Discovery ending with Season 5

Discovery is such an interesting series for me. I rewatched Seasons 1 and 2 and really enjoyed them, especially Season 1. I loved seeing Pike in Season 2 and really delving into Saru's homeworld. I actually thought Season 2 was Saru's best season because they actually did a great job developing him. Season 3 had the disappointing revelation of the Burn which ruined the season for me. Season 4 was really interesting but took too long to get where it was going. I loved the stuff with Zora and when they finally made contact with 10-C, but I wish the contact with 10-C happened a lot sooner. That episode where they were utilizing Math to communicate with 10-C was this modern era's version of Darmok for me, probably even more interesting. I just wish they didn't make Turka (Or was it Tarka, I forget) the mustache twirling villian that he became. When it was only Book who agreed with him because the mighty federation would never do that, I wasn't a fan of that plotline. He had somewhat good points, especially not wanting to forget the damage that 10-C had caused, especially to Book's Planet. If that had been the Vulcan/Romulan planet (I forget what that was called), I don't think they would be as forgiving.

Considering next season is the end I'm actually looking forward to seeing how it does end. I still wish they would have found Prime Lorca and maybe address Calypso. Also, if it is the end, can we get some Short Treks back as preambles to the final season. I really miss the Short Trek format and think if it hadn't been for Covid, we would have gotten more of them.
Always sad when a Trek show ends.

Whatever you think of Disco, it got this whole Golden Age of Trek rolling. We have 5 Trek series running concurrently. FIVE!

When DISCO wraps, we'll have had 75 Disco epidodes, 30 Picard episodes, 20 SNW episodes, 40 LD episodes, and 40 PRO episodes (assuming 20 again). That's 205 episodes since Disco first aired. Throw in the 10 Short Treks, and it is 215 in 7 years.

I hope they knock it out of the park, and leave the door open for more 31st century adventures. I will miss it.
Discovery certainly had the roughest row to hoe, being the first one and suffering through multiple leadership swaps. I haven't always liked it, (quite the opposite sometimes!) but I respect that they kept trying to make it work. Five years is respectable, even if they only had just over two "old seasons" worth of episodes. One year longer than ENT, but far fewer eps. ;)

Enterprise had 98. Disco will have 65 + a couple of the Short Treks are DISCO. Five are straight DISCO. Three are Mount/Peck/Romjin prior to SNW, and one is about a Tardigrade. I think DISCO gets credit for 70 minimum, with a case for 74.

Enterprise had roughly 33% more episodes than DISCO. Disco roughly 25% fewer than Enterprise. Is that "far fewer?" Probably not. Significantly so.
We barely even know the bridge crew. No one cares about them. We learned more sbout Sidney LaForge in one minute of dialogue then we ever did about the bridge crew of the discovery in 4 years. Well they did cry alot. Lol

IDK about that.

We know a ton about Burnham, Saru, and Tilly. And Stamets & Culber. And Lorca & Georgiou. And we learned a lot about Pike, Number One, and Spock as well. We got to know Book pretty well. That is 11 characters we got to know pretty well. In 65 episodes (well, 70-74 including the Short Treks).

Those 11 got far more development than Uhura, Scotty, Sulu, or Checkov did. Or Hoshi, Reed, and Mayweather.

Yes, some of the bridge Crew got shortchanged. Owu had "New Eden." Detmer had one episode in S3. Airiam had S2's "Project Daedalus." The others even less. But we got to know Admirals Cornwell & Vance; Adira & Gray; and President Rillak. And some more info on Sarek and Amanda.

I think that is a pretty impressive list for 65 episodes. Though some characters were only present for 1-2 seasons. The serial nature of the episodes, having fewer episodes per season, and the choice to have galactic/federation scale stakes impedes some of it.

Who the characters were that got developed is certainly up for debate. As is HOW they were developed. If we got 170 episodes, I am sure we'd have gotten to know Detmer, Owu, & the others better. Maybe we do this year.
Oh please.

Way back in 1986 (I was 23):

If you wanted to call someone a "Jackass"; you USED the word "Jackass".

"Pompous Ass" was always short for Pompous Asshole".

then, and now.

Agreed...I also said:

Yes but 'ass' didn't always have the meaning it has today. 'Ass' back then was short for 'jackass'. It also had the other meaning as well but back then media could play it up as the other non-bad word.

My mistake was to say it had had a different meaning back then implying that it was only used as 'stubborn' or something similar. I should have said it had multiple meanings in use back then.

You could get away with saying 'ass' as in someone who is stubborn or foolish like a donkey. That was the beauty of the word back then. You could use it and it wouldn't be censored outright. It wasn't always short for asshole. Of course, it would be open to anyone's interpretation as to which meaning the user intended.
Is 65 far fewer than 97? Yes. :D

It's not a criticism, so I'm not sure why you're trying to scrounge up extra digits by counting shorts to pump the numbers.

25% or 33%, depending on how you view it. I did not scrounge up anything. Those short Treks are DISCO based.

I guess we have different definitions of "far fewer". For me, that's at least half, or less.

TAS had far fewer episodes than ENT. PIC has far fewer. As do PRO, SNW, and LD (so far). Going from 65 to 74 does not change that for me.
Anyway, sorry for all the posts, I was just scrolling thru the thread as I missed the news and responding to different stuff.

Final thoughts:

1) This is a cancellation. Let's not sugarcoat it. They wrapped the season not knowing, got cancelled, and had to reshoot some to make it work.

