning: this isn't very good. It's Gene Roddenberry gone wild. There are some redeeming parts, and I get a kick out of the '70s-ness of it (read into that what you will), but it's not enough.

I remember a young pubescent me finding Mariette Hartley's midriff to be very hot in Genesis II.

By the way, NBC's "standards and practices" made a bit of a big deal about Mariette Hartley NOT showing her navel in the TOS episode All our Yesterdays, so I bet when Roddenberry was able to show her navel in Genesis II, he literally doubled up on it.
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