DC Movies - To Infinity and Beyond

I seriously doubt they will cut Affleck's part. Clearly, they wanted his Batman involved in the plot, while Keaton--it appears--was not so important.
I seriously doubt they will cut Affleck's part. Clearly, they wanted his Batman involved in the plot, while Keaton--it appears--was not so important.

For all we know it's the exact dialogue and it didn't matter which Batman it was. The actor not being important at all save for not confusing audiences by WB not being able to commit to any of their release schedules. Though I wonder how much of the audience will wonder why it isn't Twilight showing up with that being fresher in people's minds.
I seriously doubt they will cut Affleck's part. Clearly, they wanted his Batman involved in the plot, while Keaton--it appears--was not so important.
I also read he did more reshoots for 'The Flash', in particular for the ending, so they might be setting up that big event film down the line with him in it.
I also read he did more reshoots for 'The Flash', in particular for the ending, so they might be setting up that big event film down the line with him in it.

It would seem so; Affleck in Aquaman 2 and an expanded part in the The Flash does not sound like his Batman's swan song. Perhaps its a springboard for another Justice League film.

If this goes all the way down the lowest level people, then I can almost guarantee you this will leak.

..and anyone identified as one of the participants in a leak should face the legal consequences for such an act.
If this goes all the way down the lowest level people, then I can almost guarantee you this will leak. Unless they confiscate everybody's mobile devices before they start it.
Director said NONE of the VFX are done and not even all the filming was complete. You won't be seeing the movie as intended if it gets leaked in current form.
It just sounds so unfinished that I’m surprised it would return useful results. I’ve never been part of that process so maybe it’s normal. I know unfinished footage usually looks awful.
When we did the test screenings for the Shrek 2, and I think we did one for Shrek 3 too, they had a few unfinished scenes. Some were rough animation, and some were even still just hand drawn storyboards. So I think showing an unfinished version is pretty typical.