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Cyfa's art challenges and other bits & bobs

I agree that this already turned out quite nicely. The choice of vignettes and their arrangement totally works for me.

One thing you might want to try to make it look even more like an actual, drawn movie poster is adding harsh, dramatic rim light to every character and object. You'll see this often on movie posters …

Kinda like you already have it on the two Vulcan hands, with warm, yellow-ish light coming from one side and cold, blue-ish like coming from the other. This usually brings together all the elements to form a more cohesive whole. :)

I prefer the second the most, not a fan of the arty , cartoon type over filters, each to their own I guess.

would you not download even photosho CS3 ,would certainly make easier work for you, believe that was free for a while.

Even though I have cs6, and lightroom, I have never used them once, doing everything in cs3

As for a title, Out of their Vulcan Minds !!!
Thank you, @Michael and @gazomg :bolian:

One thing you might want to try to make it look even more like an actual, drawn movie poster is adding harsh, dramatic rim light to every character and object. You'll see this often on movie posters …

Kinda like you already have it on the two Vulcan hands, with warm, yellow-ish light coming from one side and cold, blue-ish like coming from the other. This usually brings together all the elements to form a more cohesive whole.
~ I must admit, I didn't really think about the lighting, as is probably quite evident from the vignettes I've chosen - the light is hitting each character from a different angle which, along with my extremely basic non-PhotoShop "skills", doesn't help with bringing any cohesion to the whole thing. I'll try and add some highlights as you suggest and keep my fingers crossed :D

I prefer the second the most, not a fan of the arty , cartoon type over filters, each to their own I guess.

would you not download even photosho CS3 ,would certainly make easier work for you, believe that was free for a while.

Even though I have cs6, and lightroom, I have never used them once, doing everything in cs3

As for a title, Out of their Vulcan Minds !!!
~ I must admit, the filter could do with being dialled back a bit. I've had a few goes at it, but I always seem to make it worse. And some sort of blending filter is definitely needed to cover up my terrible edges :lol:

I've thought about Photoshop CS3 on and off for a little while (I think you suggested it to me before, as I recall? Borgman did, too), but never got around to doing anything about it. Learning how to use it puts me off a bit, but I might be imagining it to be more complicated than it actually is? I've got some time off in March, so I might have a go at it then.
if a luddite like myself can do things in it, then anyone can
~ :lol:

As I may have mentioned before, I love Star Trek III - it's my favourite Trek film :adore: - and there's very little that I would change about it (minor cosmetic stuff, mostly). However, some things could have been expanded upon, or maybe featured in their own little spin-off Short Trek? So, here's a poster featuring those characters, scenes, and props that I enjoy the most.
As I write this, I realise that I should have titled it "Star Trek IIIa". Or, "Star Trek III-A", perhaps? Ah well, I've got time for tweaking before the deadline of this month's art challenge is up :D

[ @Michael, I tried adding some highlights as you suggested, but kept messing it up so left it as is. And, @gazomg, I couldn't let go of the filter thingy as it covers so many sins :rommie: (Although, I might make the finished poster a bit smaller as then the effect won't be so noticeable) ]
So, I debigulated the image and tweaked the credits (amongst one or two other things), and decided upon a title: Star Trek III-B!
(Because IIIa looked too much like Ilia [and we all know she didn't make it past TMP, poor thing], and III-A is probably the Directors Cut, or something :rommie:)

I think this is going to be my entry for the Fan Art Challenge this month. Although, I'm not going to post it in the thread just yet in case I change my mind ;)
Well, sh-*bleep*. You wake up after a heavy night at the crew lounge only to find someone's tattooed your torso with the secret blueprints of the off-limits Rubber Ducky Room. Is it a practical joke? A mysterious game? A Starfleet Intelligence op gone wrong? Only one thing's for certain: You're in BIG trouble if Captain Freeman finds out! :evil:


Yep, this is my concept for this month's Art Challenge: Blueprints.
I'm not one for drawing technical stuff (even though I love looking at everyone else's), and this was the perfect excuse to draw one of my favourite background ensigns from Star Trek: Lower Decks : "Andorian ensign 1" (according to Memory Alpha).
Isn't he adorable?! :adore:

I'm not sure what I'm going to do for a background scene yet - maybe something featuring Rutherford and Billups?
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I told Okuda not to slum around with prison tattoo artists…but noooo.
~ Ha haa! :lol:

Now that's a brilliant idea, @Cyfa! Love it!
~ Thank you, Michael. And an appropriate return of the awesome Andorian smiley :adore:

I haven't got any further with this yet, but I'm considering using the communal sonic showers for the background scene. However, looking at them, I think the translucency and grid-work may be too complicated for marker pens. I might have to have a rethink.


