Changes: Post Count, Policy Updates, TNZ and a New mod

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It seems that the new rules aren't too popular.

The only one that I have a problem with is the removal of the post-count from TNZ.All of the others seem fine.

Perhaps a littlemore consultation should/could have taken place.

Isn't it enough to see that the garden is beautiful, without believing that there are fairies at the bottom of it? - Douglas Adams.
That's too bad... I was thinking that I might come back here one of these days, and now what do we have? The Thought Police is running the board? I'm outta here.

"Well, that's the end of the film. Now, here's the meaning of life. Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."
Last post here. Yeah, everyone can stop cheering.
However, since some of you have stated that the BBS system is fair, I was wondering if one of you would please provide me with the access passwords to the other Lounge areas. Surely, if there is nothing of real interest, then no one will mind me having a look around. And, at the same time, I can gauge the reactions of the Lounge's members. Consider it, a Commander involved in an inspection of a part of the ship. That responsibility would have fallen to Riker; I'd like the same opportunity to make sure that everything is ship shape.
Originally posted by The Lone Ensign:
Jeez get over it already.

Fine, please submit to me the password to access your Lounge. When this is accomplished, I'll get over it. Until then, so long as the lounges bar access, I'll continue ....

But thanks any way for your concern.
Originally posted by The Mirrorball Man:
That's too bad... I was thinking that I might come back here one of these days, and now what do we have? The Thought Police is running the board? I'm outta here.

You see; I'm not the only one who views the system here as backward, and analogizes to 1984.
Wow, simply put, the post limit really sucks for me. I rather enjoyed posting in the Neutral Zone, in the intelligent topics. And I'm not a prolific poster, so that count's not going up very quickly...

I guess it'll be a while before I can enter the fray again...
What is your fixation with the lounges? Rank obession to a new high? Or would it be new low?
Originally posted by The Lone Ensign:
What is your fixation with the lounges? Rank obession to a new high? Or would it be new low?

First, I don't care who talks about me. Second, it's not rank obsession. It rank "un"obsession. I find it amusing that I rail against the BBS obsession with rank by those of high rank, and then you attempt to twist it into me being the one obsessed with rank. If you guys are so altruistic, amiable, egalitarian, then simply open up the lounges. It's that simple. A lounge is a place of social interaction. It's not a private club. Yet, this is exactly what the BBS administrators and others in the rank hierarchy want to perpetuate. It doesn't make sense. Not in a Star Trek-based forum. In fact, it's even offensive to those of us who take the egalitarian principles of series seriously.

Open it up, change it, tear it down. Just do something.
Many have expressed displeasure at the new policies, to the point of leaving the BBS. This is very distressing. Maybe we need to reconsider the entire concept of lounge restrictions and rank.
The lounges I was against in the first place, but as you are still too new to realize this, you should back up your claims, habeas. I have decided to use them to my advantage instead of whinging on the "injustice" they cause.

Besides you make no sense. The lounges are sectioned according to rank and thus opening them to everyone would invalidate that and make an extra dozen Misc forums. Maybe removing them would be a better option.
What treatment is preferential? No one (except the admins and the lounge mods) can access any lounge save their own. No one receives any preferential treatment.
Originally posted by susannah:
What treatment is preferential? No one (except the admins and the lounge mods) can access any lounge save their own. No one receives any preferential treatment.

There is preferred treatment accorded. If moderators don't recognize it, then ask higher ranking members. And even if there wasn't, the divisions in 10-Forward give the distinctive impression that such preferential treatment does exist. Lower-ranking members, for the most part, don't care who is on the Lower Decks or in other Lounges. But if you insinuate that an Ensign or Lieutenant, et. al, can access senior officer lounges, watch out! Bottom line -- whether real or not, the segregation divides BBSers. Opening it up is healthier for membership, and the BBS as a whole.
Originally posted by The Lone Ensign:
The lounges I was against in the first place, but as you are still too new to realize this, you should back up your claims, habeas. I have decided to use them to my advantage instead of whinging on the "injustice" they cause.

Besides you make no sense. The lounges are sectioned according to rank and thus opening them to everyone would invalidate that and make an extra dozen Misc forums. Maybe removing them would be a better option.

That's not true. Rank, as used in the BBS, is actually a divisive factor so long as the Lounges remain segregated. Rank is not supposed to have much meaning, beyond the number of posts made in the BBS. To then attach special "privileges" to rank, such as access to elite lounges, is inconsistent with the purpose of 10-Forward. Read the Master's posting above. There are problems in the BBS. Simply attempting to shirk these problems will not improve what's happening. Maybe I'm doing some talking, but I'm certainly not the only one out there feeling disaffected by BBS policies which establish preferential treatment for those of higher rank.
First off, I love you too, Lizard Laugh.