But it least they got to re-shoot. And it speaks to a semi-caring ending. The post upthread comparing this to ENT ending was excellent. After Nemesis bombed in 2002 and ENT got cancelled in 2005, it felt like the end. This feels different with 4 other shows still airing and 3 (at least) continuing on.

TOS got cancelled. TAS got cancelled. ENT got cancelled. We can argue the others.

2) DISCO brought back live action Trek TV after 12 years. We should be thankful.

3) I think SMG did a great job as the lead, not only acting but fostering the best cast camaraderie and frienship since peak TNG. And it showed.

4) SNW is a DISCO spinoff. Be thankful for that.

5) While the show was uneven at times, borderline painful for me at times, so were the others. It was also brilliant at times. And I hope there are more of those times to come. The cast & fans deserve a good sendoff. I am not expecting "All Good Things" or "The Undiscovered Country." I'd be more than satisfied with "Endgame" or "What You Leave Behind." Please be better than "Nemesis" or "These Are The Voyages."
I don’t think Star Trek was conceived as a family show. I think GR envisioned is an adult drama that explored topical issues through the lens of Science Fiction. That it appealed to the kids (and I was one in 1966) wasn’t quite what he wanted. It also had to conform to standards and practices of the day. So a line like “let’s get the hell out of here” caused much hand-ringing on all levels. The S&P have changed over the years and the use of a word like “hell” doesn’t even bat an eye, even on a “family” show. Next Gen could use the word “shit” as long at it was in French, “Shite” pops up on shows that would blanche at using “shit”.

I guess I'm thankful that TNG was a bit of a family show because how I got into Trek was because my family would watch TNG every Saturday Night at 8:00 PM. I loved Q and thought the space adventures were cool. Growing up I can see how it was not necessarily a family show but I bet a good amount of the fanbase were like me, grew up with a series and the franchise just stuck.
I hope they knock it out of the park, and leave the door open for more 31st century adventures. I will miss it.

Star Trek: Academy is already all but confirmed to be in pre production with Mary Wiseman reprising her role as Tilly. It'll likely be a tighter, smaller cast show probably with fewer sets and a bit cheaper to make for a few seasons as well.

Meaning technically we'll have two spinoffs from DISCO to enjoy.
Star Trek: Academy is already all but confirmed to be in pre production with Mary Wiseman reprising her role as Tilly. It'll likely be a tighter, smaller cast show probably with fewer sets and a bit cheaper to make for a few seasons as well.

Meaning technically we'll have two spinoffs from DISCO to enjoy.

Where is it “already all but confirmed?” First I’m hearing of this.
Star Trek: Academy is already all but confirmed to be in pre production with Mary Wiseman reprising her role as Tilly. It'll likely be a tighter, smaller cast show probably with fewer sets and a bit cheaper to make for a few seasons as well.

Meaning technically we'll have two spinoffs from DISCO to enjoy.
First I'm hearing about it being "all but confirmed". If anything, we're hearing a lot more about some kinda continuation to characters from "Picard". Which, let's be honest, would be a better investment.
TOS got cancelled. TAS got cancelled. ENT got cancelled. We can argue the others.
I would consider TAS to have been "ended" not "cancelled". Saturday morning cartoons in the '70s only made just enough episodes that they thought were needed, then they were done. Completely different context than anything else.
I'ma be brutal here:
This might be the news that makes me go back & actually watch the thing.

I stepped out after season 2, it just wasn't for me. Knowing it ends, and there's a finite number of episodes & no years-long commitment, might give me the energy to finally binge seasons 3 onwards.
First I'm hearing about it being "all but confirmed". If anything, we're hearing a lot more about some kinda continuation to characters from "Picard". Which, let's be honest, would be a better investment.

Neither the Starfleet Academy series with Mary Wiseman or the continuation of characters from "Picard" sound appealing to me. I think the Trek franchise is dying, but very few seemed to realize it.
Kinda worried the new filming they do for the end of the season is just a Burnham log entry with shots of the characters hugging or whatever. My expectations are low. Now I realise how freaking lucky we Farscape fans were back in the day when they eventually gave us a fantastic miniseries to truly round off the series.
Kinda worried the new filming they do for the end of the season is just a Burnham log entry with shots of the characters hugging or whatever. My expectations are low. Now I realise how freaking lucky we Farscape fans were back in the day when they eventually gave us a fantastic miniseries to truly round off the series.
Farscape & Firefly;)

Sadly I don't think anything like that will happen every again - part of the reason also being that what these two shows for was amazing for the fans, but disappointing for the studios...

Yes, don't expect too much from the re-shoots here - I guess they'll get all the main characters back, take a few group shots on the bridge sets, and add some dialogue lines (maybe swap out a cliffhanger ending?)
Kinda worried the new filming they do for the end of the season is just a Burnham log entry with shots of the characters hugging or whatever. My expectations are low. Now I realise how freaking lucky we Farscape fans were back in the day when they eventually gave us a fantastic miniseries to truly round off the series.

I wonder if they are filming a series finale episode or just a 5 minute close out to tack on to the S5 finale.

I am kind of thinking P+ is going to move away from Trek. That will be my thoughts until we actually see a new show. There is only 1 live action show left, S31 never materialized, and they are having much more success with many different Yellowstone series which spend more money on big name actors than fancy sets and SFX.