[Screenshot from LDS: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open" via Cygnus X-1 - Ahhhh... Rutherford :adore:]
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Well, I had a few goes at replicating the sonic shower area with marker pens, and while the translucent divider worked better than I expected, the gridwork most definitely did not:


I have a new plan, however: The measuring and counting of the gridwork holes inspired me to do the background as a blueprint of the shower area. Easy! (I hope)
Well, here he* is - Adorable Andorian ensign #1 discovering that he's been tattooed with blueprints of the off limits Rubber Ducky Room in Cerritos' lower decks communal sonic shower area:


* Of course, being Andorian, ensign #1 is likely a chan (possibly a thaan), and should be addressed as Cha (if one goes with the Novelverse interpretation of Andorian biology and culture, which I do and Lower Decks seems to if Jennifer's last/family name is anything to go by)

** Thank you, @Michael

EDIT: I am kicking myself for not including an actual rubber ducky to go next to the shampoo or on the towel! I'll have to make one tomorrow...
Also, I thought of a name for this scene: The Chan With A Rubber Ducky Room Tattoo :D
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Thanks, @Santaman :)

The Andorian* with the Rubber Ducky Room Tattoo now comes complete with an actual rubber ducky - and a couple of other delightful bathtime toys: Buddy the Vulcan** :adore: and the buff, pretty-boy nurse/med tech! :drool:


I haven't decided whether Buddy and Pretty Boy are the culprits, or just admirers? Or both?! :devil:

* I've gone for "Andorian" rather than "Chan" as it's better known.
** So named by his apparent fan club on Reddit and tumblr.
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I forgot about the sonic shower FX, so I've added some pixellation which vaguely approximates what we saw in LDS: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open", and enhanced the image somewhat (as the photo was taken in rather poor light):

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do some more TOS Movies-based art (for the Aug/Sept art challenge), so after a little time away, I set to intending to create another movie poster - Star Trek IV-B - like I did for February's challenge. Unfortunately, useable free time for such things is in short supply at the mo, so that plan was scuppered and all I've managed are some sketches and a bit of MSPaint art:

This is what I'm going with for the art challenge: it's the cleaned up version of the back of the page in my notebook of the coloured Cetacean Probe with George & Gracie sketch. I like the effect that the soaked-through ink gives - especially when it's been blown-up significantly from the original 75mm sketch.
I love the whale stuff. I think we’re still in the early stages of understanding animal intelligence and that thought it’s ‘alien’ to ours some of it is robust and enlightening. This will be the case with all kinds of very different alien animal life too.

Also I like that they need different environments on ship to survive, and that’s closer to what real aliens would. And I like how alien their forms are — again, probably no humanoids in real outer space. So I love a ship that’s got all sorts onboard.

Plus I can easily see lots of Trek humanoids swim or breathe underwater too so they’re permeable shared environments.
The color blue and things with blue seem a common theme with you or is it just coincidence ?

All this whale stuff in trek never appealed to me, but as always respect those with an artistic ability as writing with a pen is about the only time I would do anything physical that comes near to "art"
~ I was about to say that I think it must be coincidence about all the blue things, but I do really like the colour blue, so perhaps my subconscious is having a say in my work?

As for the "whale stuff" (:D), I'm pretty much in agreement with @Arpy (which saves me having to type out a response of my own :rommie:) :
I love the whale stuff. I think we’re still in the early stages of understanding animal intelligence and that thought it’s ‘alien’ to ours some of it is robust and enlightening. This will be the case with all kinds of very different alien animal life too.

Also I like that they need different environments on ship to survive, and that’s closer to what real aliens would. And I like how alien their forms are — again, probably no humanoids in real outer space. So I love a ship that’s got all sorts onboard.

Plus I can easily see lots of Trek humanoids swim or breathe underwater too so they’re permeable shared environments.

Speaking of whales, Kimolu & Matt feature in my sketches below for a 'Mariner 24' poster! What with one thing and another I missed out on April's 80s Animated Mash! art challenge, so I'm having a go at it now. I'm aiming to come up with a poster featuring the Lower Deckers & co. as characters from French-Japanese animation, Ulysses 31.
I have Mariner playing Ulysses, Rutherford as Telemachus, Tendi as Yumi, and Boimler as Nono (which came about from the end of LDS: "Mining the Mind's Mines" when Kearns says Boimler is thought to be a small, comedic robot by people outside Cerritos). Tendi's cousin D'Onni will be Yumi's brother Numinor, Freeman is Poseidon, and Kimolu & Matt are a couple of sirens. I might include the other senior officers as various antagonists from the series, and some of my favourite background ensigns (those who featured in my March art challenge piece, The Andorian with the Rubber Ducky Room Tattoo [above]) will be the lifeless, floating crew of the Cerritos (which will have the Odyssey's big, central iris in place of its secondary hull). I'll probably scale up the trident scanner as Poseidon's trident ships, too.

At the moment, I'm deciding whether our Lower Deckers should be wearing costumes faithful to the series, or their uniforms adorned with one or two accoutrements (like they did with the Klingon regalia while playing Bat'leths & BiHnuchs at the start of "The Least Dangerous Game") - What do you think?
For anyone familiar with Ulysses 31, is there anything I haven't mentioned that you'd like to see adapted to LDS? Ideas and suggestions are welcome :)
Oof! Well, I didn't get any further with 'Mariner 24' above, but I still have intentions of creating a poster. And a Dungeons and Dragons/Lower Decks poster, too! (I've recently rewatched the 80s D&D cartoon)

But before I do those, I want to come up with something for November's art challenge, "Weather the Storm". I've just had a quick mess around in Paint on the Wacom tablet I got back in April (which I haven't had time to use since then, but I'm hoping that will change now winter's here), and come up with this extremely rough-n-ready sketch:

As long as time permits, I'll have a proper go tomorrow.
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