Second, addressing Susannah, preferred treatment encompasses:

(1) Zoning off sections of 10-Forward to allow for new members to be reduced to "The Lower Decks," while higher ranking members are afforded lounges with greater "distinction." It's inequitable, it's unfair, it's preferential.

(2) The Neutral Zone - members have to have a certain number of posts prior to being able to access it. Previously, moderators have cited that it's "for new members' own good." But there's no basis for actually doing so. Consequently, it accords favored treatment to members with over 100 posts;

(3) Number 2's concern has been somewhat eliminated by virtue of the new policies pronounced in this topic discussion. The new policies have inherently benefited those on top while hurting those below. Rank matters, ask most of your higher ranking officers. Do you want proof? I just bumped a 13 month old topic in the Commander's lounge. Your current Rear Admirals, Commodores, and Fleet Captains had the benefit, regardless of spam or not, to use the lounges to obtain higher rank. They believed, and continue to hold out such, that rank counts for further privileges in the BBS. There must be some basis for such a belief. I am aware that newer members are precluded from some type of posting abilities. There shouldn't be such distinctions in the BBS.

Back to the subject: Disallowing newer members to have the same privilege as those higher up, by collecting credit for postings. You supposedly want to encourage use of 10-Forward under its current composition. If so, then you should allow newer members (especially) the opportunity to benefit from such association.

Regardless, Susannah, you are trying to back me into a hole. I believe that moderators and administrators intend to treat all members with equal consideration when it comes to discipline or warnings. However, it is a preferred status which has developed in the BBS, whether intended by Christian & Co., or not. It is the duty of the administration to diffuse divisions and to diffuse any preferred statuses which have developed. Ending post credits in the Lounges, Miscellaneous, etc., is not a promising start.
First off, this will be my last post on this matter. I've said what I have to say numerous times, and repetition never amused me anyway. We have reached an impasse.

(1) Zoning off sections of 10-Forward to allow for new members to be reduced to "The Lower Decks," while higher ranking members are afforded lounges with greater "distinction." It's inequitable, it's unfair, it's preferential.
This "greater distinction" must be in the eye of the beholder, 'cause I sure don't see it. If you're a commander, you can post in the Commanders' Lounge; if you're a commodore, you can post in the Commodores' Lounge; and so on. You get whatever corresponds to you, not what what you think you should get or what other people think you should get, just what matches up.
(2) The Neutral Zone - members have to have a certain number of posts prior to being able to access it. Previously, moderators have cited that it's "for new members' own good." But there's no basis for actually doing so. Consequently, it accords favored treatment to members with over 100 posts;
You haven't been here long enough to see what kind of attacks have been waged on the board via TNZ. I don't mean that in a snobbish way, just a factual one.
(3) Number 2's concern has been somewhat eliminated by virtue of the new policies pronounced in this topic discussion. The new policies have inherently benefited those on top while hurting those below. Rank matters, ask most of your higher ranking officers. Do you want proof? I just bumped a 13 month old topic in the Commander's lounge. Your current Rear Admirals, Commodores, and Fleet Captains had the benefit, regardless of spam or not, to use the lounges to obtain higher rank. They believed, and continue to hold out such, that rank counts for further privileges in the BBS. There must be some basis for such a belief. I am aware that newer members are precluded from some type of posting abilities. There shouldn't be such distinctions in the BBS.
Again, these "further privileges" must be in the eye of the beholder. The only thing spamming for rank gets you -- aside from a warning -- is scorn.
Back to the subject: Disallowing newer members to have the same privilege as those higher up, by collecting credit for postings. You supposedly want to encourage use of 10-Forward under its current composition. If so, then you should allow newer members (especially) the opportunity to benefit from such association.
Look, the old situation had to be changed, for the benefit of the entire board. What other motive can you possibly conceive for implementing these new policies, especially given all the bitching that they've garnered? It is so not about depriving anyone of anything.
Regardless, Susannah, you are trying to back me into a hole. I believe that moderators and administrators intend to treat all members with equal consideration when it comes to discipline or warnings. However, it is a preferred status which has developed in the BBS, whether intended by Christian & Co., or not. It is the duty of the administration to diffuse divisions and to diffuse any preferred statuses which have developed. Ending post credits in the Lounges, Miscellaneous, etc., is not a promising start.
I'm not trying to back you into any hole. You have made allegations and demands. I have given you my views. Would you rather be ignored? As for "preferred status," if you look at the record of warnings, I think you'll find just as many high-ranking members getting warned as newer members.

susannah over and out.
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