Changes: Post Count, Policy Updates, TNZ and a New mod

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Originally posted by Reaperman:
Actually, wraitheleven just does an exceptional Reaperman impression. Better than the original, some say.


And I had such high hopes for you, my apprentice. It would seem that the time of your final testing has arrived.

You desire to be better than your master...we shall see if you will succeed.

Random Insult of the Day:
"People say that you are the perfect idiot. I say that you are not perfect but you are doing all right."

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Personally, I agree with the "all or nothing" train of thought concerning post count. You should either have posts count in all forums or none.

On a slightly less controversial note, I'll be the first person in this thread to thank plm135 for becoming a moderator. Thanks, plm135. Try not to go crazy with power too often...
(label)No, it smacks of them telling you exactly what they want you to post, where and about what. This is the part I don't understand.

That may be the effect, but the real reason behind this is too many newbies in the Admiral’s Lounge

(trek)Was that in the Who's hotter T'Pol or Seven of Nine thread? Who'd you say?

No, it was a reply to Katie in SFF. Why wouldn’t you know that?

But as for the who’s hotter thing—I definitely say T’Pol. I just love those Vulcan women…well, everything except that “sex every seven years” thing—that is kind of a bummer.

(TLE) Since when did post count matter, or ranks? Answer: Never so everyone stop whining over how they are being unfairly treated since their poor post count isn't going to go up anymore

Do you see even one person in this thread whining about post count?
so if someone crack a good joke and you reply with just "lol", that will count as spamming now.

I suppose even laugh out loud, isnt long enough.

Next time someone posts a joke remember to say,.

That was a very funny joke, I laughed a great deal, I found it very amusing, I wish you would tell another similar one soon.
so if someone crack a good joke and you reply with just "lol", that will count as spamming now.

I suppose even laugh out loud, isnt long enough.

Next time someone posts a joke remember to say,.

That was a very funny joke, I laughed a great deal, I found it very amusing, I wish you would tell another similar one soon.
It was a big mistake to take away SOME of the post count.

Either take all of it away, or none of it.

By doing some, you just alienated folks. Stupid!

I post everywhere, and don't really care. I never did care about rank. I love Trek and love talking about it. I equally love having fun in the non-Trek fora and socializing.

But there are some here who are "Trekked out" after being here a while and have found a home say in TNZ or Misc or one of the other "unworthy" fora. It seems to me that they're being told that they don't count and that they are being redirected to only worthy fora.

Oh well. Not the way I would have done it, but I wasn't asked, now was I?


----Beware Romulans bearing gifts - It's the logical thing to do!
Here's to Pon Farr, when Vulcans go TOO far!
----Half-Romulan, Half-Vulcan - Passionately logical. Or is that logically passionate?
Originally posted by label:
Agreed. It's an obvious smack in the face to the the TNZ occupants - essentially saying "your posts aren't contributing to this board." This comes from being entiterly to disconnected from what's going on in the forums.

It's not like they've been locked out. This has always struck me as the "killing rank without killing rank" option. Christian and his side of the force have elected to take the wind out of spamming with minimal changes to BBS policy and structure.

I don't see what the problem is. The only group of people effected are the ones who primarily post in TNZ/Misc/Lounges and are obbsessed with rank.

How seriously do we typically take people who fit both of those criteria?

Also, it's not like this is a democracy. It's a sole proprietorship business. (apologies if you've incorporated and I was unaware) Unless you hit him economically (site hits), every nod to the community is solely from the goodness of his heart.

You may now begin commenting on the goodness of his heart.

Originally posted by T'Bonz:
It was a big mistake to take away SOME of the post count.

Either take all of it away, or none of it.

By doing some, you just alienated folks. Stupid!

I post everywhere, and don't really care. I never did care about rank. I love Trek and love talking about it. I equally love having fun in the non-Trek fora and socializing.

But there are some here who are "Trekked out" after being here a while and have found a home say in TNZ or Misc or one of the other "unworthy" fora. It seems to me that they're being told that they don't count and that they are being redirected to only worthy fora.

