The color blue and things with blue seem a common theme with you or is it just coincidence ?
All this whale stuff in trek never appealed to me, but as always respect those with an artistic ability as writing with a pen is about the only time I would do anything physical that comes near to "art"
~ I was about to say that I think it must be coincidence about all the blue things, but I do really like the colour blue, so perhaps my subconscious is having a say in my work?
As for the "whale stuff" (

), I'm pretty much in agreement with
@Arpy (which saves me having to type out a response of my own

) :
I love the whale stuff. I think we’re still in the early stages of understanding animal intelligence and that thought it’s ‘alien’ to ours some of it is robust and enlightening. This will be the case with all kinds of very different alien animal life too.
Also I like that they need different environments on ship to survive, and that’s closer to what real aliens would. And I like how alien their forms are — again, probably no humanoids in real outer space. So I love a ship that’s got all sorts onboard.
Plus I can easily see lots of Trek humanoids swim or breathe underwater too so they’re permeable shared environments.
Speaking of whales, Kimolu & Matt feature in my sketches below for a 'Mariner 24' poster! What with one thing and another I missed out on April's
80s Animated Mash! art challenge, so I'm having a go at it now. I'm aiming to come up with a poster featuring the Lower Deckers & co. as characters from French-Japanese animation,
Ulysses 31.
I have Mariner playing Ulysses, Rutherford as Telemachus, Tendi as Yumi, and Boimler as Nono (which came about from the end of LDS: "Mining the Mind's Mines" when Kearns says Boimler is thought to be a small, comedic robot by people outside
Cerritos). Tendi's cousin D'Onni will be Yumi's brother Numinor, Freeman is Poseidon, and Kimolu & Matt are a couple of sirens. I might include the other senior officers as various antagonists from the series, and some of my favourite background ensigns (those who featured in my March art challenge piece,
The Andorian with the Rubber Ducky Room Tattoo [above]) will be the lifeless, floating crew of the Cerritos (which will have the Odyssey's big, central iris in place of its secondary hull). I'll probably scale up the
trident scanner as Poseidon's trident ships, too.
At the moment, I'm deciding whether our Lower Deckers should be wearing costumes faithful to the series, or their uniforms adorned with one or two accoutrements (like they did with the Klingon regalia while playing
Bat'leths & BiHnuchs at the start of "The Least Dangerous Game") - What do you think?
For anyone familiar with Ulysses 31, is there anything I haven't mentioned that you'd like to see adapted to LDS? Ideas and suggestions are welcome