DC Movies - To Infinity and Beyond

Which I still see as being an incredibly selfish desire as whomever does so is risking their career as well as major civil and criminal repercussions.

...all to please "fans" embracing criminal behavior to feed their obsession (including some desire to see Keaton, when he will make his assumed one-shot cameo in the Flash movie). That, and the individuals who convinced themselves that this Batgirl film was some great change of direction for the DCEU, when there were no indicators suggesting that at all.

Anyone advocating this should immediately be dismissed as a bottom-feeding troll.

I don't expect from any individual to break an NDA to leak the movie. I don't actively endorse any such action, and I certainly don't want anybody to risk their career and/or freedom just to see a movie. However, and that has been my position from the start (and, as far as I could follow, the position of many others in this thread) that I wouldn't be surprised at all if the movie did leak, because people in the movie industry are usually very passionate about projects they've worked on, and do have a desire - irrational or not - to have people see it, and if it did leak, that I would want to see it.

On the other hand, comments like these
..and anyone identified as one of the participants in a leak should face the legal consequences for such an act.
Do seem to indicate an actual desire to NOT have the film be available for the public to see. And I can't seem to fathom this kind of feeling towards an unseen film, especially from a person who was a major proponent of the Snyder Cut movement.

Meanwhile, actress Ivory Aquino tweeted a heartfelt open letter to David Zaslav asking him to reconsider:
(click for full thread)
I don't expect from any individual to break an NDA to leak the movie. I don't actively endorse any such action, and I certainly don't want anybody to risk their career and/or freedom just to see a movie. However, and that has been my position from the start (and, as far as I could follow, the position of many others in this thread) that I wouldn't be surprised at all if the movie did leak, because people in the movie industry are usually very passionate about projects they've worked on, and do have a desire - irrational or not - to have people see it, and if it did leak, that I would want to see it.

You're not who is being referred to then, so why take offense?
DC's Kevin Feige Found: Producer Dan Lin in Talks to Take Control of Film, TV for Superhero Arm
Dan Lin, the executive-turned-producer who counts hits such as the live-action Aladdin, The Lego Movie, and the It horror movies, is in talks to take the role of DC chief, multiple sources tell THR.

The role encompasses not just overseeing film but television as well, with Lin reporting directly to Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav, according to sources.

The structure bypasses three separate division heads — Warner Bros. Pictures’ Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy, HBO/HBO Max chief Casey Bloys and Warner Bros. TV chair Channing Dungey — and puts control of DC in the hands of one person.
Calling him "DC's Kevin Feige" seems highly optimistic. Besides, didn't they already have someone in that role?

What frustrates me is that DC's movies didn't need fixing. They'd finally outgrown their failed attempt to copy the MCU and found their own successful formula, letting each film be its own thing with its own voice, with the shared universe being a peripheral element, even an optional one. But now they're throwing out what was working just fine, and the new strategy seems to be "copy the MCU" all over again.
Because I would like WB to have a shot at recovering and the people who worked hard on the film to continue being employed.

The leak carries a risk and devil may care attitude towards rules I find aggravating. Will it impact my life? No, but it gets under my skin.
What rules? Basically tax evasion rules? Disgraceful take. Simply disgraceful.
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And I can't seem to fathom this kind of feeling towards an unseen film, especially from a person who was a major proponent of the Snyder Cut movement

The Snyder Cut was not an illegal, rogue action released against WB's authority, but sanctioned by WB. The heart of the movement wanted to see the legitimate production completed, not stolen footage cobbled together. Further, the Snyder Cut was the originally intended culmination (part one of it) of the DCEU Snyder established across several films.

Batgirl has no such weight behind it, as its a single, branching off story from the Flash movie, and there are some advocating the theft and distribution of footage all due to whatever they--alone--have told themselves about the merits of a film they know nothing about.