Oh well. Not the way I would have done it, but I wasn't asked, now was I?

Which was pretty much what I said (only more succinct).

The last sentence does actually bring up an interesting point. Who decided on implementing the change in policy? Was it just Christian, or did the Admins vote on it? I'd really like to know, as it would be interesting to find out if any of the other Admins views differ from our increasingly absent leader.

"Spelling should be pensioned off... it terrorises human beings from birth." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Trek Talk.
The thing that irks me here is not the overwhelming amount of opposition from members ( there's a fair ammount here, but there is on everything, and dissenters are most often the loudest ), but that there are several mods who disagree with the changes as well.

I say we think about this just a TAD more.
Originally posted by Josh Lehto:
It's not like they've been locked out. This has always struck me as the "killing rank without killing rank" option.

Rank still exists...and exists just about everywhere....except TNZ. (& the lounges/misc) They aren't "killing" rank. I'd love it if they did.

Do away with rank and post counts once and for all in every forum. Let people make their own titles up.

But the moment you single out forums to lose post count, you effectively send those people a message.....your posts are worthless.

Christian and his side of the force have elected to take the wind out of spamming with minimal changes to BBS policy and structure.

One problem here.....spamming isn't really an issue in the TNZ. Yes, we have Morn and occasionally a random spammer here and there, but by and large we are spam free.

You could make a case for the Lounges since they are almost without exception all "spam". The TNZ however covers some deep and meaningful topics, moreso than any other forum on the Board hands down.

That's why I keep asking, "what exactly are we trying to accomplish by taking post count away from TNZ"? There isn't a spam problem, so why do it?

I don't see what the problem is. The only group of people effected are the ones who primarily post in TNZ/Misc/Lounges and are obbsessed with rank.

Almost nobody in the TNZ is obsessed or even cares about rank. Those who are, get persecuted and mocked relentlessly until they leave by all the regulars. TNZ is so far from Misc and Lounges in content it's ridiculous to even compare them.

"If God dropped acid, would he see people?"

"If I melt dry ice, can I take a bath without getting wet?"

[This message has been edited by label (edited October 16, 2001).]
Originally posted by Reaperman:
The irony of this position, is that Christian himself gave the infamous Red Quacker an 'illegal' lifetime ban.

Christian should show a little fairness and unban this poor fellow.

"There were brave men a plenty all well known to fame who served in the ranks of the Czar, bababa bababab bababa ba baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......"
Spamming: A sentence added to the spamming clause: 'Posts without real content or relevance to the discussion or forum may also be considered spam.'

What? What? WHAT?

Originally posted by label:
Rank still exists...and exists just about everywhere....except TNZ. (& the lounges/misc) They aren't "killing" rank. I'd love it if they did.

It's dead as I've known it. My count has gone up "1" in the last 24 hours. Trust me, people won't rise through the ranks like they used to. Read my next few editions of From the Ranks and you'll see what I meant by rank being "killed".

Do away with rank and post counts once and for all in every forum. Let people make their own titles up.

Holiday Golightly is a Viscountess in my database, as a gift. I am loathe to say I would keep track of such a thing, but its a possibility.

But the moment you single out forums to lose post count, you effectively send those people a message.....your posts are worthless.

The people who base that much of their self-knowledge on their social status in this BBS have, IMO, just as serious an issue as those who obssess over rank. I really do see the changes merely as a method to reduce server glut by making a decision not to encourage over-posting. The value call can be debated, but I think the rule of 'which goes first to save the server' was largely based on the blue letters at the top of this screen.

One problem here.....spamming isn't really an issue in the TNZ. Yes, we have Morn and occasionally a random spammer here and there, but by and large we are spam free.

Then reverse the equation. Some were worried about Spam from TNZ spilling over into Misc. People should have been more worried about the reverse. If Misc had been eliminated and TNZ spared, it would have forced some of the rank-obssessed Misc traffic into TNZ. The personalities of the forums are different, but transitioning between them is very easy.

Also, were these changes so much motivated by 'spamming' as they were by a need to reduce excess server activity? There may not be much spamming in TNZ, but there was huge traffic. Also Misc... (Also Ent, but whatcha gonna do?) Now that server glut has been has been relieved of those who were in it for the rank - nothing more.


Mister Fleet Captain 2001

Dead serious - they voted...

[This message has been edited by Josh Lehto (edited October 16, 2001).]
Originally posted by T'Bonz:
It was a big mistake to take away SOME of the post count.

Either take all of it away, or none of it.

By doing some, you just alienated folks. Stupid!

I post everywhere, and don't really care. I never did care about rank. I love Trek and love talking about it. I equally love having fun in the non-Trek fora and socializing.

But there are some here who are "Trekked out" after being here a while and have found a home say in TNZ or Misc or one of the other "unworthy" fora. It seems to me that they're being told that they don't count and that they are being redirected to only worthy fora.

Oh well. Not the way I would have done it, but I wasn't asked, now was I?


Such wisdom!!!! I've been reading T'Bonz's posts. Can she be our new leader??? Please!!!!!!
I don't why I'm bothering, since this isn't considered a "real" post.

But the changes to post count are illogical. If post count doesn't matter (as the administration stated constantly), than why haven't it been done away with? It's clear that post count does matter, as it's being used to punish those who post in TNZ, Misc and the lounges, because it's not "Trek" discussion.

Oh, well, I'm going to Ent to discuss T'Pol's tits, since that is apparently the kinds of discussion TPTB want on this board.

Admiral Dave

"Logic dictates you're a dumbass." - What happens when you combine Spock and Red.
for the record, let me re-iterate my approach to TNZ.

You will rarely see me as moderator. you will see me as poster since i have to read every post i might as well post right?

I for one DIDNT want moderation in TNZ but accepted the job in part to insure that someone without a sense of what TNZ was about wouldnt do other words, i wanna leave TNZ almost the same way it isnow...just cut out porn links or severe trolling or serious spam.

the basic witty reparte, moderate flaming, questions about parentage will still for the most part be allowed as part of the normal "TNZ experience" (TM).
And, as the mod and admins are so keen to point out, if the post count is really meaningless past 100, why havent they all volunteered to have their counts reduced to that number? You really should lead by example boys and girls. Unlees, of course, the post count does matter to you. In that case, why shouldnt it matter to everyone else?
I can only speak for myself (hear that, Indi?
), but the reason I have made no such offer is b/c that would imply that I gave a shit about what it is. I don't. In fact, I haven't the foggiest clue what it is or where I am in the top 50, either. Besides, did you miss the fact that we just recently changed our titles from Admiral and Fleet Admiral to Moderator and Admin, respectively? We did that to try to make it not seem as if we were special in rank. And, FYI, almost every single mod and admin campaigned for that.

Jethro, you couldn't be more wrong about the Admirals' Lounge thing. These changes were being mulled over long before that little episode.

habeas, since these are all changes to The Policy, as in that blue link to the right of your screen, that's the first place I'd look for the stuff on the Lounges.
Originally posted by Neroon:
...damned if you do.... damned if you don't

No one was THAT damned until they did.

Originally posted by admiraldave:
If post count doesn't matter (as the administration stated constantly), than why haven't it been done away with?

They lied to us. Which is the worst part of this. After ASSURING us rank means nothing, they turn around and slap us in the face and make it mean something.
Originally posted by label:
One problem here.....spamming isn't really an issue in the TNZ. Yes, we have Morn and occasionally a random spammer here and there, but by and large we are spam free.

Am I the spam guy?? INCREDIBLE!!!!

We all perceive the world in different manners!!!
Wow life is really interrestng!!!

I don't thing that I am a smapper!
cause I dont spot to spam.
Absolut vodka, written in blue.
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